2023 Term 2 Week 10 Friday 23 June
From the Principal
Identity & Outreach
Year 8 News
High Potential Learners Update
English Department
Finance Department
Counsellor Corner
Science Matters
Mathematics Challenge Day
Monique Clare Visit - 15 June 2023
Visual Arts
Winter Music Concert
Parent Reminders
Uniform Shop News
News from CES (Catholic Education)
From the Principal

Dr Lauretta Graham
Dear Members of Newman Catholic College Community,
Wednesday’s Athletics Carnival was one of those days where Newman looked glorious, and beamed with energy, enthusiasm and fun, as students fully participated in every event the College had to offer.
To look back at the College, from McGregor Road, across the beautiful manicured oval, one can see the makings of a miracle.
For those who can remember back just a mere two years, when our College consisted of a few slabs and no real buildings, this sight could hardly be imagined—we are so fortunate in so many ways. Now we have Stage 2 well on its way with the roof ready to be erected by the end of July.
All through this journey there have been easy times, and some very difficult times. At all times, we have held on to the words of Pope John Paul II, spoken to the youth in Castel Gandolfo, at the 12th World Youth Day, where he spoke of Jesus saying to those present:
“May he be your strength, your point of reference, your enduring hope.”
As a Catholic school, this is our charter and this is the reason for the establishment of our College. A Catholic school, like ours, does hold Christ as our strength, our point of reference and our enduring hope.
Consequently, through our College, as through all the many other educational initiatives of the church, a twofold goal is pursued: education in the faith, and education in the knowledge necessary for people to assume their personal responsibility within their families, at their place of work and in the wider society.
When I stood on the Stage 2 Building site this morning, and imagined where future buildings like a Chapel, the final Library, Senior Classrooms, Administration block will one day be built, you can start to visualise this complete gift. We do hope that one day we will have a Chapel and it will have pride of place, it will be our focus, and it will be for all, who come to share our life at Newman. With our planning of Stages 3 & 4, it is my hope that we will locate a spot for this place of worship for the future and erect a cross to mark the location.
In the future, maybe ten years’ time, as we look out from this building site over our College we will be reminded of fine men and women (our students), people who were also saints in many things they do; who every day personify the person of Saint John Henry Newman, with his love for learning and his evangelising zeal and hope in the future… these people are our future graduates. Every day I am proud of them.
Have a restful and safe holiday break.
Lauretta Graham

To the wonderful ladies who clean our College every day. Thank you for everything you do.
Identity & Outreach

Mr Tim Chapman
In line with Catholic Education Services policy, we strive to ensure that at least 90% of students are attending school at least 90% of the time. Whilst some absences are unavoidable, our goal is to have zero unexplained absences.
School sporting carnivals are an important and compulsory part of attending Newman Catholic College. In Catholic Education, we aim to educate the whole person. This means that whilst a great deal of efforts and focus are put into our robust academic offerings, education is not limited to the four walls of the classroom.
It is through our extra-curricular opportunities that students are able to develop and grow as people through unity, teamwork, and resilience. Whether it be liturgical celebrations, camps and retreats, or sporting carnivals, it is imperative that students attend and participate rather than seeing these events as a chance to have a day off.
Our students have the unique opportunity to construct the culture of the College as it grows in these early stages. If we are to establish a culture of participation and effort that is built on quality relationships, then student attendance at all compulsory College events is a vital cornerstone.
It is not just about upholding our values. Studies have shown positive correlations between physical/cardiovascular fitness and academic performance (Santana, et al, 2016). Often we see that it is those students who have strong attendance and high participation in sporting and arts endeavours that also maintain excellent academic results. The organisational skills and healthy mindset that are forged through extra-curricular pursuits translate into the classroom environment.
Tim Chapman
Deputy Principal - Identity & Outreach

Year 8 News

Mr Andrei Dobrota
Year 8 Camp - Tinaroo Environmental Education Centre
An extraordinary journey awaited the Year 8 students of Newman Catholic College as they embarked on a remarkable camp experience at Tinaroo Environmental Education Camp. Nestled in the breathtaking surroundings of Tinaroo Falls Dam, this camp proved to be an ideal setting for an unforgettable combination of thrilling adventures and valuable environmental education. From conquering the high ropes course to mastering canoeing and raft building, the students immersed themselves in a range of activities that challenged their limits and broadened their understanding of the natural world and working in teams. Thank you to all the staff who attended and the staff who stayed behind to pick up covers, I am certain that the Year 8 cohort appreciated all of the efforts of everyone involved.
Andrei Dobrota
Leader of Pastoral Care - Year 8
Year 8 Camp - TEEC Tinaroo

