Newman News Vol 3 Issue 12 - 23 October 2024
Acknowledgement of Country
Prayer for World Teachers Day
From the Principal
Date Claimer
College Board Nominations
2025 School Fees
Leader of Liturgy, Spirituality & Faith Formation
Spirit of Newman Award 2024
Special Projects and Partnerships
MyCE Parent Mobile App
Stop Drop and Go Zone
Arts Department
Science Matters
Languages Department
HPE & Sport News
Uniform Expectations for Students
Uniform Shop
Cafe News
Vinnies Christmas Appeal
F@N News
Acknowledgement of Country

We acknowledge the Yirrganydji and Djabugay peoples, as the traditional owners of this land and pay respect to their elders, past, present, and emerging for they hold the memories, the traditions, the culture and hopes of Aboriginal Australia who educated their children in this area. We show respect for their history, their culture, and our shared future.
We will always remember that under the concrete, steel and asphalt of this College, this land is, was, and always will be traditional Aboriginal land.
JCU Nguma-bada Campus - "Place for tomorrow's Learning Knowledge and Wisdom"
Yirryay (Yirrganydgi landuage, coastal dialect of Djabugay.
Prayer for World Teachers Day

Loving God,
You came among us as a teacher, healer and saviour.
On this World Teacher’s Day, bless your teachers
Help them become even more joyful disciples and profound echoes of your wisdom,
Bless our teachers with the gifts of Your truth, beauty and goodness.
Bless them with integrity, so that they bring Your words to life.
Bless them with courage and perseverance to walk the paths You have laid out.
We pray in the name of Jesus
who knows all too well the challenges and joys of being a teacher,
Prayer from CARFLEO

Prayer for our Students and Staff travelling to Japan
God of Journey, send your spirit upon our pilgrim travellers.
Keep them safe, open their eyes to new things and experiences.
Help them to delight in what they see and enjoy the new friendships they develop.
Lord God help our staff and students to recognise the tracks of God in this beautiful world.
St John Henry Newman, pray for us.
From the Principal

Dr Lauretta Graham
Dear Families of Newman Catholic College
It is World Teachers’ Day this Friday and the Families @ Newman have been busy organising surprises for our staff. A huge thank you for their efforts.
It is a time when we can say thank you for all who have fulfilled their duties and responsibilities well and especially celebrate the times when with love they have done their tasks beautifully.
Please contribute and participate to the whole staff celebration on Friday at 10:20am until 11:00am in the covered area near the cafeteria. Come join the celebration and if you wish bring a plate of something special to share and stay for the event. If you cannot attend please write a note to your child’s teachers for what they continue to do, thank you.
Celebrated in more than 100 countries worldwide, World Teachers' Day was established by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) in 1994 to recognise the role of teachers in society.

World Teachers' Day is held internationally on the 5th of October. As the day usually falls during the Australian school holidays, Queensland celebrates on the last Friday in October. This year’s theme is: “Valuing teachers' voices: towards a new social contract for education” — reminds us of the passion teachers bring to their profession daily, doing everything it takes to positively impact their students' lives.
As teachers, we are not the first or only educators of children, however the importance of our role cannot be underestimated. Pope Francis has described teachers as “artisans of future generations,” and has called for stronger recognition and support to their profession. “By their knowledge, patience and dedication, they communicate a way of living and acting that embodies a richness that is not material but spiritual and creates the men and women of tomorrow.” Let’s join together to thank all teachers on World Teachers’ Day, Friday 25 October 2024.
With Every Blessing
Lauretta Graham
Date Claimer
NCC Verum Inluminans Awards and Honours Evening
Wednesday 20 November 2024
This year Verum Inluminans Awards and Honours evening will be held on Wednesday 20 November seated at 6:15pm for a 6:30pm start. Naming the awards evening Verum Inluminans is a tribute to high achievers in a Catholic school, encapsulating the striving for excellence at Newman Catholic College.
The term 'Verum' meaning 'truth', reminds us that all genuine learning is a pursuit of God's truth, reflecting the divine order in creation. 'Inluminans' meaning 'illuminating', speaking to the role of our students not merely as recipients of knowledge, but as bearers of light, called to illuminate the world with their wisdom, dedication, and service. In a world where the fruitfulness of human ability is often hindered or obscured by diversions (e.g. video games, social media, Netflix), there are still individuals among us who rise against the grain to find their true selves and show us all what we are capable of. On Verum Inluminans evening, we honour those students in our community that inspire the rest of us.
If we are intended for great ends, we are called to great hazards - Saint John Henry Newman

College Board Nominations
We are seeking nominations for 3 positions on the Newman Catholic College Advisory Board.
The Board serves as an advisory body, providing guidance to the College Principal and Leadership team regarding governance responsibilities of the school. The Board aligns its advice with consideration of the wider mission of the Catholic Church and Catholic Education. We operate with integrity, due diligence and act in the best interests of Newman Catholic College.
Our board meets monthly from February to November on the 3rd Tuesday of each month, with meetings lasting approximately 1.5 hours. We have availability for videoconferencing if you are unable to attend the meeting in person.
We welcome nominations from across our community, however, we particularly encourage nominations from
- parents or guardians who may reside outside of the Northern Beaches area
- members of our parish who do not have children at the school
- First Nations individuals
The nomination form is attached. Please complete and return to Yvette Bacic by Friday 8 November.
If you would like further information or to discuss what being on the Board is actually like, please contact the office who will put you in touch with a Board member.
Tania Wilmann
College Board Chair

