Newman News Vol 3 Issue 13 - Friday 29 November 2024
Acknowledgement of Country
Prayer for Advent
From the Principal
2024 Academic Awards
College Board Nominations
2025 Term Dates
Pastoral Care - Year 7
Pastoral Care - Year 9
Leader of Liturgy, Spirituality & Faith Formation
Special Projects and Partnerships
Arts Department
Science Matters
Languages Department
Japan Trip 2024
Sport News
Newman Book Club
Prestigious TEACHX Awards
Stop Drop and Go Zone
MyCE Parent Mobile App
Cafe News
Uniform Expectations
Uniform Shop
Acknowledgement of Country

We acknowledge the Yirrganydji and Djabugay peoples, as the traditional owners of this land and pay respect to their elders, past, present, and emerging for they hold the memories, the traditions, the culture and hopes of Aboriginal Australia who educated their children in this area. We show respect for their history, their culture, and our shared future.
We will always remember that under the concrete, steel and asphalt of this College, this land is, was, and always will be traditional Aboriginal land.
JCU Nguma-bada Campus - "Place for tomorrow's Learning Knowledge and Wisdom"
Yirryay Yirrganydji language, coastal dialect of Djabugay.
Prayer for Advent

Lord, send down Your Spirit to guide us during upcoming Advent season.
May the Holy Spirit help us journey closer to You and lift us up when we feel down and led us when we feel lost.
We may stumble at times, but we know our ultimate journey is to draw closer to You and build Your kingdom here on earth – a kingdom that Jesus’s birth, life and death helped secure.
From the Principal

Dr Lauretta Graham
Dear Members of our Newman College Family,
Sincere thanks and congratulations to everyone involved in the extraordinary events and achievements of the past year; we are proud of the many accomplishments of our students, staff, parents and friends. What a journey we have had.
In particular, at this time of year we turn our focus to our staff as some leave our college taking up new challenges elsewhere. Our staff, as you would agree, are certainly gems. The key to their success lies not in their methods or programs but in the quality of their relationships with the students. They have created a tapestry of experiences, ideas and subject matter, and at the centre – the child. Jesus, of course, is our ultimate teacher and his purpose / curriculum can be summed up by the verse from scripture from John’s Gospel: “…If we love one another, Christ lives in us” (1 John 4:12)
This year we farewell much loved staff: Mr Samuel Hughes, Miss Maria McGinnty, Mr Ian Shotten and Mr Shawn Brack.
We thank them for their dedication and the way they committed themselves to everything at our college. The results of their work and initiatives will always be present and obvious at Newman Catholic College well into the future.
Our enrolments for 2025 have been exceptionally positive. Please inform me in writing if you are leaving our college. With numbers growing, early notification will create places and avoid disappointing new families hoping to enrol their children.
Congratulations to my staff on their tremendous support given to students, during this year. We thank parents for their commitment and loyalty to our college. We pray that all members of our community enjoy a holiday season free of incident and journey safely back to us, in 2025. Saint John Henry Newman, patron saint of our college, is our guiding star as we travel through this holiday season. Help us to turn to Christ this Christmas and assist us to place him as our guide on our life’s journey. The Staff of Newman Catholic College wish all families a Merry Christmas.
This Christmas –
“May the raindrops fall lightly on your brow
May the soft winds freshen your spirit
May the sunshine brighten your heart
May the burdens of the day rest lightly upon you” (An old Irish Prayer)
Wishing you abundant blessings
Lauretta Graham

