2023 Term 3 Week 3 Friday 28 July 2023
Acknowledgement of Country
Prayer for Catholic Education Week
From the Principal
College Board - Expressions of Interest
Identity & Outreach
Subject Selection Process for 2024
Arts Department
Science Matters
English Department
Creative Writing Story - by a Newman College Year 7 Student
Creative Writing Story- by a Newman College Year 7 Student
Sport News
HASS Department
F@N News - President's Report
2023 Catholic Education Feedback Survey
Acknowledgement of Country

We acknowledge the Yirrganydji and Djabugay peoples, as the traditional owners of this land and pay respect to their elders, past, present, and emerging for they hold the memories, the traditions, the culture and hopes of Aboriginal Australia who educated their children in this area. We show respect for their history, their culture, and our shared future.
We will always remember that under the concrete, steel and asphalt of this College, this land is, was, and always will be traditional Aboriginal land.
JCU Nguma-bada Campus - "Place for tomorrow's Learning Knowledge and Wisdom"
Yirryay (Yirrganydgi landuage, coastal dialect of Djabugay.
Prayer for Catholic Education Week
May we work to ensure that all those involved in Catholic Education be given opportunities to flourish and that Catholic School communities embody, and live out the theological virtues of Faith, Hope and Love. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord.
From the Principal

Dr Lauretta Graham
Dear Families of Newman Catholic College
Life is make up of tiny building blocks that grow into amazing outcomes when nurtured and appreciated.
Seed Packets of 26, 12 and 10.
Twenty Six. Every word we write and speak in English is made up of the same 26 letters. A great novel and a birthday card for your child are created from those same 26 letters. The first task in learning to read and write is mastering those 26 symbols and the sounds they represent.
Twelve. The number of notes on the musical scale: C, D, E, F, G, A and B, plus five flats and equivalent sharps between. For centuries, composers have worked these twelve tones into humanity’s soundtrack. A Beethoven symphony, a Stephen Sondeim musical, a Beatle tune – all are created from the same 12 notes.
Ten. Actually the number of numbers is infinite, but ten is where we all start. Our adventures in math stared with learning the numerals, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 and the quantities they represent. From there it was on to fractions and measurements, algebra and geometry. A few of us moved on to rocket science – but most of us manage to use those ten numbers (often with the help of a calculator) to balance our bank account, track our finances and measure whatever quantities we’re working with.
The great events and moments of live begin with such “mustard seeds”: simple, common symbols that we learn to create great works for the benefit of all. In today’s gospel, Jesus calls us to embrace a faith that is centred in the hope of life’s mustard seeds: to realise the presence of God in the smallest, most hidden moments; to ignite a spark of God’s light in the midst of unremitting darkness and pain; to reveal God’s mercy in focused, visible ways, no matter how simple or small.
My wish for all our families, staff and students for this term is simply that we all become more aware of the blessings we have at Newman Catholic College, and we fully appreciate the “mustard seeds” that make up our wonderful community culture and appreciate the multitude of events, blessings, moments that light up our lives here at Newman.
With Every Blessing
Lauretta Graham

World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly
In 2021, Pope Francis established the celebration of the World Day for Grandparents and Elderly on the fourth Sunday of July, near the liturgical memorial of Saints Joachim and Anne, the grandparents of Jesus (July 26). The theme for the 2023 celebration selected by the Pope is “His mercy is from age to age” (Lk 1:50).

College Board - Expressions of Interest
Due to a current vacancy on the College Board we are calling for expressions of interest from community members who feel that they would like to be involved a in decision-making role in certain policy areas and an advisory role in others. The College Board collaborates within its college community to identify, enunciate, nurture and celebrate the special religious charism of the college.
Please see below further information on the College Board. If this is something that piques your interest please contact Yvette - call 4047 6000 or email office.newman@cns.catholic.edu.au to set up a time to speak with Dr Graham.
Identity & Outreach