High Potential Learners Update

Mr Ian Shotton
Cairns Big Ideas Challenge
On Wednesday 7 June a group of 23 students attended the Cairns Big Idea Challenge at the Bulmba-Ja Arts Centre which was hosted by Future Anything. During the day the students were given the mission ‘As an entrepreneur, pitch an innovative idea that improves participation, performance, or spectator experience of a chosen sport’.
In the space of a few hours, the students were able to identify issues and barriers, propose possible solutions, and finally pitch an innovative product to a panel of special guests. All students presented well and were commended for their efforts. Special Mention goes to Max O, Jet S, and River C whose proposal for an App to help aspiring basketball players earned them second place. Congratulations also go to Ayva E who was part of the group that finished in third place.
Smart Green Economy Conference
Seven students were given the opportunity through sponsorship from the College, to attend the Smart Green Economy Conference held on June 14-16. Over the course of the conference, the students were involved in a tour of the Cairns Aquarium as well as workshops, keynote speeches, and presentations from several industry experts and entrepreneurs. Topics included Sustainable Agriculture, drone technology, hydrogen fuel cell cars, and reef restoration. Congratulations goes to Anise who was awarded a prize at the end of the conference in recognition of her engagement in the conference.
Ian Shotton

Students Learn Smart Green Economics
Students from Newman Catholic College have recently attended the Smart Green Economy Conference. The conference was all about a green circular economy and how to establish regenerative systems for food, energy, and manufacturing.
Most of us arrived on Wednesday afternoon when we checked into our rooms and then all headed off to the Cairns Aquarium for a tour and dinner. It was amazing to see all of the creatures up close with our very own expert guides.
The conference program was jam-packed with some great and inspiring leaders in the field. We attended talks and workshops listening to a wide range of people, including local entrepreneurs working in the circular economy, education specialists, E-commerce developers, environmental campaigners, and change makers.
We shared in workshops where we learnt to recover E-waste from old laptops and about sustainable food practices.
My favourite speaker was Toby Fealy, a 15-year-old high school student from Mareeba who won a seat at the NASA Space Program this July. He was very inspiring.
On the last day of the conference, we had a race with hydrogen-powered cars that we made. Of course, one of the Newman teams won. In our final think tank session, we came up with a plan to eliminate single-use cups from Cairns.
We would like to thank Newman College for sponsoring us to attend this great event and the Great Barrier Reef Academy for organising it. I believe we learned a lot and have some good ideas to bring back to the college.
Asher Colman - Year 7 Student
English Department

Ms Monika Borowiecki
Year 7 students have studied ecosystems in English this term. As part of their studies, they completed a group project in class where they had to investigate information about an issue impacting the Great Barrier Reef. They presented this information to the class with a PowerPoint presentation. This task developed students’ knowledge about the Great Barrier Reef as well as prepared students for their persuasive speech task that was due this week.
Year 8 students have completed their unit on ‘Identity and Belonging’ with an anthology of memoirs where they wrote about three to five important events in their life.
Congratulations to Year 7 debating students, Iga, Harriet, and Hane who won Heat 2 of their debate on the topic: That primary school students should participate in community sports. A special mention to Year 8 students Caitlin, Alicia, and James, who despite not having a win, are still in the competition gaining valuable expreience from the skill of debating. Students will debate early next term about the topic: That laptops have caused more harm than good in school classrooms.
As we finish off Term 2, this is a reminder that students must have an English book for the subject. They also need relevant writing equipment. Over the holidays, it is recommended that students read a few novels, spend some time completing some creative writing tasks, and reflect on their learning in Semester 1.
Miss Borowiecki
Leader of English
English Department

Finance Department

Mr Amos Wachira
The Finance team wishes to convey our gratitude to parents and guardians who are continuously making sure that their fees and levies are paid on time and payment arrangement honoured. This enables the college to provide high quality learning and proper environment for students.
The Fee statements are sent regularly and serves as a record of all transactions that the family conducts with the school. Kindly review the statement and in case of any discrepancies, please refer it back to our finance team.
School fees for this term are overdue and families should be finalising the payments unless a payment arrangement with the college is in effect. If you will not be able to finalise your fees by the end of the term and there is no payment arrangement in place, please contact us for an appointment before the beginning of Term 3.
Payment of school fees can be made via BPay, credit card or cash payment at our office. These payment options are provided for on your statement. You can also make a direct bank transfer to the below College bank account:
Newman Catholic College
National Australia Bank
BSB: 084 352 Account: 00001 9498
Please include your family reference when making payment so we can allocate all monies to correct accounts. For all queries pertaining to school fees, please call 07 4047 6000 or email accounts.newman@cns.catholic.edu.au.
Amos Wachira
Business Manager
Counsellor Corner