2025 School Fees

Mr Amos Wachira
Business Manager
The Finance team wishes to convey our gratitude to parents and guardians who are continuously making sure that their fees and levies are paid on time and payment arrangement honoured. This enables the College to provide high quality learning and proper environment for students.
The fee statements are sent regularly and serves as a record of all transactions that the family conducts with the school. Kindly review the statement and in case of any discrepancies, please refer it back to our Finance team.
School fees for Term 4 (final fees for the year) has been issued and families should be finalising the payments unless a payment arrangement with the College is in effect. If you will not be able to finalise your fees by the end of the year and there is no payment arrangement in place, please contact us for an appointment before the end of Term 4.
Payments of school fees can be made via BPay, Credit Card or cash payment at our front office reception. These payment options are provided for on your statement. Please include your family reference when making payment so we can allocate all monies to the correct account.
Also included in this newsletter are the 2025 School Fees and Diocesan Tuition Fees information for all families. This information can also be found in the 2025 Parent Information Booklet which will be issued to all families soon. For all queries pertaining to school fees, please call 07 4047 6000 or email
Amos Wachira
Business Manager

Leader of Liturgy, Spirituality & Faith Formation

Mr Chris Graham
Leader of Liturgy, Spirituality & Faith Formation
Newman Catholic College Feast Day Celebration
Our patron, Saint John Henry Newman (1801–1890), was canonised as a Saint by Pope Francis on the 13th of October, 2019. His Feast Day is celebrated each year on the 9th of October, commemorating the date of his reception into the Catholic Church. As a Saint revered for a pursuit of truth and balance between faith and intellect, Saint John Henry Newman made his life and legacy especially meaningful to scholars, educators, and those navigating personal faith journeys.
On Thursday 10 October, the College celebrated his and our Feast Day. Breakout activities filled the day, beginning with a full College Mass attended by students, staff, and families and presided by Father Dariusz Osinski and Deacon Tony Moore - thank you to our spiritual leaders. The mass focused on Newman’s legacy of faith, intellect, and community, with the awarding of the Saint John Henry Newman Spirit Award to Year 7 Student, Grace Keleher. Special thanks goes out to the staff band who never fail to musically enhance the spiritual connection to our Masses.
After Mass, students participated in the "Battle for the Flag" novelty sporting events, which included the Newman Stampede (winners being Montana Moll and Sachin Taranto), Dodgeball, Tug of War and Capture the Flag, resulting in an overall win for Maroon House. The sporting activities brought out a competitive spirit, teamwork and camaraderie among students. Special thanks goes to Mrs Linda Gough for her coordination of this event.
The day concluded with the much-loved "Newman’s Got Talent" showcase, where students and staff displayed their extraordinary skills, from singing and dancing to media technology and comedy. Performers competed for prizes and trophies, and the talent on display was very impressive. Special thanks goes to Mrs Katherine Fraser for her coordination of this event.
The day would not have been the same without the delicious spread of food provided by the awesome team of cooks, Ms Dianne Austrai-Ombiga, Dr Lauretta Graham, Ms Mitzi Bird, Mr Andrew Clarke, Ms Leisa Lindsay, Mr Michael Capper, Ms Sarah Schiavon, Ms Sabina Gentile, Mrs Kerryn Katal, Ms Kim Auld and Ms Natalie Waters.
Thank you to all who participated making this day a special and successful celebration.
Chris Graham
Leader of Liturgy, Spirituality & Faith Formation
John Henry Newman Feast Day Mass

Battle for the Flag

Spirit of Newman Award 2024

Ayva Ekeroma
2023 Spirt of Newman Award
Good morning, students, teachers, parents, invited guests, and the Newman Catholic College community. My name is Ayva Ekeroma, and I am honoured to have been the recipient of the 2023 John Henry Newman Spirit Award.
Today, as part of our tradition, I have the pleasure of announcing this year’s award recipient during our Feast Day Mass. The Spirit Award honours a student who truly embodies the values and spirit of Saint John Henry Newman—a person who exemplified the best qualities in humanity:
- Courage
- Genuine openness to the truth
- Compassion for others
- Unity and inclusivity
- Wisdom
- Perseverance in the face of adversity, and
- Kindness and support for those who are suffering
This year, the Spirit Award goes to an individual who has demonstrated these qualities with humility and dedication. Throughout the year, they have shown incredible courage, a thirst for truth, and a commitment to unity and compassion. Whether openly sharing their thoughts and knowledge in class, or volunteering at College Masses and liturgical events, this student has made a meaningful impact on our community.
Their dedication to our college values shines through in their approach to challenges. They face obstacles with a thoughtful and wise demeanour, often inspiring their peers to persevere and find strength within themselves.
In their time at Newman Catholic College, this exceptional student has not only upheld the values of Saint John Henry Newman but has also enriched our community with their intelligence, gentleness, kindness, and unwavering commitment to others, always placing others before themself. They are someone that through each encounter leaves others feeling better than they found them.
It is my great pleasure to announce that the 2024 John Henry Newman Spirit Award is presented to Grace Keleher.
Congratulations, Grace; this honour is truly well deserved.
Ayva Ekeroma
2023 Spirit of Newman Award