Mr Tim Chapman
Newman Catholic College held our NAIDOC celebrations on Wednesday 12 July to honour and recognise the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. This was a wonderful opportunity for us to learn about First Nations cultures and histories and participate in celebrations of the oldest, continuous living cultures on earth.
The 2023 National NAIDOC Week theme was For Our Elders. Across every generation, Elders have played, and continue to play, an important role and hold a prominent place in communities and families. They are cultural knowledge holders, trailblazers, nurturers, advocates, teachers, survivors, leaders, hard workers and loved ones.
They guide younger generations, not only through advocacy and activism, but in everyday life. Strength is drawn from their knowledge and experience, in everything from land management, cultural knowledge to justice and human rights. Across multiple sectors like health, education, the arts, politics and everything in between, they have set many courses that are followed today.
Our celebrations started with an assembly where we were privileged to be welcomed to Yirrganydji country by local elders Uncle Bernie Singleton and Mercy Baird. They also shared stories and wisdom with us. We were then treated to a mesmerising performance from the Tjapukai dance group who told cultural stories through movement.
Following the assembly we shared food and then participated in a variety of cultural activities including dance, spear throwing demonstration, art, chalk drawing, indigenous games, and film. Teachers and students engaged in the activities with enthusiasm and respect.
I would like to thank Celeste Miller, our Indigenous Liaison Officer for her hard work in coordinating our facilitators and special guests. I also thank Peter Coulter for leading our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) committee and his involvement in creating a vision for the day.
As we continue to celebrate the achievements and contributions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in all fields, be it art, music, sports, academia, or community leadership. It is my hope that we can learn from their wisdom and traditional knowledge, which hold valuable lessons for our shared future.
God Bless
Tim Chapman
Deputy Principal – Identity and Outreach

Subject Selection Process for 2024

Mr Wilbur Donovan
Subject Selection Evening: An Important Milestone for Year 8 Students
As we navigate the educational journey together, a pivotal event is on the horizon for our Year 8 students – the Year 9 Subject Selection Evening. The choices our students make at this stage are more than just a decision on which subjects to study next year. They are the initial steps on the path towards future aspirations.
Year 9 is a time of growth and discovery, where students start to explore their interests and passions in depth. The subjects chosen during this time can act as stepping stones for the senior phase of learning. Our Year 9 and 10 subjects have been thoughtfully designed to provide a solid foundation for the courses available in Years 11 and 12. They can influence the options students have for senior subject selections, tertiary courses, and potential career paths.
Here's a brief outline of the upcoming milestones in our subject selection process:
Week 7 (22 August): Year 8 students and their families will receive the Subject Selection Handbook, carefully compiled by our teaching team. This guide provides an in-depth look at each subject, its course content, and costs associated with the subject. Concurrently, we'll host pastoral consultations with learner mentors in Learning Mentor Groups (LMGs), supporting students in identifying their strengths, interests, and goals.
Monday Week 8 (28 August): Subject Selection Information Evening is the highlight of our subject selection process. Key middle leaders in the college will present information about their relevant portfolios to describe what Years 9 and 10 will look like at NCC. This will be followed by individual subject presentations. This event also allows parents and students to engage with teachers, gather additional insights about subjects, and ask any burning questions. We will share more details as we approach the date as well as an RSVP process.
Tuesday Week 8 (29 August): The Year 9 Subject Selection process will officially open.
We understand that subject selection can feel like a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. Our dedicated team of educators, including myself, are here to support each student in navigating their options and making informed decisions.
As parents and guardians, your role is instrumental in guiding and supporting your child through this process. We encourage you to take an active part in the conversations about subject selection, aligning your child's choices with their strengths and future goals.
Stay tuned for more information about the upcoming Subject Selection Evening. As always, feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns about the subject selection process. We are here to help and look forward to partnering with you in this exciting phase of your child's educational journey.
Subject selections for Years 7 & 8 students for 2024 will be conducted in Term 4.
Wilbur Donovan
Deputy Principal - Academic Studies
Arts Department