Ms Gemma Paisley
Hi all,
As the holidays approach, please remember to take some time to relax and spend time to connect with your family and friends. You have certainly earnt a break after all your hard work with exams and assessments.
Children can become unsettled without their usual routines, so if they are feeling stressed, upset, worried or want to speak with a trusted adult, here are some support services that can help:
Headspace provides mental health support for young people 12-15 years. Phone: 1800 650 890. Open 9:00am-1:00am daily.
Kids Helpline provides 24-hour phone counselling support by phoning 1800 55 1800.
Beyond Blue offers resources and support for young people experiencing stress, anxiety or requiring wellbeing support. Phone: 1300 22 4636 or visit the website.
Lifeline provides 24-hour phone and online support for people experiencing emotional distress. Phone: 13 11 16.
Suicide Call Back offers 24-hour phone or online chat services to people affected by suicide or feelings.
I wish you all a happy and safe holiday and I look forward to seeing you all in Term 3.
Ms Gemma
Science Matters

Mr Matt Radburnd
Reef Excursion
During Week 6 our Year 7 students were treated to a wonderful opportunity to visit one of natural wonders of the world – The Great Barrier Reef. Over two days, students headed out to the Reef Magic Pontoon at Moore Reef to gain a deeper understanding of the importance of biodiversity and marine conservation.
Students swam side-by-side with a range of amazing sea creatures including turtles, sharks, rays, cods and groupers and a crowd favourite – Wally the giant Hump-headed Maori Wrasse.
The day was packed with thrilling activities that engaged our young explorers' curiosity and scientific minds. The students began with plankton tows, where they eagerly searched for crown of thorns starfish larvae—a crucial step in preserving the health of the Great Barrier Reef. These hands-on experiences fostered a sense of responsibility and a passion for environmental stewardship.
In the laboratory sessions, students peered through microscopes, marveling at the intricate world of plankton. The microscopic organisms unveiled hidden beauty and showcased the intricate balance of life beneath the ocean's surface. These immersive encounters sparked scientific inquiry and left our students in awe of the delicate ecosystems that support our vibrant reef.
Adding a cultural perspective to the excursion, our students embarked on a captivating glass-bottom boat tour, led by knowledgeable Indigenous guides. They immersed themselves in the rich traditions and stories of the land and sea, deepening their appreciation for the interconnectedness of culture and nature.
To wrap up their adventure, our young scientists participated in the Eye on the Reef Key Indicator Species Swim. Armed with data collection tools, they closely observed and documented the health of key species, contributing to ongoing research efforts and monitoring initiatives.
This excursion left an indelible mark on our Year 7 students, igniting their passion for marine science and conservation. As a school community, we are proud to provide such enriching experiences that inspire a love for our natural world and foster a commitment to its preservation.
We extend our gratitude to the dedicated staff at GBR Biology and the Reef Magic Pontoon. Together, we are nurturing the next generation of environmental champions, ensuring a brighter future for the Great Barrier Reef.
At Newman Catholic College we take a hands-on, inquiry -based approach to learning and seek out educational journeys that empower our students to explore, learn, and make a positive impact!
Year 7 Reef Excursion

Mathematics Challenge Day

Mr Prasad Nair
A group of Year 7 and 8 Students from the College attended the Mathematics Challenge day in St Mary's Catholic College this term. This gave them an opportunity to work with students across the Cairns region and extended their mathematical knowledge and understanding. Students worked with mathematicians from CQU and other fields, solved real world problems and engaged in various mathematical activities during the day. This was a great experience for our students to see Mathematics beyond their Mathematics classroom.
Well done students !
Prasad Nair
Leader of Mathematics
Mathematics Challenge Day