Special Projects and Partnerships

Mr Alexander Starmer
Leader of Special Programs
& Partnerships
Newman Catholic College Students Attend JCU Business Conference: ‘Future Horizons’
On Thursday 17 October, twenty Year 8 and Year 9 students from Newman Catholic College had the exciting opportunity to attend the JCU Business Conference, Future Horizons: Empowering Tomorrow’s Business Leaders. The conference was designed to inspire and educate young minds on the significant role that business and commerce play in shaping the world around us.
Throughout the day, students engaged with industry leaders, participated in interactive sessions, and gained valuable insights into the rapidly evolving landscape of business. Topics ranged from innovation and entrepreneurship to sustainable business practices, all with a focus on preparing the next generation of leaders for the challenges and opportunities ahead.
Our students left the conference with a deeper understanding of the importance of business in today’s global economy, as well as practical knowledge and inspiration to explore their own future pathways in the world of commerce. It was a rewarding and eye-opening experience, helping to shape their ambitions as they continue their education.

JCU Dentistry Workshop
On Friday 11 October, our students had the valuable opportunity to participate in a series of informative and interactive workshops presented by 3rd-year Dentistry students from James Cook University. These sessions, held during the students' Science double lesson, focused on key aspects of oral health, providing students with practical knowledge and insights that will benefit them for years to come.
The workshops covered the following important topics:
- Oral Hygiene: Students learned practical tips on maintaining healthy teeth and gums, with advice on brushing, flossing, and regular dental check-ups.
- Oral Protection: This workshop highlighted the importance of protecting teeth, particularly during sports and physical activities. Students gained a better understanding of how mouthguards and other protective measures can prevent injuries and safeguard their smiles.
- The Effects of Vaping on Oral Health: A key discussion topic was the impact of vaping on oral health. The students learned about the harmful effects vaping can have on teeth and gums, including the risks of tooth decay, gum disease, and other long-term consequences.
These workshops offered students valuable insights into oral health care and encouraged them to make informed choices about their dental health. We are grateful to the JCU Dentistry students for their time and expertise, and we look forward to hosting similar events in the future!
JCU Dentistry Workshop

Day for Daniel – Friday 25 October | Students to Wear Red Sports Uniform
Newman Catholic College is proud to participate in Day for Daniel on Friday 25 October. This national day of action is held annually to honour the memory of Daniel Morcombe and to raise awareness about the vital issues of child safety and protection.
In support of this important cause, we ask that all students wear their red sports uniform instead of their usual house-coloured uniform on this special day. Wearing red symbolizes our commitment to promoting safety and ensuring that every child knows how to stay safe.
This is an opportunity for our school community to come together in solidarity, spread the message of child protection, and honour Daniel’s legacy. We encourage all students to participate and help raise awareness about the importance of child safety.
Thank you for your support, and we look forward to seeing our community united in red!
Battle of the Schools Wakeboarding Competition & FREE Come and Try Day
Attention all students! Get ready for an exciting day on the water with the Battle of the Schools Wakeboarding Competition and a FREE Come and Try Day on Saturday 26 October 2024.
Event Details:
- Date: Saturday 26 October 2024
- Free Come and Try Session: 11:00am – 2:00pm (equipment and coaching included)
- Wakeboarding Competition: From 2:00pm
- Location: Wakeboarding Park (check with your school for location details)
- Bonus: A chance to win 1 of 5 free summer wakeboarding memberships for school children!
During the Come and Try session, students will have access to expert coaching and all necessary equipment. Best of all, it's free! Plus, every student who participates between 11:00am and 2:00pm will be entered into a draw to win 1 of 5 free summer wakeboarding memberships, exclusive to school children.
After the session, the excitement continues with the Battle of the Schools competition from 2:00pm, where students will have the chance to showcase their skills and represent their schools on the water!
Don't miss this fantastic opportunity to dive into the world of wakeboarding and compete for fun prizes.
See you on the water!

FNQ Interschool MTB Challenge
Registrations Open for Round 3 of the FNQ Interschool MTB Challenge!
Exciting news for mountain biking enthusiasts! Round 3 of the FNQ Interschool MTB Challenge is happening on Sunday 3 November, at the Smithfield Mountain Bike Park. This event will feature a Solo Enduro round, offering an adrenaline-pumping experience on one of the region’s premier trail networks.
Event Details:
- Date: Sunday 3 November
- Venue: Smithfield Mountain Bike Park
- Entry Fee: $20 + AusCycling membership (options available for annual, day, and free trial licenses)
- Registration Link: Click here to register
- 10-12 girls and boys
- 13-15 girls and boys
- 16-19 girls and boys
This event is the perfect opportunity for school-aged riders to showcase their skills in a friendly yet competitive atmosphere. Whether you're new to racing or a seasoned rider, there's a category for you!
Get your entries in and get ready for an epic day on the trails!