Mrs Katherine Fraser
The Arts Flourish at Newman Catholic College
Greetings to all students, staff, and parents of Newman Catholic College! As I return from my maternity leave, I am filled with gratitude for the overwhelming support I have received from the college's leadership team, the dedicated staff, and, of course, the wonderful students. I would like to extend a special thanks to Mrs Challis for her outstanding leadership as the Acting Head of Arts during my absence. Your hard work and dedication have made a significant impact.
Winter Music Concert Success
Last term, our talented students showcased their musical prowess at the Winter Music Concert, and it was nothing short of exceptional. I would like to offer my heartfelt congratulations to all the students and staff who participated. The following groups delivered captivating performances: Year 7 Concert Band, Year 7 Strings, College String Ensemble, College Concert Band (Symphonics), and the Music Production Crew. We owe a debt of gratitude to Mrs Challis, Ms Welser, Mr Pols, Mr Chandler and all the College staff who made this event possible. Moreover, a big thank you goes out to all the families who attended the concert to support our budding musicians. As we look ahead, we eagerly anticipate the next concert at the end of Semester 2, titled "Summer Sounds."
Unleashing Creativity through Music Sound Production
In recent weeks, our Music Sound Production course has been generating some serious beats at Newman. With the acquisition of four Numark Controllers, students are now able to explore the art of DJing. It is worth noting that performing on DJ equipment is an approved QCAA instrument in the music curriculum. We extend our sincere appreciation to Mr Ellison for his efforts in launching this innovative electronic music course. Through this program, our students are gaining valuable skills and broadening their musical horizons.

DJing at Newman

Dragon Exhibition awarded First Prize at the Cairns Show
Congratulations to Frankie Edkins for her outstanding achievement in securing 1st place at the recent Cairns Show. Last week, Frankie's remarkable clay dragons were recognised and awarded first place during the annual exhibition hosted by the Cairns Show Association.
We are incredibly proud of Frankie's talent and dedication, which shone brightly among the many exhibits on display. Her prestigious dragons captured the hearts and admiration of the judges and visitors alike.

Congratulations to Frankie for her wonderful clay dragons
Dance Academy Shines Brightly
The Dance Academy is in full swing once again at Newman Catholic College. Under the guidance of Ms Matthews, this centre of excellence operates after school on Wednesdays. We eagerly await the captivating performances that the students will bring forth in Semester 2. Ms Matthews joined our College last term, and her presence has invigorated the world of dance within our community. Together with Holy Cross, our Project Learning for Semester 2 will incorporate kinder dance, music, and cheerleading, culminating in an integrated production that promises to be nothing short of spectacular.
Immersing in Visual Arts
We have an exciting event on the horizon for our Visual Arts enthusiasts. This week we had the privilege of hosting artist Brian Robinson as our Artist in Residence. Mr Robinson, a highly talented artist, will showcase his skills in lino making alongside 47 Newman Catholic College students. This in-school activity is made possible by the diligent efforts of Ms Woods, to whom we extend our heartfelt thanks for organizing such a wonderful opportunity.
As we dive into the semester ahead, let us embrace the artistic endeavours that await us at Newman Catholic College. The Arts are a vital part of our education, fostering creativity, self-expression, and personal growth. Let us continue to support and celebrate the talent and dedication of our students, teachers, and staff who make the arts thrive within our community.
Wishing you all a semester filled with artistic inspiration and achievements!
Warm regards
Katherine Fraser
Leader of Arts
Artist In Residence - Brian Robinson