2024 Academic Awards
Verum Inluminans Honours and Awards Evening
The name ‘Verum Inluminans’ reflects the heart of our awards evening: a tribute to students who exemplify excellence within the Catholic educational tradition. ‘Verum’, meaning ‘truth,’ represents our commitment to learning as a pursuit of divine truth, a journey that aligns with God’s order in creation. ‘Inluminans’, meaning ‘illuminating,’ highlights the role of our students not only as learners but as carriers of light—called to bring wisdom, compassion, and integrity into the world.
In celebrating ‘Verum Inluminans’, we honour students who rise above the distractions of modern life, pursuing their best selves and inspiring others to do the same. It is a night to acknowledge those among us who embody the values of resilience and service, offering a guiding light to our community. Inspired by Saint John Henry Newman’s words: “If we are intended for great ends, we are called to great hazards”, we recognise those who have answered this call with courage and purpose.
Principal's Report
Dear Families, please find attached a copy of the 2024 Principal’s Report delivered during our Verum Inluminans Awards & Honours Evening.
The name ‘Verum Inluminans’ reflects the heart of our awards evening: a tribute to students who exemplify excellence within the Catholic educational tradition. ‘Verum’, meaning ‘truth,’ represents our commitment to learning as a pursuit of divine truth, a journey that aligns with God’s order in creation. ‘Inluminans’, meaning ‘illuminating,’ highlights the role of our students not only as learners but as carriers of light—called to bring wisdom, compassion, and integrity into the world.
In celebrating ‘Verum Inluminans’, we honour students who rise above the distractions of modern life, pursuing their best selves and inspiring others to do the same. It is a night to acknowledge those among us who embody the values of resilience and service, offering a guiding light to our community.
Inspired by Saint John Henry Newman’s words, “If we are intended for great ends, we are called to great hazards,” We recognise those who have answered this call with courage and purpose.
Good evening, Fr Dariusz Osinski, Fr John Matthew, Distinguished Guests, Mr. Bill Dixon, Ladies, Gentlemen, and Students. I too, acknowledge the Yirrigangyi People, the traditional custodians of this land, and pay tribute to the unique role they continue to play in the life, and education of young people.
It gives me great pleasure to present this address to commence this celebration of life at Newman, during 2024. The journey has certainly been the reward. As the name of the evening suggests, ‘Verum Inluminans’ means 'illuminating truth and success'.
When you start a school from scratch, you are conscious on that very first day, no such school existed on the day before. Take a moment to look at us now! We are only in our third year and accomplished so much!
Tonight, we focus on the most important element of a school, our wonderful students. Ladies and gentlemen, tonight we will present to you many outstanding students, after all, this is the purpose of nights like these.
Sadly, not all students who consistently display effort and personal best will receive awards tonight. I respectfully acknowledge their positive influence on our community.
Newman, as it stands today, is living proof of what is possible in three years when: faith filled, enthusiastic, passionate well-informed educators who share a common vision for what a rich Learning & Teaching environment can be, come together under one roof and work with committed students.
The fifth century saint, Saint Leo the Great’s words describe Catholic Education as emerging from two foundational pillars: Faith and Reasoning. He said: “such is the power of great minds, “such is the light of truly believing souls”, that they put unhesitating faith in what is not seen with the human eye; but fix their desires on what is beyond sight”. Saint John Henry Newman shared these same views and wrote extensively about the importance of both Faith and Reasoning being and essential part of education. This describes the spirit of our college today.
Reflecting over the past twelve months, I marvel at what has been achieved. The highlights have been:
- Stage 2 Blessing and Opening.
- The set up of our College as an Aerospace Gateway school.
- Stage 3 & 4 grant success.
- Our strengthening partnership with JCU.
- Our new NCC website.
- Adventurous Journeys to Japan and Canberra.
- Liturgies, retreats and camps, arts evenings, competitions, marine science trips, cheerleading, sporting victories, and our visiting school groups from Japan and of course our first awards and honours evening.
- The setting up of the Port Douglas campus after cyclone Jasper, even though the road opened the day before school returned; and,
- Preparations for 10, 11 & 12 pathways including vocational education and training.
Above all, life here has been a journey in which we attempted to capture a sense of the sacred in everything we did.
Our most important asset is our people. Here, we recognise and trust the wisdom and expertise of others. Bishop Camara, past bishop of Brazil, said, "When we are dreaming alone it is only a dream; when we are dreaming with others, it is the beginning of a new reality." Here at NCC we have the courage to move beyond hopes and dreams. Here we work together to make justice a reality. Together, with open hearts and listening ears we are committed to understand the challenges and find solutions that serves our whole community best and strengthens our catholic identity. Here tonight we acknowledge our community, including our sponsors.
Our community is the cornerstone of our success, tonight we pay tribute to:
- The staff. This year I have witnessed: staff who have opened their students’ eyes to the world, given curiosity and confidence.
- Our Parish Pastoral leaders: Fr Dariusz, Fr John Matthew, Fr John, Deacon Tony and Parishioners.
- I congratulate and thank my Leadership Team.
- I acknowledge the commitment of the College Board lead by Dr Tania Wilmann, and the outstanding Families @ Newman Association lead by Mr. Ray Cowan and the support of our many volunteers.
- Catholic Education Diocese of Cairns and JCU staff, we thank you.
- Tonight we congratulate our Executive Director Mr. Bill Dixon as he prepares for retirement. Thank you for your leadership.
It is true, the life story of every school is so unique, so dependent on the particular people involved, the history of the world at the time, and even the physical space allotted. Bring a vertical school makes a difference. Just as teachers can’t plan all the next year’s teaching during the Christmas holidays, but instead have to weave the year’s fabric together with the needs, interests, and passions of their students, so too, we cannot dream up a perfect school and then pour it into an empty vessel. It takes time. Every school year is uniquely different, and each evolves as the members of the community live, dream, laugh, work and sometimes cry together.
Of this we are sure, from day one, St John Henry Newman’s spirit and his way of living the Gospel has given us the courage to trust that nothing is impossible for those who believe in the goodness of God. We are building this College together. Each year, we step into new horizons. No matter the difficulties encountered on our journey we know we are surrounded by the support of many good people and the unconditional love of God.
Finally, for your generosity of time & energy, thank you. May you be blessed on your journey, and inspired by our Patron Saint John Henry Newman, the gifted academic, teacher, poet, musician, traveller, and pilgrim. This evening, I ask you to Praise God for all that is past. Trust God for all that is to come, and may God bless you with a heart fired by love willing to do Him some definite service. On behalf of the College, I thank you and trust that you will find this evening enjoyable in every way.
May God bless you.

Verum Inluminans Honours and Awards Evening

College Board Nominations
We are seeking nominations for 3 positions on the Newman Catholic College Advisory Board.
The Board serves as an advisory body, providing guidance to the College Principal and Leadership team regarding governance responsibilities of the school. The Board aligns its advice with consideration of the wider mission of the Catholic Church and Catholic Education. We operate with integrity, due diligence and act in the best interests of Newman Catholic College.
Our board meets monthly from February to November on the 3rd Tuesday of each month, with meetings lasting approximately 1.5 hours. We have availability for videoconferencing if you are unable to attend the meeting in person.
We welcome nominations from across our community, however, we particularly encourage nominations from
- parents or guardians who may reside outside of the Northern Beaches area
- members of our parish who do not have children at the school
- First Nations individuals
The nomination form is attached. Please complete and return to Yvette Bacic by Friday 8 November.
If you would like further information or to discuss what being on the Board is actually like, please contact the office who will put you in touch with a Board member.
Tania Wilmann
College Board Chair