Cairns Marathon 2025
Exciting news, Newman Catholic College community! We invite all students, parents, and staff to participate in the upcoming Cairns Marathon 2025, set to take place on Sunday 13 July 2025. With 9 months to go, there’s plenty of time to prepare and train for this incredible event.
The Cairns Marathon offers a variety of distances to cater to all levels of fitness and experience, including:
- Full Marathon
- Half Marathon
- 10km
- 5km
- 2km
To make it even more exciting, Newman Catholic College has organised a special team for our school community to join! By signing up with Team Newman CC, you'll receive an exclusive 10% discount on your entry fee, making it easier for everyone to get involved.
How to join Team Newman CC:
- Visit the Cairns Marathon 2025 website:
- Click “ENTER NOW” and choose your desired race distance.
- When completing your registration, click on ‘Join a team’ and select Newman Catholic College to receive your 10% discount.
By joining Team Newman CC, you’ll not only have an unforgettable experience but also contribute to the strong sense of community that makes our school special. Let’s come together, set goals, and support one another as we run, cheer, and achieve!
We hope to see many of you out on the course, representing Newman Catholic College with pride!
Alexander Starmer
Leader of Special Programs & Partnerships
MyCE Parent Mobile App

Mr Wilbur Donovan
Deputy Principal
NEW MyCE Parent Mobile App
(replacing the current Parent Portal)
MyCE – short for My Catholic Education – is an app developed by Cairns Catholic Education to allow parents, guardians and caregivers to easily and securely access school and student information. It provides an interactive pathway for communication between home and school.
Note: If a caregiver has access to the app, they will not have access to Parent Slips unless they are a legal guardian.
Some of the most useful features include:
- school contact and directory information
- notification of student absences
- links to Parent Slips and Parent Teacher Online
- student timetables
- access to your students’ academic reports
- the ability to add school calendar events to your personal calendar
Wilbur Donovan
Deputy Principal - Academic Studies
Stop Drop and Go Zone

Stop Drop Go Zone
Kinetic runs the public bus services in Cairns and they travel through the JCU bus interchange regularly throughout the day.
Drivers have reported safety issues as parents are dropping off/picking up children from Newman Catholic College.
The area around the end roundabout is marked with no standing signs however cars are often stopping in this area which impacts on the safe passage of buses.
Parents are also reminded not to queue around the roundabout when accessing the Stop Drop Go Zone.
We are kindly asking the families to use the designated Stop Drop Go Zone to ensure the public buses and other road uses are not inconvenienced.

Arts Department

Mrs Katherine Fraser
Leader of the Arts
Welcome to Term 4! The Arts Are Jam-Packed with Excitement!
As we dive into Term 4, we are thrilled to announce a series of exciting events in The Arts that promise to showcase the incredible talents of our students. Here at Newman Catholic College, we are committed to delivering greatness!
Arts Evening
Mark your calendars for our upcoming Arts Evening, featuring performances from our compulsory Year 7 music classes (07MUS05, 07MUS06, 07MUS07, and 07MUS08), The Voices of Newman, Newman Chamber Strings, The Newman Symphonics, the NCC Drama group, Year 7-9 dance classes, the NCC Dance Academy, and various solo and duo performances.
- Date: 13 November 2024
- Location: Newman Catholic College Hall
- Time:6:00pm - 7:30pm
- Tickets: Available through TryBooking; a ticket link will be emailed to parents in the coming week.
F@N Christmas on The Lawn
Our Choir and Strings Orchestra are busy preparing for the festive Christmas on The Lawn event. Expect an evening filled with joyful carols and delightful Christmas cheer!
Instrumental Music Fees
This week, Instrumental Music fees will be sent out. Please check your school fees if your child is enrolled in group or individual lessons that incur charges.
Practice Your Instrument
With the concert approaching, it's crucial for all students to practice over the weekend. Students should take their instruments home and aim to practice for 20-30 minutes, four times a week.
The Arts Rehearsals
To ensure our students are prepared for their performances, please note the following rehearsal schedule:
- Choir: Monday, 2nd lunch
- Percussion Ensemble: Tuesday, 2nd lunch
- String Ensemble: Tuesday and Thursday, 2nd lunch
- NCC Dance Academy: Wednesday, 3:20pm - 5:00pm
- NCC Drama Group: Friday, 1st lunch
NCC Dance Academy
Our dedicated Dance Academy is hard at work preparing for the Term 4 Academic Assembly, showcasing the creativity and talent of our students.
Dance Force Excursion – Important Details
Our Dance Force excursion is just around the corner! A reminder that permission forms and payments are due by Friday 25 October. Be sure to secure your tickets through the TryBooking link, which closes at 5:00pm on that day.
The performance will take place at 6pm on Sunday 3 November at CPAC, with student collection from the foyer area at 8:00pm. Don’t miss out on this exciting event!