Science Matters

Mr Matt Radburnd
Greetings, Newman Catholic College families and welcome to Term 3. This term promises to raise scientific curiosity amongst our students and lead them on a journey of discovery through a number of hands-on learning activities, competitions and excursions.
Year 7 Science
Year 7 students are kicking off with a unit on chemistry and have already started to explore essential concepts such as particle theory, properties of matter, and the art of separating mixtures. Students will learn how to separate mixtures based on their physical and chemical properties, using specialised scientific equipment. They will put their critical thinking skills and knowledge to use with a separation challenge later in the term.
Another highlight on the term calendar for the Year 7s will be a visit to JCU during National Science Week. Students will be guided through a number of scientific laboratories where experts in their fields will expose students to some of the cutting-edge research that is underway at the universities. The excursion will include a tour of the Australian Institute of Tropical Health and Medicine and Australian Tropical Herbarium and we may even get to see our very own Miss Seifert working in her other role as a molecular biologist creating vaccines.
Year 8 Science
This term, the Year 8’s will gain a deeper understanding of their own bodies as they navigate through a unit on Biology. Students will dive into the fascinating complexities that make up living organisms and through interactive lessons and engaging discussions, they will unravel the secrets of cells, their functions, and how they work together to form intricate body systems.
To enhance their learning experience, our Year 8 students will have the opportunity to participate in hands-on dissections and physiology labs. By utilising cutting-edge tools such as the PASCO data loggers, they will collect and analyse data to gain valuable insights into the workings of the human body. These experiences will not only deepen their understanding of biology but hopefully also ignite a passion for exploring life sciences.
As an extension to their studies, Mr Johnson will be preparing his science class to participate in the University of Queensland’s Wonder of Science competition. The program inspires students to engage in rigorous, real-world learning and to aspire for excellence in STEM. Students develop critical and creative thinking skills as they are challenged to develop a group response to a real-world problem or scenario. Students will present their challenge task response at a regional student conference, with winning teams advancing to the state conference in Brisbane.
Marine Science
Our Year 7 and Year 8 Marine Science students have a busy and thrilling term ahead. The Year 7 students have already begun planning their group aquaponics systems. They will raise and care for fish while cultivating herbs and vegetables in a sustainable and symbiotic environment. This hands-on experience will provide them with a deeper understanding of ecological balance, the nitrogen cycle and the importance of sustainable food production.
Meanwhile, the Year 8 Marine Science students will be honing valuable rescue and advanced snorkel skills. In Week 5, they will put their newfound skills to use during an exciting visit to the Smithfield pool. These skills will provide another step towards achieving their PADI Open water diver certification in future years.
Newman Catholic College has been honoured by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority for our outstanding commitment to the Reef Guardian Schools Program. We are proud to announce that a group of our students have been selected to present at the prestigious Pacific Coral Reef Collective Conference in August. They will showcase our positive efforts in promoting and safeguarding the future of the Great Barrier Reef before an esteemed audience of international delegates from the Pacific Region.
As always, we encourage parents to support their children's scientific endeavors by fostering curiosity, engaging in discussions about scientific topics, and exploring related activities outside of school. Our Science team wishes you all a successful term filled with scientific wonders and extraordinary discoveries!
Matt Radburnd
Leader of Science
Year 8 Science

English Department

Ms Monika Borowiecki
This term in English we are studying the following:
Year 7: Students are studying protest poetry and songs and will create an anthology of poetry/songs that they will analyse.
Year 8: Students are examining how teenagers are represented in various media texts. They will create a spoken presentation where they analyse different teenage representations in texts.
To ensure that there is an even distribution of students across classes, we have had a few changes occur to classes this semester.
Year 7 | Year 8 |
7ENG1 – Miss Monika Borowiecki mborowieck@cns.catholic.edu.au 7ENG2 – Mrs Fiona Duffy fduffy@cns.catholic.edu.au 7ENG3 – Mrs Kate Lynam klynam@cns.catholic.edu.au and Mr Sam Hughes shughes2@cns.catholic.edu.au 7ENG4 – Miss Monika Borowiecki mborowieck@cns.catholic.edu.au 7ENG5 - Mrs Fiona Duffy fduffy@cns.catholic.edu.au and 7ENG6 – Mrs Emma Zell ezell@cns.catholic.edu.au and | 8ENG1 – Miss Monika Borowiecki mborowieck@cns.catholic.edu.au 8ENG2 – Mrs Fiona Duffy fduffy@cns.catholic.edu.au 8ENG3 – Mrs Kate Lynam klynam@cns.catholic.edu.au and 8ENG4 – Miss Lucy Dixon ldixon2@cns.catholic.edu.au 8ENG5 - Mrs Emma Zell ezell@cns.catholic.edu.au and 8ENG6 – Miss Monika Borowiecki mborowieck@cns.catholic.edu.au, |
If you have any questions regarding class changes, please contact me to discuss this. Alternatively, if you have any questions and/or concerns regarding your child’s progress in English, it is best to contact the classroom teacher.
All lessons are available on Canvas. Students are highly encouraged to stay up to date with their learning to ensure they achieve success for the subject.
Extra-curricular news:
There is an opportunity for students to create and present a speech on one of the following topics at a speaking competition to be held in October at Cairns State High School.
- Pay it forward
- A phenomenal event
- An inspirational person
- Children are not the people of tomorrow, but are people of today
- To thine own self be true
Speeches are required to go for four minutes. First, second and third prizes will receive a cash prize. I have had very little student interest in this, so please encourage your child to come and see me.
Our teams have concluded their debates this year and we congratulate them on their efforts. Thank you to Year 7 student James Dang, who displayed unity by stepping in to assist the Year 8 team with their last debate. A special mention to Year 7 student Harriet Aitken, who displayed courage at her team’s debate when she had to unexpectedly step in to speak for another student who couldn’t make it. I am still seeking expressions of interest for students who wish to partake in debating next year.
Finally, last semester we trialled running English help after school and during lunches. Unfortunately, we had minimal student interest in this, so we have decided to cancel offering English help. If students seek additional assistance, they need to speak with their English teacher directly.
Monika Borewiecki
Leader of English