2025 Term Dates

Pastoral Care - Year 7

Mr Chris Di Lucchio
Leader of Pastoral Care Year 7
As we reach the end of the school year, it’s a great time to think back on all we've experienced, learned, and shared. I’d like to reflect on a quote from the character Ted Lasso, who once said, “I hope that either all of us or none of us are judged by the actions of our weakest moment, but rather the strength we show when given a second chance.” This message reminds us of the importance of kindness, forgiveness, and growth.
In our lives, each of us has moments when we might feel disappointed in ourselves, when we may not live up to our own expectations. We all have those moments. But Ted Lasso’s words help us remember that we are so much more than our mistakes. What truly matters is how we respond afterward. When given a second chance, do we show courage, determination, and kindness? Do we make the effort to be better?
At Newman Catholic College, we are part of a supportive community that believes in second chances. Whether it’s helping a friend, improving a grade, or making up for a mistake, we each have the opportunity to grow and make positive changes. Just as God’s love for us is constant, our school community stands by us, encouraging us to show our best selves—especially after challenging moments.
As you reflect on your year, think about the moments that helped you learn. Remember that mistakes are part of growing, and it’s how we rise after them that shows our true strength. Let’s move forward with kindness, forgive ourselves and others, and use our second chances to make a difference.
Let’s finish this year strong and ready for what lies ahead in the new one!
Mr Chris Di Lucchio
Year 7 Coordinator
Year 7 2025 Orientation Day: A Warm Welcome to Newman Catholic College
Last week, Newman Catholic College was able to host the Orientation Day for our incoming Year 7 students for 2025. It was a day filled with energy, excitement, and opportunities to experience life at Newman, setting the stage for a wonderful journey ahead.
The day was carefully crafted to introduce our future students to the diverse range of activities and learning experiences that await them. They began their day with dynamic Sports sessions led by Mr Dockray and Mrs Gough, where teamwork and fun were the focus. In Science, Mr Klein ignited curiosity with hands-on experiments that brought the classroom to life, sparking a sense of wonder for the natural world. The smells of delicious creations wafted through the air as students rolled up their sleeves in the kitchen with Mrs Austrai-Ombriga and Mrs Auld during their cooking session. Many budding chefs emerged, proudly displaying their culinary masterpieces. During the About Me activity with Ms. Gemma, students had the chance to reflect on their unique strengths and aspirations, building connections with one another in the process. The day ended on a high note with a lively Dance session, where Mrs Matthews and Mrs Fraser brought movement, rhythm, and joy to the floor, showcasing the creative and spirited side of Newman Catholic College.
I would like to acknowledge the incredible effort and organisation by Mrs Bec Whyte and the Administration staff who ensured a smooth operation throughout the day and appreciation to all these incredible teachers for their dedication and enthusiasm in creating such meaningful and enjoyable sessions for our future Year 7 cohort. We also extend our gratitude to our current Year 7 student helpers, who supported the day with kindness and leadership, ensuring the younger students felt welcome and at ease.
As we look ahead to 2025, it is clear that Newman Catholic College’s newest students are ready to embrace the opportunities, friendships, and adventures that lie ahead. We can’t wait to see them thrive as part of our Newman community.
Welcome to Newman, Year 7 2025!
Kind regards
Chris Di Lucchio
Pastoral Care - Year 9

Mr Sam Hughes
Leader of Pastoral Care Year 9
Year 9: A Year to Remember at Newman Catholic College
As 2024 draws to a close, we reflect on an incredible year for our Year 9 cohort, filled with memorable moments, growth, and achievements. This year has been one of exploration, community, and excellence, and we are proud to celebrate the highlights.
One of the standout experiences was the Year 9 Camp, held at the picturesque Camp Barrabadeen on the shores of Lake Tinaroo. Over several action-packed days, students embraced adventure, teamwork, and the beauty of nature. From canoeing on the serene waters of Lake Tinaroo to challenging themselves on the abseiling course, the camp was a time for building resilience, strengthening friendships, and creating lasting memories.
Our students also shone brightly at the 2024 Verum Inluminans Awards and Honours Evening. This prestigious event highlighted their academic, cultural, and sporting achievements, with many Year 9 students being recognised for their dedication, leadership, and contributions to the Newman Catholic College community. Seeing their talents celebrated on this grand stage was truly inspiring.
Congratulations to the following award recipients from our Year 9 cohort:

I want to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to the entire Newman Catholic College community for your unwavering support in my role as Leader of Pastoral Care – Year 9. After much thought and consideration, my family and I have decided to move back to Victoria. As a result, I will be concluding my time here at Newman Catholic College at the end of this school year!
Over the past two years, I have thoroughly enjoyed being part of this wonderful school community and have cherished the opportunity to contribute to your child's growth and learning.
Please know that this decision was not made lightly, as I have loved being a part of this school. However, moving to Victoria presents an opportunity to be closer to family and embrace new experiences, both personally and professionally.
I would like to wish you all Merry Christmas – please stay safe and enjoy the holiday break with family and loved ones!
Kind regards
Sam Hughes
Leader of Pastoral Care - Year 9
Leader of Liturgy, Spirituality & Faith Formation

Special Projects and Partnerships

Mr Alexander Starmer
Leader of Special Programs
& Partnerships
End-of-Year Celebration: Last Day Activities on Friday 29 November 2024
The final day of 2024 school year began with a final assembly from 8:40 am to 10:00 am, where we’ll came together as a College to celebrate the year’s successes, reflect on key moments, and recognise outstanding accomplishments. After the assembly, students will enjoy a break for morning tea before joining their chosen activity for the rest of the day.
Last Day Activity Options
With the support from Families @ Newman, students wereare able to choose from an exciting range of activities, each designed to ensure a fun and relaxing end to the school year:
- Cairns Wake and Aqua Park
- Movie at Smithfield Cinemas
- Christmas Cake Baking
- Basketball Competition
- Hike to Stoney Creek Falls
- Creative Christmas Art
We’re grateful to Families @ Newman for making this day possible and providing a wonderful way for students to end the year on a high note. Their generous support ensures that each student can participate in an activity of their choice, creating a truly memorable experience.
Thank you for your continued support and partnership throughout this year. We wish you all a safe, joyful holiday season and look forward to seeing our students return refreshed in the new year!
Mr Alexander Starmer
Leader of Special Programs & Partnerships

Year 8 Students Explore Future Pathways at JCU Experience Day
On Thursday 14 November, our Year 8 students had the opportunity to immerse themselves in the diverse academic offerings of James Cook University (JCU) during an enriching experience day. Designed to ignite curiosity and inspire future ambitions, the event introduced students to a range of subjects and careers, providing a glimpse into potential pathways beyond school.
The day was a fantastic opportunity to showcase the world of possibilities available at JCU, and we hope students left feeling inspired and motivated to pursue their goals. We extend our gratitude to JCU for hosting this event and helping to plant seeds of curiosity and ambition among our Year 8 cohort.
We look forward to seeing how this experience influences our students as they continue to shape their dreams and ambitions!
Alex Starmer
Year 8 JCU Experience Day