QATSIF Art Award
At the end of Term 3, the Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Foundation’s “2024 Creature Arts Competition” was announced. Year 9 Newman Catholic College student Marshal Kepper was awarded First Place for his mixed media artwork.
Marshal was presented with his certificate and trophy at our Friday assembly during Week 10 of Term 3 by our Indigenous Liaison Officer, Tobias Corrie. We are incredibly proud of Marshal and his efforts to produce work of such a high standard and look forward to seeing what he produces in the future!
QATSIF Art Award Winner - Marshal Kepper

Newman’s Got Talent
What an afternoon to remember!
On Thursday 10 October, Newman Catholic College was lit up by our annual Newman's Got Talent competition! The energy was electric, the audience was on fire, and the talent was absolutely AMAZING!
Congratulations to all our incredible performers who brought the spirit of St John Henry Newman to life! He was a champion of the arts, and you all shined bright!
1st Place: Ally Pringle, Liv White, Maddie Jones, Felicity Pols, Miranda Tarabaras - Dance group
2nd Place: Isabelle Ma - piano solo with visual installation
3rd Place: Helena Erard (dance solo) & Leonard Hasani (cello solo)
Highly Commended: Therese Wilmann (vocal solo) & Aryan Sholapurkar (piano solo)
A huge shout out to our fabulous judges: Mrs Katherine Fraser, Ms Alisha Matthews, and Mr Ian Shotton! And let’s not forget our epic MC, Mr Tobias Corrie, and sound wizard, Mr Ross Pols!
Big thanks to our leadership team for organising those awesome prizes and trophies!
Until next year, keep the talent flowing! #NewmansGotTalent #UnleashTheTalent #ArtsAtNewman #HeartSpeaksToHeart
As we embark on this exciting term, we wish everyone a fantastic experience and encourage you to enjoy the upcoming end-of-year festivities. Let's make Term 4 a memorable one!
Warm regards
Katherine Fraser
Leader of Arts
Newman's Got Talent

Science Matters

Mr Matt Radburnd
Leader of Science
Year 5 Open Day Visit to Newman College
On Wednesday 16 October, Newman Catholic College was thrilled to host nearly 100 budding young scientists from local primary schools for an exciting day of hands-on science experiments and demonstrations. The day was led by two of our exceptional student scientists, Iga Ciolek and Jackson Bowmaker, who guided the visiting Year 5 students through a range of thrilling activities in our state-of-the-art labs.
The students were captivated by fascinating experiments, including the dazzling reaction of burning magnesium ribbon and the foamy fun of creating 'elephant’s toothpaste'. In addition to these engaging demonstrations, they had the unique opportunity to explore human anatomy up close, learning about vital organs like the brain, kidneys, and heart.
The young visitors were full of curiosity, asking insightful questions throughout the day. Their enthusiasm and excitement was contagious, and we look forward to welcoming many of these bright minds back to Newman Catholic College in two years, as they continue their journey of scientific exploration with us.
It was an inspiring day, and we are eager to see where their love for science will take them!
Year 5 Open Day Visit

Engaging Science Reef Expedition
On Friday 11 October some of our Reef Guardian students from Years 7-9 headed out to the reef with GBR Biology and Citizens of the Great Barrier Reef to take part in photographic surveys for the Great Reef Census.
The day started at Norman Reef where Mercy Baird and ranger Jai Singleton welcomed students onto Yirrganydji Sea country and taught us about how traditional owners have been caring for this natural resource for thousands of years.
Nicole Senn and Sean Daly from Citizens of the Great Barrier Reef then taught students how to conduct reef surveys for the Great Reef Census using GoPro cameras purchased with our Engaging Science Grant. Students split into teams and passed the cameras around, taking images of the corals and reef structure from a distance of 3-5m at random intervals. It was hard not to get distracted by the many turtles, reef sharks and fish congregations that we encountered in the 30m plus visibility.
We also visited Saxon and Hastings reefs, capturing images for the census and admiring the stunning marine life that was thriving in these protected Green Zone areas. A number of our students also put their PADI SCUBA certifications to good use, collecting some images from deeper down while SCUBA diving.
Marine Biologists from GBR Biology talked to students about some of the current projects including the MARS stars program and the COTS eradication program and students observed a live Crown of Thorns starfish that was removed from the reef that very day. The team from Dreamtime Dive and Snorkel then led a series of cultural presentations and students had the opportunity to ask questions to the rangers who joined us for the day.
It was a magical day on the reef in the company of some inspirational people who are doing great work to ensure its sustainable future. We would like to especially thank the Queensland Government for their support funding this event though an Engaging Science Grant.
Stay tuned for the next event that is part of this project. We will be hosting a community citizen science information evening at the school from 6:00-8:00pm on Wednesday 27 November which will feature a series of guest speakers from various organisations. More information about the event will be sent out soon once the schedule has been finalised.
Engaging Science Reef Day

