Newman News Vol 3 Issue 11 - 12 September 2024
Acknowledgement of Country
Prayer for End of Term
From the Principal
Pope Francis visit to PNG
National Parent Survey
Pastoral Care - Year 7
Reflection on Year 9 Camp
Important Term Dates
Arts Department
Science Matters
English Department
HASS Department
Languages Department
Sport News
Oktoberfest - Saturday 26 October
F@N News - President's Report
MyCE Parent Mobile App
Stop Drop and Go Zone
Cafe News
Uniform Shop
Acknowledgement of Country

We acknowledge the Yirrganydji and Djabugay peoples, as the traditional owners of this land and pay respect to their elders, past, present, and emerging for they hold the memories, the traditions, the culture and hopes of Aboriginal Australia who educated their children in this area. We show respect for their history, their culture, and our shared future.
We will always remember that under the concrete, steel and asphalt of this College, this land is, was, and always will be traditional Aboriginal land.
JCU Nguma-bada Campus - "Place for tomorrow's Learning Knowledge and Wisdom"
Yirryay (Yirrganydgi landuage, coastal dialect of Djabugay.
Prayer for End of Term
We thank you Lord, for this term. For our challenges, our successes, and the mistakes from which we have learnt. Be with us as we spend our time with family and friends.
Give us strength and courage to do what is right: to be witnesses of our faith. Help us to be a practical Christian these holidays, to appreciate what others do for us, to give time and effort to help others. To be peacemakers in our family.
Keep us safe in our activities; give us good rest and good fun. Bring us back refreshed and ready for a new term. We thank you for our classmates, teachers, parents and a community that cares for us.
May we always be conscious of you in our lives.
Eternal Rest Prayer
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
We say this prayer especially for Marilyn, one of our cleaners, who lost her daughter last weekend.
From the Principal

Dr Lauretta Graham
Dear Families of Newman Catholic College
Thank you for all that you have done to support the education of your children throughout term three. It has been a very busy term and packed with opportunity for your children. Please be sure to check that they have completed all parts of their assessment before they leave for this term’s break. An important part of belonging here at Newman is that all students finish what they start and complete each unit of study.
Over the course of the holidays please check that your son or daughter has all items of uniform and equipment ready for our last term. So often we hear that they have lost their hat and when asked if it is labelled, they say no and several times per week I am asked to provide writing materials as students are attending class without pens or writing materials. Please check that all items are named. Pencil cases with pens, pencils, erasers, rulers and other equipment necessary to participate fully in class are still required at Newman. Further to this please check that shoes are still in good condition for another nine weeks of school.
Our College is a uniform school. Students at Newman wear their uniform to connect them to their school community, demonstrating a sense of belonging and pride in the College. Wearing a school uniform correctly instils in students a positive attitude towards their presentation in professional environments. It is an outward sign of success! We ask for your assistance in developing this positive attitude and sense of pride, belonging and professionalism.
I am concerned about the following and ask that you have a conversation with your girls about:
- the rolling up at the waist of their sports shorts. This is making the shorts very short and unacceptable for the school uniform. We are investigating a longer style short for following years.
- the wearing skirts and skorts that are too small and too short for them. Please purchase replacement skorts and skirts, especially in situations where students have had the same uniform for almost three years. We have asked the manufacturer of our skorts and skirts to lengthen both items.
Finally, I am concerned about students entering or leaving the school or waiting to be picked up without their hats and having no sun protection. Please be sure that your child has both their formal hat and their sports hat.
Thank you for your attention to these details. Have a most wonderful holiday break.
Kindest regards
With Every Blessing
Lauretta Graham
Pope Francis visit to PNG
It was so wonderful to know that Pope Francis was so close to us during the past week during his visit to PNG.
“All people are gifts from God with a mission to share love”, pope says.
PORT MORESBY, Papua New Guinea (CNS) — Building enthusiasm for living and sharing the Christian faith is not a matter of “techniques” but of being joyful and serving others, Pope Francis said.
In an afternoon devoted to the Catholic Church in Papua New Guinea on 7 September, the Pope visited with some of the most vulnerable members of society, the Catholics who care for them, and with the country’s bishops, priests, religious, seminarians and catechists.