Arts Department

Mrs Katherine Fraser
Leader of the Arts
Arts Night Wrap Up
What an incredible evening we shared at The Arts Evening. A huge thank you to all the students and staff who contributed their time, talent, and energy to make the night such a tremendous success. Your dedication and hard work truly shone through.
We had the following groups perform and display:
- Year 7 Concert Band
- Year 7 String Orchestra
- The Newman Symphonics
- The Newman Chamber Strings
- The Voices of Newman
- Years 7 - 9 Dance with the NCC Dance Academy
- Media and Visual Arts pieces from Year 7 - 9 NCC students
A special thank you goes to our Leadership Team, Dr Graham and Mrs Bacic who attended the evening, thank you for your unwavering support and guidance.
We are also deeply grateful to our amazing Arts staff, Mrs Challis, Ms Matthews, Mrs Fraser, Mr Pols, Mr Brack, Mrs Woods, Ms Sykes, Mr Graham, and Ms Welser.
Thank you to our additional support staff who helped ensure everything ran smoothly: Mrs Pols, Ms Auld, Mrs Gough, and Mr Millward.
Photos are to come on our social media pages!
Continuing Instrumental and Vocal Lesson at Newman
As your child concludes the compulsory music program at Newman Catholic College, we are pleased to offer an enriching Instrumental and Vocal Music Program. This provides students with the opportunity to continue developing their musical skills beyond the core curriculum. Lessons are available for a variety of instruments, including flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, euphonium, percussion, piano, voice, violin, viola, and cello. Students can choose between small group lessons or individual tuition, both offered at highly affordable rates. Participation in the program also encourages involvement in our vibrant college ensemble groups. For further information, please complete the Microsoft Form.
Warm regards
Katherine Fraser
Leader of Arts

Mrs Kendra Woods
Visual Arts Teacher
Visual Art Term 4
What a busy time our Visual Art students have had in the Art room in Term 4!
Year 7s have produced some beautiful oil pastel drawings of sweet treats, exploring shape, colour and tone. Their works look good enough to eat!
The Year 8s have carefully created some miniature dragons out of polymer clay. These dragons reflect their student “owners” personalities. What a lot of personalities are shining through! Students had to consider colour, form, pattern and unity when creating their artworks.
Year 9 students have been introduced to ceramic work this term. After considering the colours, forms and textures found in the Great Barrier Reef, they planned and designed a folio of ceramic pieces. They have explored slab, coil and pinch pot construction, and with the help of visiting ceramicist Mike Byrne, have learnt about glazing to produce some truly beautiful and unique ceramic pieces that explore the beauty of the Great Barrier Reef. Special thanks goes to Mike Byrne for his generous assistance with this unit.
We are so proud of the works they have produced and look forward to what our Visual Art students will produce in 2025!
Visual Arts

Christmas Card Competition Winner 2024
We are thrilled to announce the winner for Newman Catholic College’s Christmas Card competition. Year 7 student, Therese Wilmann has designed a beautifully festive card that will now be used for Christmas cards sent out on behalf of the College in 2024.
Well done, Therese!
Mrs Kendra Woods
Visual Arts Teacher

Science Matters

Mr Carl Johnson
Science Teacher
Earth Science Incursion – T.E.S.E.P
During the afternoon of Friday Week 4, Phil Gilmore from the Teaching Earth Science Education Programme (TESEP) visited the College to present a workshop to the Year 9 Earth & Environmental Students that covered some of the 'Big Ideas' in Earth Science.
Students covered topics in greater depth than they have studied in science. This included mass extinctions, the evolution of life on Earth, plate tectonic and supercontinent theory, rock and mineral identification, and palaeontology - as well as many other topics. Students got their hands on a fragment of meteorite that is older than the Earth (the oldest rock we have any record of at >4.5 million years old), some of the youngest rock (a piece of basalt from a very recent Icelandic eruption that was < 3 years old), and some of the oldest evidence of life on Earth (Stromatolites from Western Australia that are around 3.5 million years old).
We thank Phil and TESEP for their time, enthusiasm, resources, and for visiting our college.

Donation from Crystal Caves Atherton
We extend our heartfelt thanks to The Crystal Caves in Atherton for generously providing mineralogy samples for our college program. Their contribution of a full set of the National Geographic Gemstone set with the associated resource files will enrich our students' hands-on learning experience, allowing them to study rare and remarkable specimens, curated from around the globe, up close. This support not only enhances our curriculum but also inspires our students to deepen their interest in earth sciences. We are truly grateful for this partnership and look forward to fostering further collaboration with The Crystal Caves to continue advancing educational opportunities. Thank you for investing in the future of our students!
Mr Carl Johnson
Science Teacher

Ms Julia Seifert
Science Teacher
Year 9 PADI Dive Trip: Making Waves in Marine Science
The Year 9 Marine Science students recently embarked on an unforgettable journey beneath the waves, combining classroom theory with hands-on experience to earn their PADI Open Water and Adventure Diver certifications.
Preparation began in the classroom, where students explored the fundamentals of diving and marine environments. These lessons provided the foundation for understanding dive physics, safety, and the fascinating ecosystems they would encounter.
The excitement truly began during two pool training days at ProDive, where students practiced essential diving skills in a controlled environment. From mastering buoyancy to practicing underwater communication, these sessions ensured everyone was ready for the open water.
The culmination of their training took place over three days on the ProDive boat. The students completed their open water dives, deep dives, and even a thrilling night dive! They were able to explore the wonders of the Great Barrier Reef, seeing marine life up close while honing their skills and building confidence in the water.
The trip was not only an incredible adventure but also a tremendous success. Students returned with new certifications, a deeper appreciation for the marine world, and memories that will last a lifetime.
Congratulations to all our Year 9 divers for their hard work, enthusiasm, and achievements!
Ms Julia Seifert
PADI Dive Trip

Languages Department

Shixiang Chen
Leader of Languages
Our students and staff on the Japan trip are back safe and sound! They had the time of their lives, making unforgettable memories in Japan. "From Tokyo's bustling streets and spending a day immersed in Japanese school life at Denen Chofu Gakuen, to speeding on the Shinkansen to Kyoto, visiting Universal Studios, and experiencing a powerful day of reflection in Hiroshima, no stone was left unturned."
A huge thank you to our amazing teachers—Mr Akers, Mrs Bacic, Ms Sykes, and Mr Pols—for everything you did to create an unforgettable experience.
After farewelling the Japanese students from Seikyo Gakuen Junior High School in Week 3, we welcomed students from Gakuho Ishikawa High School on 11th November. After the official welcome and a quick school tour, our visitors joined the school for the Remembrance Day Ceremony and spent the rest of the day in normal classes with their Newman buddies.
As we approach assessment time, all language students will be busy completing their exams and assignments. These assignments are not only assessments of learning but also assessments for learning. Tasks like making self-introduction videos or creating tuckshop recipes not only evaluate how students have learned in class but also encourage them to extend their learning and add their own "flavours."
Shixiang Chen
Leader of Languages