College Debating Team - Caitlin Wong, Alicia Stumer and James Dang
Harriet Aitken
Creative Writing Story - by a Newman College Year 7 Student
The Box. The Door. The Crumbling Brick.
Ever heard a slow, painless scream of terror, death, and salvation during the night? That’s what this story is all about.
You walk down the street at roughly 2:53 pm, and you feel the intense stare of someone, no, no. Something. A knock twice constantly surrounds you, following you, you realise that it's been there the whole time, but your mind is pushing forward to your point of focus. You ask yourself, “Why now? Why show me signs of danger when I’m completely alone in an abandoned street.” The words you chose shatter the ice, and you realise, Danger, Abandoned, I’m Completely Alone. The coat of safety suddenly disappears as the door opens.
You stopped at least ten minutes ago. How did you suddenly arrive here? It calls you to enter. You don’t know why, but gravity seemed to shift as the box's shadow envelopes you in a fear that could only mean one thing. You pull out your phone, turn on the flashlight and see the peeling wallpaper and the old brick beneath it. It starts to peel the brick away, too. You fall into an endless void with memories and possibilities of what could have been. Death seemed to be crawling around your body, soul, and memories.
As you slowly fall, you feel the grim man’s laugh. It fills your whole body and starts to tremble. Fear is an understatement. The reaper takes advantage of your fears and sends them all right now to rain down hell. He tells you, “I’m sorry you seem quite nice, but it's time to let go.” It all starts to make sense as you begin to remember that road, the knocking, and EVERYTHING comes back to you.
You remember the impact of the car on your back, the endless scream taunting you at this halfway point through death, and the crunch as your bones crack under the pressure of the vehicle. That scream from the start was you, me the “Narrator” I’ve been trying to tell you. Three. Steps. To. The. Right.
I’m the “Grim Reaper”. I’m quite nice. I’ve been trying to save everyone this whole time, I was the knock, and I am genuinely sorry for this. But you get the “Special Privilege” I give to those I regret having to take.
You awoke to create your dreams as an “Afterlife” of sorts. Rest, enjoy, and create. This is your reward; I’ll be here If you ever need to talk about…
Well Going back for a second chance. You create the world, the rules, and I send you back.
Author - Anonymous
Creative Writing Story- by a Newman College Year 7 Student
The City
The sounds of people fill the walls of the bustling city, cars zoom past occasionally stopping for the umbrella-topped people rush across the white striped crossing, somehow out of this bustling city, a blue door, unlike all of the perfect unflawed walls this door has flaking paint and blood stained walls, as I take a step towards the door the noises of people and cars fade out almost like they’re getting blurred out from reality, or I’m getting blurred from reality. I find myself reaching to the door and turning the handle, and stepping inside, only for the door to shut abruptly behind me, I stand there shocked, too scared to turn around I walk forward spotting a small box in the center of the room, a white light points downward, it’s quite intimidating… the sight of nothing but a box. What was this place? I forced myself to walk forwards no matter what, too scared to look backwards, I keep reaching forwards seeing the light getting brighter as I move closer, as I reached the box, I notice more detail of it…it’s a dark crimson box, it’s sent is a smell of burnt firewood, the smell makes me feel different then I did before, was this some kind of nightmare?! Because I hated it, all dark and not a single sign on life but you…why did I enter this stupid door? You know what they say, curiosity killed the cat, but in this case, curiosity killed you…a noise is heard behind you, and with reflex you turn towards the sound just to see darkness, you turn back to the box and open it, a key is inside of the crimson box, you take it out reading the note under it, lift the box escape in time. Under the box is a keyhole, without hesitating I place the key inside the hole and turn it, before I could move, I feel the floor crumble beneath me. I gasp before I fall to through the decaying floor. Everything is black, a loud beeping sound is inside my brain, and flowing outside my ears, I must’ve hit my head when I fell…or am I dead? I seem to be trapped inside an endless void. I soon realize as the beeping fades out that it’s another dark room, but the floor isn’t smooth tile like the upper level, it’s soft grass, as I feel around more, I feel the trunk of a tree, something falls above my head, it’s wet…I look up, my heart stops beating as I see the stuff of nightmares, two glowing white eyes meet mine, it’s sharp white teeth dripping with blood, I make the wrong decision, I blink. Time stops, the creature is paused in time about to slash my throat, I walk backwards bumping into the tree, pink glowing flowers fall form the shaken tree and into my hands, the universe is favoring me, just as death was an inch away time stopped…my eyes widen, no, no, what if I’m dead, these death thoughts were common now, all these experiences, feel like they’ve been going on for years, and what if they have…what if we’re all stuck in an endless loop of time, that goes round and round and never stopping, does the universe ever get ick of playing it? A child is born, they live their life, until they find love, they have another child, and as the child’s life goes on the parents die, really, how are we blessed to live? I find my hand reaching for a sharp object, I close my eyes, it’s time to end my time loop, I stab the silver piece of metal into my chest, I look at my blood-soaked hands, falling backwards, my vision fades to black…but no, no it’s not over…
Author - Anonymous
Sport News