JCU EduQuarium
Earlier this term, our Year 9 Marine Science classes went on a guided tour of JCU’s extraordinary EduQuarium facility.
Students explored JCU: James Cook University, Australia Tropical Australian Stinger Research Unit, where they learned about projects like jellyfish sting research, stonefish venom analysis, and cone snail venom ecology. They also got up close with dangerous reef creatures, including the irukandji jellyfish, stonefish, and cone snails.
The students also had the rare chance to visit Biopixel Studios' secret filming facility used for documentaries like Attenborough’s Blue Planet, and visited the Cairns Turtle Rehabilitation Centre, meeting green sea turtles and a giant loggerhead turtle in need of extra care.
A huge thank you to the EduQuarium team at JCU for this special experience, and to our incredible guide, Katrina Kaposi, for sharing the amazing research happening right here on our doorstep!
JCU EduQuarium

Wonder of Science
Mr Ellison and Mr Klein's Science 1 classes have been working hard on their research experiments that form part of the Wonders of Science competition. The competition is a science-based initiative that engages students in a collaborative and inquiry-driven learning experience.
Participants work in teams to investigate real-world scientific challenges, conducting experiments and developing research projects. The competition emphasizes critical thinking, creativity, and communication, as students present their findings to peers, teachers, and industry professionals at regional and state conferences.
Congratulations to our Newman College team who finished 2nd out of 9 Schools at James Cook University competing against other schools in Cairns district. Their project looked at applications for exothermic and endothermic reactions. The students investigated how different chemical reactions either absorb or release heat, demonstrating their understanding of key scientific principles through engaging experiments and clear explanations. Their project not only highlighted the practical applications of these reactions but also showcased their excellent teamwork and critical thinking. We are incredibly proud of their hard work and dedication, and are confident that they will represent our school with great enthusiasm and professionalism at the competition!
Matt Radburnd
Leader of Science
Wonder of Science

Mr Ben Klein
Health Science Teacher
Year 7 Health Science: Term 4 Update
In the first three weeks of Term 4, Year 7 Health Science students have been diving into some exciting new topics. We began by exploring the fascinating world of cells, learning about their structure and function as the basic building blocks of life. From there, we studied how cells form tissues, organs, and organ systems, building a solid foundation of understanding how the human body is organized.
We’ve since turned our focus to the anatomy and physiology of the circulatory system, where students have had the opportunity to learn about the heart's role in circulating blood and maintaining body function. A major highlight has been our heart dissections, where students could observe the structure of the heart firsthand and apply their new knowledge in a practical and engaging way.
It’s great to see students so enthusiastic about their learning, and we look forward to diving into our upcoming topics on the respiratory and nervous systems, including exciting dissections that will further enhance their understanding of these vital body systems.
Kind regards
Ben Klein
Health Science Teacher

Languages Department

Shixiang Chen
Leader of Languages
Japanese School Visit
On Friday 18 October, we welcomed 70 students and their teachers from Seikyo Gakuen Junior High School in Japan. It was also our Year 7 Global Citizen Day. Throughout the day, students enjoyed a variety of cultural and team-building activities, including trivia, Zumba, table tennis, handball, origami, calligraphy, and traditional Japanese games. Thank you to all the staff and students involved—it was a fantastic day!

Japan Trip
Some of our Year 8 and 9 students, accompanied by supervising staff, will be visiting Japan this Friday. We wish them the best for an immersive cultural and language learning experience and safe return after the one week trip. They will be visiting Denen Chofu, the school that visited us earlier this year. Thank you to our staff and families for your support. We look forward to receiving updates during their time in Japan.
Language Club
In Week 1 of the Language Club, we explored Mandala Art, followed by Grid Art in Week 2. Some of the students' beautiful creations are now displayed on the library board—be sure to check them out!
Shixiang Chen
Leader of Languages

Mr Brendan Akers
Tour Leader
Japan Trip 2024 - 25th Oct to 3rd November 2024
On Friday 25 October, students from Newman Catholic College will embark on their first overseas trip to Japan. A group of 24 students and 4 staff members will begin their journey in the capital, Tokyo.
Our first stop will be the Miraikan Museum of Science and Technology to learn about robotics, biology, and earth sciences. A visit to TeamLab Planets for an experience of interactive digital art displays is just a short train ride away.
On Sunday, we will test our tolerance for heights as we go 350 meters above the city on the Tokyo Skytree. From this vantage point, students will see the expanse of Tokyo and hopefully catch a glimpse of Mt. Fuji. We will then head onwards to Asakusa Temple, a large Buddhist temple with a shopping arcade and the famous Thunder Gate.
On Monday, we will attend Denen Chofu Gakuen Junior and Senior High School. Our students will reunite with the buddies who visited Newman Catholic College last term. It will be a learning experience for students about schooling in Japan and the cultural differences between schools.
On Tuesday, we will travel to Kyoto on the Shinkansen, or Bullet Train. We will visit the International Manga Museum to study the art form of Manga and trace its history from World War II propaganda to modern classics such as Dragon Ball and One Piece.
On Wednesday, we will have a full guided bus tour to The Golden Pavilion, a Zen Buddhist temple covered in gold leaf, Nijo Castle, the castle of the old Kyoto capital, and Kiyomizudera, famous for its high balcony and stage.
On Thursday, we will head to Universal Studios Japan for their Halloween spectacular. The entire park will be Halloween-themed, with many attendees wearing cosplay and costumes for the occasion.
On Friday, we will have a somber trip to Hiroshima to visit the Peace Park and Atomic Bomb Museum. The school is donating 1,000 paper cranes for the memorial for the children of Hiroshima, and we will pray in the Peace Park for the end of nuclear weapons. Hiroshima Castle will be our final stop in Hiroshima for a look at historic Hiroshima.
On Saturday, we are blessed to have volunteers from Osaka guide our groups around the city for our final day in Japan. Students will have their last opportunity to enjoy Japanese cuisine from Dotonbori and buy souvenirs before flying back to Australia.
At each location, students will observe and record their experiences in their travel journals. The Japanese language students will complete their assessments while in Japan, which includes conversations with Japanese buddies and shopping using the Japanese language.
We are hoping for a successful trip and to create unforgettable experiences.
Mr Brendan Akers
Tour Leader