Seikyo Gakuen Junior High School Visit

Japan Trip 2024

Mr Brendan Akers
Leader of eLearning & Japanese Teacher
Newman Catholic College Japan Trip 2024
Students and staff from Newman Catholic College embarked on an exciting cultural adventure on Friday 25 October, to the vibrant island of Japan. We spent eight days exploring and experiencing unforgettable moments in the cities of Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka and Hiroshima. The goal of the trip was an academic endeavour to learn about science, art, Japanese history and to immerse in the Japanese language and culture.
The planning for the trip began in 2022 as Newman’s first international school trip shortly after the school started. Over the years before the trip, many students joined and left, with the final couple of students applying for the trip at the start of 2024. Students diligently attended meetings throughout the preparation period to help plan and learn about Japan and its people.
The final group of students and staff included:
- Staff: Mr Brendan Akers, Mrs Yvette Bacic, Ms Tara Sykes, Mr Ross Pols.
- Students: Summa Appleby, Zahra Bailey, Harry Boerboom, Hana Shimizu, Rocco Sanderson, Chloe Crimmin, Aiden D'Iorio, Keira Forrest, Isabella Whyte, Isabella Holiday, Mateo Kazal, Cara Kelly, Jack Landy-Ariel, Bella Lees, Isabella Simon, Leon O'Donnell, Irene Park, Cooper Payne, Riley Pols, Billy Ralfe, Indiana Schwarz, Jet Schwarz, Alicia Stumer, Liv White.
Day 0 – Travel Day
Once the 25th of October 2024 arrived, it was off to the Cairns International Airport. Students and their parents had their farewells before we headed through security, excited and anxious about the trip ahead. The flight was mostly smooth with a small amount of turbulence. We arrived safely in Narita Airport and was escorted to our bus by our helpful greeters. The bus provided a great opportunity for students to see the city as we passed Tokyo Disneyland, Tokyo Skytree and spotted ferry restaurants on the river.
The accommodation in Tokyo was a ryokan style with tatami mats and futons for each room. A different style of room that many students were used to. Reminders about taking off their shoes was stressed; some students rocking the slippers look that evening.
Japan - Day 0 - Travel Day

Day 1
The first day was a long travel day heading by train from Akihabara to Odaiba. It was the first experience for many students of a very busy Japanese train station. The first attraction was the Miraikan Science and Innovation Museum. The museum was several floors of scientific exploration into topics of digital technology, biology, astronomy and geography. Many of the exhibits were interactive giving students hands-on experiences, especially the Park of Aging giving students a view into the life of a senior citizen.
Lunch was had in the Miraikan café which had a great view of the Fuji TV Network building.
With time to spare before the next activity, we headed to Diver City to get up close to the Gundam Unicorn statue. There was a high school cheerleading team performing next to the statue to celebrate its 10th anniversary. We also stopped by the Statue of Liberty overlooking the Rainbow Bridge.
The highlight of the day was the visit to TeamLabs Planets; an interactive digital art gallery in Odaiba. The pictures fail to communicate the experience of the art installations as you move through the place. The use of lights, projectors and physical objects such as water enhanced the feel of each location.
Finally, after a hectic day, we convened in a McDonald’s in Akihabara for dinner as each restaurant was incredibly busy on a Saturday night.
Japan - Day 1

Day 2
Sunday saw the group head to Tokyo Skytree for the morning. There was a Halloween event happening for the young kids in the area with bouncing castles and dress-up outside the tower. Once we made our way to the top, the view of Tokyo from 350m in the air was spectacular. Unfortunately, the atmosphere was too hazy for Mt. Fuji to be visible that morning. Many of the students went on the glass floor to gaze down to the ground. The experience of Skytree helped students gain a sense of size of the city of Tokyo.
After a chaotic search for food in the local food court on a Sunday, we found our way to Sensoji Temple nearby. The crowd was thick along the shopping arcade before the temple. The Gold group formed a human train to keep together through the bustling crowd.
Several members of the group got their fortunes for 100 yen with a lot of good luck spread around. We proceeded to cleanse our bodies with water and minds with incense before entering the temple. The decoration and artworks on display within the temple were magnificent. We watched and engaged with the Buddhist traditional prayers as worshippers and tourists alike visited the sacred space.
The evening saw some brave adventurers return to Akihabara. Mr Pols and his boys explored the massive shopping centres around the station while a small group of girls joined Mr Akers for some crane games. The girls proudly displayed their winnings throughout the trip.
Japan - Day 2

Day 3
Denen Chofu Gakuen Middle and High School was the destination for start of our new week in Japan. There are no photos for this as requested by the school. The day started with an introduction to the principal of the school, Mr Shimizu. Our first lesson was a Japanese lesson given by the Vice Principal, Ms ; she was very engaging and humorous with her teaching. The students participated in an English class with the goal of winning a marshmallow tower challenge with students from the school. Ultimately, Riley and Zahra won the challenge. Before lunch, we went to the underground hall to do HPE which involved balancing and bouncing a tennis ball with a tennis racket in a relay style race. Mr Akers had a bad time during this, slipping on the floor and kicking his toes into the floor hard resulting in two very bruised toes.
After a delicious Japanese bento lunch provided by the school, the students were split into going to Japanese class and Cooking class.
The Japanese class analysed a famous haiku by Basho. An Old Pond; a frog jumps in – the sound of water. The students had to interpret the haiku and draw an image to depict the haiku. They shared their drawings with the other Japanese students and compared their interpretations.
The Cooking class group participated in a series of games that challenged student communication skills with each other to win the game.
To end the day, the Newman students joined Denen Chofu students at their afternoon club activities. We got to enjoy dinner at a chicken skewer restaurant before the long trip back to our hotel.
Japan - Day 3