National Parent Survey

National Parent Survey
The CSPA 2024 Parent Survey on Student Wellbeing and Learning is seeking your perspective as parents/carers of children who attend a Catholic School in Australia.
You are invited to share your views on existing and emerging affirmations and/or challenges in relation to your child/children’s wellbeing and learning. Please consider completing this anonymous, confidential, and completely voluntary online survey.
More information about the study, how to participate, and how to have questions answered, can be found here.
Thank you for your interest.
Pastoral Care - Year 7

Mr Chris Di Lucchio
Leader of Pastoral Care Year 7
Year 7 Pastoral Care: The Resilience Project Overview
At Newman Catholic College, we are excited to introduce 'The Resilience Project' to our Year 7 students. This program is designed to help young people build resilience, improve their mental health, and grow in their personal and social well-being. The Resilience Project focuses on three key areas: Gratitude, Empathy, and Mindfulness (GEM). Through engaging lessons and practical activities, students will learn how to develop these important skills, which will not only support them during their school years but also provide lifelong benefits.
Gratitude helps students recognize and appreciate the good things in their lives, fostering a positive mindset. Empathy teaches them to understand and share the feelings of others, building stronger, more compassionate relationships. Mindfulness encourages students to stay present and focused, reducing stress and helping them manage the demands of school and daily life.
At Newman Catholic College, these values align closely with our Catholic faith. Gratitude mirrors our call to give thanks to God, empathy reflects Jesus' teachings to love and serve others, and mindfulness resonates with the Catholic tradition of reflection and prayer. By connecting these principles with the teachings of Christ, we provide our students with a holistic approach to well-being that nurtures both their faith and emotional growth.
Tips for Practicing Resilience at Home
Parents & Carers play a key role in helping children build resilience. Here are some simple ways you can reinforce The Resilience Project’s values at home:
Practice Gratitude Together
Encourage your child to name three things they are grateful for each day. This can be done at the dinner table or before bed, creating a family habit of thankfulness. Reflecting on what we are thankful for helps shift focus away from challenges and towards the positives in our lives.
Foster Empathy Through Conversations
Discuss how your child can show kindness and understanding to others, whether at school or in the community. Ask them about times when they felt empathy for someone else or when they received empathy from others. You can also model empathy by talking about how you respond to others’ feelings and experiences.
Create Mindful Moments
Mindfulness can be practiced through quiet reflection or prayer. Encourage your child to take a few minutes each day to pause, breathe deeply, and focus on the present moment. You can join them in these moments, using it as an opportunity for family prayer or simply quiet time together.
By practicing these GEM principles at home, you help strengthen the work being done in the classroom and support your child’s overall well-being and spiritual development. Together, we can foster a school community filled with resilient, compassionate, and faith-filled young people.
If you would like more information about The Resilience Project or tips for supporting your child, please don’t hesitate to contact myself or your child’s Learner Mentor.
Mr Chris Di Lucchio
Year 7 Coordinator
Reflection on Year 9 Camp

Mr Zane Dockray
on behalf of Mr Sam Hughes
Year 9 Camp Barrabadeen – Lake Tinaroo
The Year 9 cohort were blessed with great weather for their week at Camp Barrabadeen on Lake Tinaroo.
The students had to supply their own tents and sleeping equipment, and this presented the first of many challenges for some of the students as they had to work together to assemble their tents. The campgrounds at Barrabadeen are beautiful, full of gum trees, birds and wildlife with a lake front view. It was great to see the students respecting the campgrounds and keeping it clean throughout the week.
The students rotated through a range of activities designed to build teamwork, resilience, leadership and in some cases conflict resolution. Hiking was led by Mr Currie who took the groups through the Torpedo Bay circuit with spectacular views of the lake and dam wall. This was quite a demanding hike with steep rises and slippery declines. The students had a real sense of accomplishment when they finished the 7km hike. Well done!
Canoeing was another activity that students participated in. They got in pairs and worked together to steer the canoe in a straight line… with some tipping and splashing and laughing! Eventually all canoes managed to raft up and hold onto each canoes side while the middle canoes “set sail” using a tarp to catch the wind and “sail” across the bay while talking and singing like pirates. Well done to Mr Dockray who led 12 canoe trips over the week.
Orienteering was also a group activity where students worked together to collect control markers from around the campgrounds. Well done to the students that demonstrated teamwork and strategy to complete the majority of the challenge. Well done to the staff leaders who led this activity.
Abseiling was another adventure based learning activity that provides a unique combination of physical challenge, personal growth, and team development. Students were required to strap on harnesses and helmets and overcome their fear of going over a cliff backwards! This is a great activity for building mental resilience and self-confidence. There was great feedback from the students who said how much fun abseiling was and stories of how they had to overcome their fear with support from their peers. Special thanks to Mick Rae and his team from Stand Firm who ran the abseiling.
Students also had opportunities with different activities on different days including fishing with Mr Radburnd, raft building with Mr Bassano and weaving with Mr Tobias Currie. Thank you to those staff for leading these.
The behaviour of the students overall was excellent. Both groups were in tents at a sensible time and were respectful of their fellow campers. Respect and gratitude were two key terms that the groups focused on throughout the camp and was reflected in the way most students carried themselves during activities and group gatherings.
The food was delicious and plentiful – thanks to Lee and Scott from Love-Lee Cooking who looked after us all with healthy home cooked meals. Lee’s banana granola was an unexpected surprise. The boys group ate a 20 litre drum of granola over the 2 breakfasts!
A big thank you to all the staff who supported the Year 9 students over the 2 camps. Your hard work and dedication to making these experiences are appreciated. Thanks to Kevin the Barrabadeen caretaker who made all things possible, even at the last minute. Thank you and well done to Mr Hughes the Year 9 Coordinator who put in all the hours of paperwork and preparations. Congratulations Sir!
Finally thank you to all the students who participated in the camp, who got out of their comfort zones, who supported others in their group, and who were respectful and well mannered throughout the camp. It is great to see you developing into young adults and camps are a great way to support your growth and development into adulthood.
Mr Zane Dockray
Year 9 Camp Barrabadeen