Zane Dockray
We were blessed with perfect blue skies and sunshine for our Athletics Carnival held on the last Wednesday of Term 2. Each House showed a fantastic display of competitive spirit as they participated in a multitude of events over the course of the day.
It was great to see the students joining in with so much enthusiasm in both the competitive and participation events. So much passion, determination and sportsmanship displayed throughout the whole day.
Thanks to all the staff and parents who assisted on the day, helping, supporting and encouraging our students. Thanks to the staff who came in early to set up and pack up at the end of the day. It was a truly rewarding and successful day.
Congratulations to the following students who were Age Champions from our Athletics Carnival held at Barlow Park.
12 Year Girls – Gemma, Jessica and Marleah
12 Year Boys – Jacob, Riley and Asher
13 Year Girls – Saffryn, Mia T and Talytha
13 Year Boys – Satchin, Riley and Jai
14 Year Girls – Carmen, Claire and Gemma
14 Year Boys – Oisin, Daniel and Kyle
15 Year Girls – Evie
Congratulations to Green House who were victorious in claiming the title of 2023 House Champions and they also won the Champion House Spirit trophy. Well done to all students who showed great house spirit.

12 Years Girls - Age Champions

12 Years Boys - Age Champions

13 Years Girls - Age Champions

13 Years Boys - Age Champions

14 & 15 Years Girls - Age Champions

14 Years Boys - Age Champions

House & Newman Spirit Champions - Green House
Peninsula Representation
Well done to Bo Fridolf who travelled to Gladstone with the 12 Years Peninsula Rugby League team to participate in the QLD Secondary Schools Rugby League Championships. Bo played 6 games over the competition and said they had a 3 wins and 3 losses. He said it was a great experience and he competed against some very strong, fast and skilled opposition. What a great experience for Bo and we look forward to seeing him compete for Newman later this terms in the Rugby League 9’s.
Well done to Carmen Matthews who travelled to Harvey Bay with the Peninsula Cross-Country team to compete in the QLD Secondary Schools Cross-Country Competition. Carmen ran a personal best time in the 4km course and was very proud of her results. Carmen also ran in the Cross-Country relay team where 3 runners each complete a 1.5km leg of the course. Carmen trains very hard to be a competitive runner and we congratulate and admire her dedication and success.