Day 4
After packing our luggage and heading to the train station, we boarded our first shinkansen or bullet train from Tokyo to Kyoto. The weather for the train ride was cloudy and a little wet which hid much of Mt. Fuji as we passed by Hakone. Our first location in Kyoto was the International Manga Museum. Each of the walls had collections of manga throughout the decades available for people to read. The main hall had an engaging look at the history and influence of manga in Japan and around the world. The large Pheonix was designed by the creator of Astro boy, Osamu Tezuka.
On the way back to the hotel, we visited the Higashi Hongan-ji Temple while a rain shower joined us after a pleasant day. The students immersed in the peace and quiet of the meditation halls of the Buddhist temple. The artwork in the temple was spectacular in a glistening gold.
To finish the night, we treated ourselves to the best cuisine that Japan can provide. Food from 7 Eleven. The options for food at a convenience store was extensive and there were no complaints with the delicious meal we had that night.
Japan - Day 4

Day 5
The bus tour of sights in Kyoto was a very full and busy day for the entire group. Our first stop was Kinkakuji, the Golden Pavilion. The area was beautiful with the tips of the trees turning red for the promise of autumn. The history and mythology about the area was incredibly interesting. One of the myths was the inspiration for Magikarp and Gyarados from the Pokémon franchise which was a surprise to the students. The next location was Nijo Castle. The gardens and grounds were immaculately kept and the area was still a lush green. Students made mention of the artwork on the walls and asked about the significance of the different rooms. They learned the extensive protocols for the court to meet the Shogun and the importance of art to display strength to diplomats. Lunch was at a shabushabu restaurant which students cooked their own strips of meat in a delicious broth at their table. The final location was the busiest of the locations, Kiyomizu-dera Temple. In a tight group we moved through the sea of people up the hill to the temple. The small amount of time we had at the temple was valuable however it was lamented that we didn’t have more time.
Finally, we travelled to a restaurant called Kushiya-monogatari. This restaurant has hot oil in the centre of the table and within 70 minutes you can have all you can eat skewers with vegetables, meat and seafood. The chocolate fountain was the favourite item of the night with many tables covered with chocolate and ice-cream towards the end of our time.
Japan - Day 5

Day 6
The highlight of the trip for many of the students was the visit to Universal Studios Japan. Some comments by the students were:
- On the Japan Trip the most memorable and enjoyable moment was when we went to Universal Studios. We went on all the rides despite the wait time being over two hours each and experienced the Halloween parade at night.
- It was really cool to be at USJ and go on lots of big rides, but it was really special to be there on Halloween and experience the parade.
Japan - Day 6

Day 7
Hiroshima was our final full day of the trip, and the weather wanted to turn on us. A tropical low that was a cyclone over Taiwan arrived in Hiroshima before we did made it a very wet, cold and windy day. The students proceeded to experience the Hiroshima Peace Museum. Walking through the museum is a confronting experience for anyone. It is an opportunity for people to understand what happened in this place and how we respond to things in the future. The Japanese people want people to understand the effects it had and the changes we need to see in our world.
We managed to take a photo in front of the peace flame from underneath the museum. Before leaving Hiroshima, we explored the shopping arcade near the station as we sought shelter from the wind and rain. After such a long and exhausting day, we enjoyed our 7 Eleven meals once again.
Japan - Day 7

Day 8
The final day in Japan was spent with volunteers organised by Sun Pacific College to escort our students through the complex area of Osaka station. The conversations and interactions with our students were praised by the volunteers. Finally, the exhausted group boarded our plane back to Australia.

Final Thoughts
The first overseas trip for Newman Catholic College was a great success! All the members of the Newman Catholic College Japan Trip 2024 would like to thank Dr Lauretta Graham for her permission and leadership, Mr Bill Dixon for supporting our first overseas trip, the parents of our students for their unwavering financial and emotional support before and during the trip. Thank you to Sun Pacific College for supporting us in Japan and allowing such a valuable experience on our last day with our volunteer guides.
The members of the first trip have provided thoughts for other students interested in going to Japan:
“I would recommend this trip because it developed our independence and maturity as we had to navigate through the train stations and around the country.”
“I would definitely recommend this experience to Year 7 students as it provided a new and exciting experience for me that was fun to enjoy with my friends as well as providing a learning experience for language learners.”
“I would absolutely recommend this trip for future students because being able to experience a completely different country with your teachers and closest friends and having a lot of fun and being with your people when you need it is exactly what I loved.”
We hope to see another group get to experience this wonderful trip in the future at Newman Catholic College.
Mr Brendan Akers
Leader of eLearning & Japanese Teacher
Sport News

Mr Zane Dockray
Leader of HPE & Sport
This is our final newsletter article for the year and what a year in sport we have had. I would like to take a moment to thank all of the coaches, staff, students and community members who have made it all happen this year at Newman Catholic College. We have had many opportunities for students to access sport and coaching programs throughout the year and we are already looking at how we can improve facilities, programs and opportunities into next year. I look forward to another big year of sport in 2025!
Swimming Carnival
What a day at Marlin Coast Swimming and Fitness Centre- Smithfield for the 2024 Newman Catholic College Swimming Carnival.
Our students gave it their all in the pool, showcasing incredible spirit, skill, and sportsmanship. A huge congratulations to all our swimmers and to our age champions!
𝟐𝟎𝟎𝟗 𝐀𝐠𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬
- Male: 1st Jakob, 2nd Patrick, 3rd William
- Female: 1st Arabella, 2nd Indiana, 3rd Isabella
𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟎 𝐀𝐠𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬
- Male: 1st Raiden, 2nd Riley, 3rd Leonard
- Female: 1st Rosie, 2nd Ruby, 3rd Montana
𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟏 𝐀𝐠𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬
- Male: 1st Darragh, 2nd Jacob, 3rd Hamish
- Female: 1st Chloe, 2nd Lani, 3rd Summer
𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟐 𝐀𝐠𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬
- Male: 1st Harli, 2nd Bailey, 3rd Jasper
- Female: 1st Elizabeth
House Champion Winner: Maroon House
Swimming Carnival