HPE & Sport News

Mr Zane Dockray
Leader of HPE & Sport
Newman 7’s Rugby Union
U12 Mixed Competition - Newman Catholic College once again hosted our annual Rugby Union 7’s competition in conjunction with FNQ Rugby. In the U12’s Mixed competition there were 6 team from 5 schools, including Holy Cross Primary Trinity Beach, Good Counsel Primary Innisfail, St Andrews College Redlynch, Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Thursday Island and Newman Catholic College. With hot and sunny conditions the teams all battled each other throughout the day with an eventual top of the table clash between Newman Catholic College and Good Counsel Primary. It was a great result for our Mixed U12’s Team!
- Newman vs Holy Cross Red – Win
- Newman vs Holy Cross White – Win
- Newman vs St Andrew’s – Win
- Newman vs Sacred Heart (Thursday Island) – Draw
- Newman vs Good Counsel Primary – Loss
A huge congratulations to Good Counsel College for taking home the overall win! Newman’s MVP of the day was Jack Noonan, who played outstandingly.
Thanks to all the teams who participated, and a big shout-out to Our Lady Of The Sacred Heart School, Thursday Island & Hammond Island, for traveling such a long way via ferry, bus, plane and Uber to join us!
U13 & U15 Competition
We then hosted the U13’s and U15’s Boys and Girls Rugby 7’s entering an U13 Boys and Girls team and an U15 Boys team. Our U13 Girls had great wins over Good Counsel College and won the Overall U13 Girls Champion Team. Well done girls and congratulations to Mia Stewart the Most Valuable Player for Newman Catholic College.
Our boys team had some very tough competition and showed great resilience throughout the day with the U13 boys getting a win against Redlynch State College and the U15 boys a draw against Good Counsel College. Thanks to Cairns High, Redlynch College and Good Counsel College Innisfail as well as St Monica’s U15 Girls team who all participated in the competition.
Congrats to Jonathan Barrile (U15) and Bo Fridolf (U13) who were voted Most Valuable player for their team.
Special thanks to FNQ Rugby and Kelvin Elder who promoted and organised the day, Mr Dockray the convenor, Mr O’Brien the referee on the day and coaches, Mr Brack (U12), Mr O’Brien, Mr Bassano and Mr Castiglio. Well done crew. We look forward to the Newman 7’s again in 2025!
Rugby 7s

Volleyball Gala Day
Well done to the Year 7 & 8 Newman Boys Volleyball team who participated in the FNQ Schools Championships this term. The team has been training all year and this was an opportunity for our younger players to get some game time. It was a great standard of Volleyball and our team finished in 4th place overall losing in the semi final to Freshwater Christian College. Congratulations to eventual winners Bentley Park College.