Carmen Matthews competing at the State Cross Country Championships in Hervey Bay

Bo Fridolf at the Qld Secondary Schools Rugby League Championships
Netball Gala Day Winners
Congratulations to the Newman Netball Academy team on winning our first trophy, not just for the team but for the College! The team were undefeated at the Smithfield Gala Day netball event.
As a new and developing College we place importance on celebrating our firsts as it is not only about the events themselves but also about fostering a sense of belonging and pride within the College community.
This trophy is just the beginning of many more accomplishments to come!
Congratulations to Tia for be named MVP, and a big thank you to Ms Zell for coaching the team.

Netball Gala Team

MVP - Tia Weller
Upcoming Sporting Events
Good luck to our Newman Track and Field representatives at next week’s TCN Championships to be held at Barlow Park on Wednesday 3 and Thursday 4 August. Students were selected in this team based on their results at our College Athletics Carnival.
Good luck to our teams in next week's FNQ Futsal titles held at Redlynch Indoor Sports Stadium. Well done to those students that came to the trials and congratulations to those students who were selected in the teams. It is great to have students supporting our Sports Academy programs and unfortunately not everyone can be selected in a team but keep working hard and doing your best.
Monday 31 July – 13 Years Boys (Mr Millward)
Tuesday 1 August – 14 Years Girls (Mr Berry)
Thursday 3 August – 14 years Boys (Mr Chapman)
Newman Catholic College Term 3 Sports Calendar
Event: | Date: |
TCN Track and Field @ Barlow Park All day | Week 4 Wednesday - Thursday August 2 & 3 |
FNQ School Futsal Titles 13 Boys 14 Girls 14 Boys (clash with TCN) | Week 4 Monday July 31 Tuesday August 1 Thursday August 3 |
Touch Gala Day @ SSHS 2 teams | Week 5 Thursday August 10 |
Fowlers Cup Netball Girls (2 teams - Grade 7 & 8) | Week 7 Friday 25 August |
TCN Cricket 13-15 Boys @ St Andrews CC After school | Week 8 Tuesday 29 August |
Year 8 OED Overnight camp – Davies Creek | Week 8 Wednesday 30 July – Thursday 31 July |
3x3 Basketball Gala Day SSHS (5 teams = 3 boys / 2 girls teams) | Week 10 Friday September 15 |
Outdoor Education
The Year 8 Outdoor Education - Lightweight Camping subject has been such a success.
Students lessons in school culminated in some epic hiking and overnight camping adventures at Davies Creek. Whilst navigating some tricky and challenging terrain hiking to Turtle Head Rock they were rewarded with beautiful views and secluded swimming holes that Dinden National Park has to offer.
The adventures have been mentally and physically demanding, but overall extremely rewarding. The students have learned the value of working together whilst developing their leadership and campcraft skills.
A big thank you to Mr Dockray as well as Mr McMahon and Mrs Duffy who make these invaluable experiences possible for our students.
The Year 7 Outdoor Education students have been Mountain Biking across Newman College, JCU campus and the trails and tracks at the Smithfield Mountain Bike Park. Students have learnt basic skills and safety to work their way from introductory green trail rides up to intermediate blue trails. This subject aims to give all students the opportunities to access and enjoy the world class mountain biking facilities that we have in our backyard and promote outdoor recreation throughout life.
Year 8 Outdoor Education Camp to Davies Creek

Year 7 Outdoor Ed - Mountain biking

Duke of Edinburgh Bridge Award
This term Mr Dockray will be coordinating the Duke of Edinburgh Bridge Award for any students wishing to complete this program. The Bridge Award is a positive youth development program that is both fun and challenging. It offers young people the opportunity to gain new skills, improve their physical fitness, participate in community service and develop a spirit of adventure.
The cost of the program is $60. Upon enrolment students receive a Bridge Award Record Book to log their hours of activities. Students also need to complete an adventurous journey which will be a half day return hike to one of the many awesome bushwalking trails we have in Cairns. In the future students will have the opportunity to complete the Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards as part of the Duke of Edinburgh program. To collect an application, please email Mr Dockray or collect the form from the College Reception.
To find out more about this program follow the link below
Looking forward to another successful term in Sport!
Mr Dockray
Head of HPE and Sport
Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.
Hebrews 12:1
HASS Department