JSS Finals and MVP’s
Our teams gave it their all in Week 7 at the JSS Finals Day! We had 5 teams in finals
Premier Division Grand Final Results
- 𝐁𝐨𝐲𝐬 𝐁𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐭𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐥: A thrilling 54-53 victory for NCC! Congratulations to Kobe Duncan, our Player of the Game.
- 𝐍𝐞𝐭𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐥: A close contest but NCC won by 1! BPC 32-31. A standout performance by Skye Parslow earned her Player of the Match.
Division 1 Grand Final Results
- 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬 𝐒𝐨𝐜𝐜𝐞𝐫: A hard-fought game, finishing 3-2 after a penalty shootout. Evie was named Player of the Match.
- 𝐀𝐅𝐋: Unfortunately, saints claimed victory.
- 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬 𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡: The team put in a great effort in a narrow loss.
All NCC Girls Teams finished 4th Overall in the JSS competition – an amazing achievement!
A huge thank you to all our players, coaches, and supporters for making this day unforgettable. NCC’s spirit and commitment continue to inspire!
JSS MVP and Coaches Awards for 2024
Sport | MVP | Coaches Player |
Netball | Mia Todd | Skye Parslow |
Girls Basketball | Evie Morgan | Indi Schwarz |
Boys Basketball | Jet Schwarz | Kobe Duncan |
Girls Volleyball | Iga Ciolek | Bella Cowan |
Boys Volleyball | Max Ogilvie-McLellan | Kinai Schmit |
Girls Soccer | Evie Titmarsh | Ema Parker |
Boys Soccer | Riley Honorato | Joel Sage |
Girls Touch Football | Savannah Bell | Claire Sykes |
Boys Touch Football | Elias Catteral | Bo Fridolf |
AFL | Jonathan Barrile | Tom Kitch |
JSS Team of the Year: JSS Netball
Sports Awards Night
Congratulations to our NCC Sportswoman of the Year (Sponsored by The Surf Club Palm Cove)
Arabella Lulham - Achievements this year
- Newman Swimming Age Champion and TCN Swimming runner up Age Champion.
- At a State level Arabella finished in the top 10 at the Queensland Championships in her Butterfly and Freestyle events and received a Silver medal in the 1500m Freestyle.
- Arabella represented Queensland at the Australian Age Championships finishing in the top 20 in 50m and 200m Butterfly.
- Arabella was also the overall winner of the women's Green Island Ironman 3km swim.
- Good Luck at the State Championships in December and Nationals in 2025. Congratulations Arabella.
Congratulations to our NCC Sportsman of the Year (Sponsored by Pump n Pedals)
Raiden Di Carlo - Achievements this year
- Newman CC and TCN U14 Age Champion
- At the State level Raiden won 3 bronze medals at the Querensland championships in 50m, 100m and 200m Breaststroke.
- Raiden was selected in the Queensland team to participate at Nationals this year but the minimum age is 14. He will be competing at the National Championships in April 2025.
- Raiden, Good luck at the State Championships in December and Nationals in 2025. Congratulations Raiden.
Champion House 2024
The Overall Champion House Award goes to the House which has won the overall points for Sport, Culture, Community and Spirit. The Champion House for 2024 is Maroon! Well done to Kinai Schmid for accepting this award as House Captain.
Sports Awards

Outdoor Education
Year 8 Camp – Lake Tinaroo
Our Year 8 students returned from an incredible 3-day outdoor adventure at Camp Barrabadeen, Lake Tinaroo! They embraced the outdoors in full – hiking, canoeing, swimming, orienteering, camping under the stars, and mastering outdoor cooking by making bread and cooking with trangias – all while building resilience, teamwork, and self-confidence.
A huge thank you to Mr Dockray, Mr McMahon, Mrs Seifert and Mr Mario who made this adventure possible. What an unforgettable experience in the great outdoors in FNQ!
Year 9 Camp – Fitzroy Island
Our Year 9 students were blessed with wonderful conditions for their overnight expedition to Fitzroy Island. Students explored the beautiful island following the walking tracks through the rainforest as well as snorkelling and swimming in the bay with turtles, squid, fish and the amazing coral reefs. Fitzroy Island really is where the rainforest meets the reef!
Students enjoyed a sausage sizzle for dinner and then a sunset over the mainland! Students also enjoyed fishing and caught some squid that Mr Corrie cooked on the BBQ for a late night snack.
In the morning students were up early to beat the heat and hiked the summit and lighthouse tracks before finishing off the morning with a swim and breaking camp. Well done to the students who attended, the behaviour was excellent and we cleaned the camping grounds thoroughly before we left. Special thanks to Mr Corrie, Ms Hill-Murray and Mr Arana who supported Mr Dockray on this camp.
Duke of Edinburgh Awards
Well done to the students who have been working hard to complete their hours of service, skill and physical activity throughout the year. It was great to be working with our first cohort of Bronze Award students and I look forward to seeing the completion of their Awards in the near future. The final chance for the Bridge Award students to complete their hike is this Friday when we hike the Stoney Creek track and have a swim in the pools.
Mr Dockray
Leader of HPE and Sport
Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.
Hebrews 12:1

Mrs Linda Gough
Sport Coordinator
Wakeboarding – On Saturday 27 October, Newman Catholic College students went along to the Come and Try Wakeboarding and Knee boarding day at the Cairns Wake Park. It was great to see so many Newman students attend the morning. After the morning session was completed, it was then the Battle of the Schools Wakeboarding Competition. It was an epic day of skills, tricks and flips. Newman Catholic College was placed 3rd overall on the day. The following students took out podium spots.
Year 7/8 Girls 2nd Place: Nyah
Year 7/8 Boys 2nd Place: Bailey
Year 9/10 Boys 4th Place: Daniel
Newman Cheerleading – Newman Hearts Cheerleading team will be heading off to compete at the AASCF National Cheer and Dance Championship held on the Gold Coast at the Convention Centre. The team fly out Wednesday 4th December – Monday 9th December. The teams have been working hard on their pom routines in preparation for the event that attracts over 20,000 competitors and more than 1800 teams across Australia.
Good luck to the following teams
Newman Hearts Pom 1 | Newman Hearts Pom 2 | Coaching / Music Staff |
1. Ava | 1. Mia | 1. Mrs Linda Gough |
Surf Lifesaving Championships
Year 7 Newman College students, Elizabeth and Lani represented FNQ and Cairns SLSC at the North Aussies Surf Lifesaving Championships. Both had an outstanding carnival, showcasing their support and encouragement for each other throughout the year.
Elizabeth clinched 2 gold medals in patient tow and board relay, along with 2 silver medals in board rescue and surf race. Notably, the silver in the surf race was a joint effort with Lani. They truly gave their all in what was a packed and highly competitive age group.
Additionally, Elizabeth has again been selected for the North Queensland state team and will compete in March 2025 at the Queensland Surf Life Saving Championships.