Year 7 – Intro to Outdoor Ed
This term, our Year 7 Outdoor Education class has been developing essential outdoor skills, including how to cook in the great outdoors using Trangias. Students have embraced the challenge of meal planning, preparing their own ingredients, and successfully cooking on portable stoves during class sessions.
Looking ahead, our outdoor adventures continue with two exciting hikes. On Friday, 15 November, we will be exploring the beautiful Smithfield trails, giving students the opportunity to apply their orienteering skills in a real-world setting. The following week, on Friday, 22 November, we will embark on a 7km hike along the stunning Wangetti Trail, trekking from Palm Cove to Ellis Beach. These hikes will serve as the perfect culmination of the term's activities, offering students a chance to practice their outdoor navigation, teamwork, and resilience in nature.
Students are reminded to come prepared for these hikes with the necessary gear, including appropriate footwear, water, and sun protection. We are looking forward to these exciting challenges and the memories they will create.
Alex Starmer
Year 8 Outdoor Education – Our Year 8 class is getting excited for their 3 day Navigation excursion at Camp Barrabadeen, Lake Tinaroo in week 5. The classes have been learning about navigation techniques and map reading skills as we get ready for the orienteering and canoe Rogaine course that students will complete.
Year 9 Outdoor Education – The Year 9 Outdoor Education is heading to Fitzroy Island in week 6 for an overnight excursion where students will learn about the history of Fitzroy Island, visit the Turtle Rehab centre, hike the summit and lighthouse tracks and snorkel and explore the island shoreline.
TCN Swimming Carnival
Congratulations to the following students who recently competed at the TCN Swimming Carnival on Wednesday 9 October. Excellent effort by all students.
- 12-year-old Girls: 2nd Age Champion: Elizabeth Meller
- 13-year-old Boys: 2nd Age Champion: Jacob Campbell
- 13-year-old Boys: 4th Age Champion: Hamish Mead
- 13-year-old Girls: 1st Age Champion: Chloe O’Neile
- 13-year-old Girls: 2nd Age Champion: Lani Kelliher
- 13-year-old Girls: 3rd Age Champion: Summer Starr
- 14-year-old Boys: 1st Age Champion: Raiden DeCarlo
- 15-year-old Girls: 2nd Age Champion: Arabella Lulham
Newman Catholic College 2nd Overall: 106 Points
JSS Sports Results – Newman Catholic College Vs St Mary’s Catholic College
- Netball: 23 – 17 Win
- Soccer Girls: 1 - 1 Draw
- Soccer Boys: 3 - 1 Loss
- Basketball Girls: Win
- Basketball Boys: 35 – 34 Win
- AFL: 44- 4 Win
- Volleyball Boys: 2 - 1 Loss
- Volleyball Girls: 2 -1 Win
- Touch Football girls: 4 - 3 Loss
- Touch Football boys: 18 - 1 Loss
Swimming Carnival
Our last major carnival for the year is scheduled for Friday 8 November - Week 6 at the Smithfield Pool. This year the Swimming Carnival will have competitive races for the 50m events and novelty and participation events. All students who wish to race in the competitive 50m races must complete the nomination survey that will be emailed to all students. This way we can have all the races ready to go on the day and get through all of the events!
A sausage sizzle will be provided by the Families @ Newman and the Marlin Coast Canteen will be open for a brief time for students to purchase snacks. Students are encouraged to bring their own healthy snacks and lunch including water bottles on the day.
We will meet at Newman College for LMG time, mark the roll and then walk over to the pool for a 9:00am start. Students will wear House uniforms or dress up in House colours ensuring that they are sun safe with shoes, shirts and hats. Parents are encouraged to come along and support their children. It will be a hot and sunny day so please ensure that everyone is sun safe, well hydrated and wearing their hats throughout the day.
It is a whole school event and therefore all students are expected to be in attendance. As per usual if a student is away that day, please ensure you contact the office or complete a Request for Student Absence form.
Zane Dockray
Leader of HPE and Sport
Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.
Hebrews 12:1
Uniform Expectations for Students
Please find below the updated uniform expectations for all students.

Uniform Shop

Uniform Shop Open Hours
Monday to Friday - 1st Recess 10:20am - 11:00am
Tuesday and Thursday afternoons 2:30pm - 3:30pm
When ordering through Flexischools, if the order is placed before 5:00pm it is available for collection the next working day at 1st Recess (10:20am).
College Uniforms - Price Increase effective 1 November 2024
In this newsletter we have included the Uniform Order Form for 2025 - effective from 1 November 2024. If you require new uniforms for 2025, please use the link through Flexischools to purchase. If you have not used Flexischools before, below are instructions on how to set up your account. If your child has any outgrown uniforms you wish to donate, we would love to assist and help families in need.
Please bring your secondhand uniforms into the College Office.
Back to School 2025 | School Supplies
If you’re needing to top up your child’s stationery needs for 2025, from pencils, pens to USB sticks and exercise books at low prices, please visit Flexischools account and you’ll be able to view and purchase online or at Uniform Shop during opening hours. We have limited stock of Year 7, 8 and 9 stationery packs but have plenty of individual stationery available.
Reminders regarding Uniforms
Please ensure to label all items:
- Uniforms are to be worn as a complete set - no mixing between formal and sports uniforms
- Tracksuit jackets are able to be worn with both formal and sports uniforms
- Tracksuit pants are only be to be worn for sporting excursions or camps/retreats
- The jacket and pants are not compulsory, however, no other jackets can be worn.
Students are required to wear completely black leather lace-up shoes when wearing their formal uniform. No colour trim is allowed. Below are examples of acceptable and non-acceptable

Cafe News

Flexischools New Cut-Off time - 7:45am each school day.
All orders for the Cafe are to be placed by 7:45am. Parents are asked to note the new cut-off time of 7:45am. A reminder if you have more than one child you are ordering for, please place each child's order seperately. Orders are to be collected by students at 1st Recess at 10:20am.
Student IDs can be used for over the counter purchases
Students can now make over the counter cafe purchases with their student card. Parents can prepay funds into their Fleixschools parent wallet and link their child's existing Student ID card. Refer to the image below for information on how to link the card.
Reminder that students making purchases at the Cafe must use a card, cash or their preloaded student ID to make purchases. Students are NOT to use their mobile phones or smart watches for payment.
Thank you for your assistance.
Julie Davies
Cafe Supervisor

Vinnies Christmas Appeal

F@N News