Monique Clare Visit - 15 June 2023

Mrs Maryanne Challis
Monique takes her years of music training and her brilliantly quick and creative mind and delivers a performance that is stunning to fans of any music genre. Her songs are intimate and soaring - both musically and lyrically, and her stage presence is pure joy.
Her disarmingly candid stage presence is born from years of international touring with The Maes and session work for everyone from Kate Miller-Heidke to Eminem. With a smile as wide as the Cheshire cat’s, and an audacious tendency to reveal her deepest secrets onstage, her live show is cathartic, adventurous and mesmerising. She draws listeners into her storytelling, sifting through the raw, the imperfect and the unspoken. Always seeking connection, she craves the rush of an intimately honest performance.
Monique has had an array of experiences as a multi-genre session musician. From touring internationally with Melbourne outfit The Maes, to being a hired gun for world-class artists such as Kate Miller-Heidke, The Whitlams, Katie Noonan and Eminem, to accompanying legendary fiddle player Darol Anger, she’s absorbed a set of entirely divergent genres and approaches to music. Playing on stages like the Melbourne Cricket Ground, Woodford Amphitheatre and the Orkney Folk Festival with these artists has given her an unshakable stage presence that she carries into her own shows.
2021 saw Monique represent Australia at the World Expo in Dubai, record and release an international co-write with Amanda Rheaume in a project supported by Folk Music Canada, and produce collaborations with musicians from around the world as part of Global Music Match. Her debut album ‘Sight’ was released in 2022, debuting at #11 on the AIR independent charts and featured on ABC’s The Music Show.
NCC students were very privileged to have Monique visit on Thursday 15 June and perform as part of her local tour.
Mrs Maryanne Challis
Acting Leader of the Arts
Monique Clare Visit

Visual Arts
Newman Catholic College’s Year 8 Visual Art students have been taking inspiration from dragons around the world in the creation of their own miniature polymer clay sculptures this term. They have explored and researched the symbolism of Eastern and Western dragons as well as colour symbolism from around the world in their design. They then manipulated these things in order to create a dragon that communicates “who they are” to the viewer.
Working in miniature format has required focus and the development of fine motor skills - and some students have found their calling in 3 dimensional art! We are very proud of their results and look forward to seeing the next batch of dragons emerge from our Term 4 Visual Art students.
Dragon Clay Art

Winter Music Concert
Congratulations to all our talented music students on their performance at our Winter Concert on Thursday 22 June.
We were entertained by students from Years 7 & 8 who were part of the College Instrumental Music Program and Year 7 Compulsory Music.
Winter Music Concert

Athletics Carnival

Parent Reminders

Have you updated your:
- Mobile Phone number?
- Home address?
- Email address?
- Any student medical information?
- Any family legal information? Family circumstances
- If you have previously supplied any court orders, do we have the most current version?
- Parent workplace or job change - for Census information
Changes can be made by logging into the parent portal and checking the current details or emailing office.newman@cns.catholic.edu.au for us to change the necessary changes.
Student citizenship and visa status updates: Please advise if there have been any changes to your student's citizenship or visa status - e.g. if the student has become an Australian citizen. This information is required to be held for all non-Government schools.
Uniform Shop News

The College is looking for donations of second hand uniforms for the Uniform shop. If your child has outgrown their uniforms and the uniforms are in good condition, we welcome any donations to the shop.

News from CES (Catholic Education)

Robert Fitzgerald
An Evening with Commissioner Robert Fitzgerald
We are pleased to announce that Commissioner Robert Fitzgerald AM, will be in our Diocese during Catholic Education Week providing a presentation on lessons learned from the Royal Commission and how institutions can cultivate safe organisational environments. Commissioner Fitgerald AM was one of the six Commissioners who oversaw the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Allegations of Child Sexual Abuse.
Commissioner Fitzgerald AM holds degrees in commerce and law from the University of NSW. He was made a Member of the Order of Australia in 1994, is a recipient of the Centenary medal, and was awarded an honorary doctorate by the Australian Catholic University in 2001. He is currently an Adjunct Professor at University of Western Australia and Patron of Justice Connect and SAMSN (Survivors and Mates Support Network). For more than 30 years the Commissioner has been involved in a voluntary capacity in numerous community services as well as serving on numerous inquiries and studies. He is the current Commissioner of the NSW Ageing and Disability Commission.
Please note this event in your calender with further information to be distributed to schools shortly.
When: Wednesday 26 July 2023 (Catholic Education Week)
Time: 6.00pm - 7.30pm
Catering: Light Refreshments
Venue: St Andrew's Catholic College, All Saints Theatre, Redlynch
Ann Barr
Senior Student Protection Office