Elizabeth & Lani at the recent North Aussies Surf Lifesaving Championships
Newman Book Club

Ms Monika Borowiecki
Leader of English
Mrs Karen Chapman and I are excited to announce that we have commenced the Newman Book Club for the staff and parents in our community. A book will be announced at the end of each term and discussed at the end of the following term in a relaxed, informal environment with nibbles.
Our first book club pick is the best selling novel, All the Colours of the Dark by Chris Whitaker. You can purchase this online or at Big W.
We hope that we can get as many staff and parents involved as possible as we believe that if we model the importance of reading with our students they will hopefully follow.
You won't regret reading this coming-of-age story about Patch and Saint.
P.S. I do not recommend this novel to our students.
Kind regards
Monika Borowiecki
Leader of English

Prestigious TEACHX Awards

Mr Ben Klein
Benjamin Klein Represents Newman Catholic College at Prestigious TEACHX Awards
Earlier this month, I had the incredible opportunity to travel to Brisbane to attend the TEACHX Awards night at Griffith University. It was an honor to be recognized as a recipient of the Excellence in Beginning to Teach Award and to stand alongside some of the most inspirational and passionate educators from across the state.
The evening was a celebration of teaching excellence and the power of education to transform lives. I had the privilege of meeting dedicated professionals who exemplify the pursuit and transfer of knowledge in their schools and communities. Listening to their stories reminded me of the outstanding team I work with at Newman Catholic College, who have supported and lifted me during the early stages of my career.
Our NCC community is filled with equally passionate and innovative professionals who are pushing education in inspiring directions every day. It’s through their encouragement and collaboration that I’ve been able to develop and grow as an educator, and I am so grateful to share this journey with them.
Being part of such a remarkable group of educators at the TEACHX Awards has reinforced my own passion for teaching and my commitment to fostering curiosity and growth in my students. I feel truly honored to represent Newman Catholic College and to share this recognition with my colleagues and our vibrant school community.
This experience has inspired me to continue striving for excellence, collaboration, and innovation in the classroom, and I am excited to bring fresh ideas and perspectives back to our students. Thank you to everyone who has supported me on this journey—it is a privilege to be part of our collective mission to inspire and educate our communities next generation of scientists and free thinkers.
Ben Klein

Stop Drop and Go Zone

Stop Drop Go Zone
Kinetic runs the public bus services in Cairns and they travel through the JCU bus interchange regularly throughout the day.
Drivers have reported safety issues as parents are dropping off/picking up children from Newman Catholic College.
The area around the end roundabout is marked with no standing signs however cars are often stopping in this area which impacts on the safe passage of buses.
Parents are also reminded not to queue around the roundabout when accessing the Stop Drop Go Zone.
We are kindly asking the families to use the designated Stop Drop Go Zone to ensure the public buses and other road uses are not inconvenienced.

MyCE Parent Mobile App

Mr Wilbur Donovan
Deputy Principal
NEW MyCE Parent Mobile App
(replacing the current Parent Portal)
MyCE – short for My Catholic Education – is an app developed by Cairns Catholic Education to allow parents, guardians and caregivers to easily and securely access school and student information. It provides an interactive pathway for communication between home and school.
Note: If a caregiver has access to the app, they will not have access to Parent Slips unless they are a legal guardian.
Some of the most useful features include:
- school contact and directory information
- notification of student absences
- links to Parent Slips and Parent Teacher Online
- student timetables
- access to your students’ academic reports
- the ability to add school calendar events to your personal calendar
Wilbur Donovan
Deputy Principal - Academic Studies
Cafe News

Flexischools New Cut-Off time - 7:45am each school day.
All orders for the Cafe are to be placed by 7:45am. Parents are asked to note the new cut-off time of 7:45am. A reminder if you have more than one child you are ordering for, please place each child's order seperately. Orders are to be collected by students at 1st Recess at 10:20am.
Student IDs can be used for over the counter purchases
Students can now make over the counter cafe purchases with their student card. Parents can prepay funds into their Fleixschools parent wallet and link their child's existing Student ID card. Refer to the image below for information on how to link the card.
Reminder that students making purchases at the Cafe must use a card, cash or their preloaded student ID to make purchases. Students are NOT to use their mobile phones or smart watches for payment.
Thank you for your assistance.
Mrs Julie Davies
Cafe Supervisor

Uniform Expectations
Please find below the updated uniform expectations for all students.

Uniform Shop

Uniform Shop Open Hours
When ordering through Flexischools, if the order is placed before 5:00pm it is available for collection the next working day at 1st Recess (10:20am).
College Uniforms - Price Increase effective 1 November 2024
In this newsletter we have included the Uniform Order Form for 2025 - effective from 1 November 2024. If you require new uniforms for 2025, please use the link through Flexischools to purchase. If you have not used Flexischools before, below are instructions on how to set up your account. If your child has any outgrown uniforms you wish to donate, we would love to assist and help families in need.
Please bring your secondhand uniforms into the College Office.
Back to School 2025 | School Supplies
If you’re needing to top up your child’s stationery needs for 2025, from pencils, pens to USB sticks and exercise books at low prices, please visit Flexischools account and you’ll be able to view and purchase online or at Uniform Shop during opening hours. We have limited stock of Year 7, 8 and 9 stationery packs but have plenty of individual stationery available.
Reminders regarding Uniforms
Please ensure to label all items:
- Uniforms are to be worn as a complete set - no mixing between formal and sports uniforms
- Tracksuit jackets are able to be worn with both formal and sports uniforms
- Tracksuit pants are only be to be worn for sporting excursions or camps/retreats
- The jacket and pants are not compulsory, however, no other jackets can be worn.
Students are required to wear completely black leather lace-up shoes when wearing their formal uniform. No colour trim is allowed. Below are examples of acceptable and non-acceptable