Ms Lucy Dixon
Term 2 was brimming with engaging activities, insightful discussions, and opportunities for our young minds to explore and grow within the Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) Department. Let's take a moment to highlight some of the remarkable experiences our students had during this term.
Year 7
Our Year 7 students delved into the captivating concepts of "Water in the World" and "Place and Liveability" in their local context. Through interactive lessons and projects, they deepened their understanding of water as a precious resource and its vital role in sustaining life. With a focus on our local environment, they explored ways to enhance liveability and the importance of preserving natural ecosystems.
A highlight of Term 2 was the visit of Associate Professor Lisa Law from James Cook University. She captivated our students with an insightful discussion on how our local water management practices impact the iconic Great Barrier Reef. The focus on sustainable development practices at Smithfield Village developments left a lasting impression on our young minds, inspiring them to consider their role in protecting the environment.

Visit by Professor Lisa Law

Year 8
In Year 8, our students embarked on two exciting units. The first unit centred around geographical phenomena, with a special focus on Volcanoes and Earthquakes in New Zealand. Through immersive learning experiences, our students discovered the impact of these natural events and explored strategies for their management.
In the second unit, our Year 8 students explored the realm of Urban Design. They were tasked with planning a development for a parcel of land at JCU after being inspired by Associate Professor Lisa Law's insights. This hands-on approach to urban planning allowed them to apply their knowledge creatively, fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
As Term 2 came to a close, the Year 8 students have eagerly begun to prepare for their upcoming adventure - the Canberra and Perisher Civics and Ski Tour. This exciting opportunity promises to be an unforgettable experience, blending learning with fun, as they explore the nation's capital and enjoy the snowy slopes of Perisher.
We are incredibly proud of our Year 8 students, who took the initiative to host a successful Bunnings BBQ fundraiser over the weekend to raise funds for the upcoming trip. Their dedication and hard work exemplified the HASS Department's commitment to community engagement and supporting educational endeavours.
Warm regards
Lucy Dixon
Leader of Learning - HASS
Bunnings Sausage Sizzle Fundraiser

F@N News - President's Report

Mr Ray Cowan
F@N President
Hi Families of Newman, my name is Ray Cowan & I am the new President of the F@N committee at Newman Catholic College.
Newman is a great college and I am happy to be a part of this committee and looking forward to meeting you all at our upcoming events.
The F@N Committee this year is all new and we have an energetic, happy team ready to assist in making our College:
- More family orientated - bringing families of Newman closer together with fun events
- Assisting in providing additional equipment, seats etc for the students
We welcome you to attend our F@N Meetings held on the 2nd Tuesday of every month. A reminder is sent out prior to these meetings so keep a look out. We look forward to seeing new faces and ideas that you may have to help enrich the school. We can be contacted via email at ncc.families@cns.catholic.edu.au or through our Facebook page and this year we have introduced Year 7 & Year 8 parent representatives who you can contact directly with your thoughts or if you have any questions regarding the college.
We are excited about our first event presented by the F@N Committee, its a FREE Movie Night on the oval at Newman on Friday 25 August 2023, starting at 5:30pm. Bring the whole family along with picnic rugs/blankets or chairs and a picnic dinner. There will be a sausage sizzle, popcorn and drinks for sale as well. A Parent Slip has been sent to all families requesting that if you are interested in attending, please complete the Parent Slip to assist us with catering numbers. More information to follow in the coming weeks so keep an eye out!
The committee is also looking at an end of year event to celebrate and congratulate the teachers and students on their achievements for the year. Information on this event will be distributed in the coming months.
I look forward to meeting each and everyone and please come and say hi if you see me at school. I love meeting new people.
God bless and well wishes
Ray Cowan
President - F@N Committee
2023 Catholic Education Feedback Survey
This year's College Feedback Surveys (previously known as Satisfaction Surveys) are now available for parents to complete.
Each parent will have received an email from Catholic Education Diocese of Cairns with access to the survey via a link. It will expire on Friday 4 August 2023. The survey should take around 30 minutes to complete.
Your feedback will be used for College improvement processes – it is highly valuable.
The information you provide in the survey remains strictly confidential and is de-identified centrally on completion of the survey.
The College looks forward to receiving much useful data from the surveys and will report the broad results in due course.
Please take the opportunity to let us know what you think.