Important Term Dates
With Term 3 finishing this Friday 13 September, here are the dates for Term 4:
- Monday 30 September - 1st day for Term 4 for all students.
- Monday 6 October - King's Birthday Public Holiday
- Thursday 10 October - John Henry Newman Feast day
- Saturday 26 October - NCC Oktoberfest Fundraiser - This is an 18+ event
- Thursday 14 November - Year 6 into 7 Orientation Day
- Wednesday 20 November - NCC Presentation & Award Evening
- Thursday 28 November - End of Year Mass 11:00am
- Friday 29 November - last day for students for 2024
Arts Department

Mrs Katherine Fraser
Leader of the Arts
📢 Attention to all parents and students of Year 7 music (semester 2) 📢
As we approach the school holidays, it is important to remind you all a crucial requirement concerning your child's musical instrument. It is mandatory for all students to bring their instruments home over the break. Failure to do so will require them to return to school to collect it during the holidays.
Kindly ensure that your child takes their instrument home by Thursday, 12th September 2024. This is essential for their ongoing progress in their musical studies.
Furthermore, please note that compulsory music lessons will continue for one more term with an instrumental instructor for 07mus05 and 07mus06. Music 07mus7 and 07mus6 will commence their classroom lessons next term with Mrs Challis and Mrs Fraser. All instruments will need to be brought in on the first day of the term.
Additionally, we are excited to inform you that we are currently preparing for our week 6 concert. Students will be performing the piece "Ancient Hunters" for concert and instruments, and "Fairy Rings" for string instruments.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. We appreciate your support in nurturing your child's musical development. Should you have any queries or concerns, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us ( Mrs Katherine Fraser and Mrs Maryanne Chalis). Wishing you all a delightful upcoming break and looking forward to the exciting musical journey ahead! 🎶🏠
Choir, Concert Band and String Orchestra
Thank you to all our amazing musicians, choristers and teachers for a fabulous term of music, engagement and laughter. We were thrilled to perform at the Blessed Opening of Stage 2 and truly appreciate your commitment, practice, and enthusiasm throughout the term. Looking ahead, we will be preparing for the Arts Evening in Term 4, Week 6.
Rehearsals Term 4
- Choir – Monday – 2nd lunch – Mrs Fraser
- Newman Percussion Ensemble – Tuesday – 2nd lunch – Ms Cooke
- String Orchestra – Tuesday and Thursday’s – 2nd lunch – Ms Welser
- Concert Band – Friday 2nd lunch – Mrs Challis/Mrs Fraser
Mrs Challis on Long Service Leave – Weeks 1 – 2 – Term 4
Mrs Challis will be on Long Service Leave for the first two weeks of Term 4. During this time, Mr Pols will be taking over her instrumental music lessons. Please keep an eye out for timetable updates from Mr Pols. The Newman Symphonics will continue to run during her leave on Friday’s from 12:30pm – 1:20pm every Friday with Mrs Fraser.
NCC Dance Academy
A huge thank you to our incredible dancers for another amazing term! Their truly inspiring performance at the Blessed Opening of Stage 2 in Week 8 of Term 4 was a highlight. The Dance Academy will continue rehearsals every Wednesday from 3:15–5:00 pm in G.24, as they prepare for their next performance at the Academic Assembly. A special thanks to Ms Matthews for her outstanding instruction and dedication throughout the term.
Dance Force – Dance Excursion – CPAC - 3 October 2024
Special Invitation for Dance Academy Students and Dance Students
Dance Force is proud to present the Dance Force Tour, a showcase of the incredible talent and dedication of their elite pre-professional students. Prepare for a night of creativity and energy as these talented performers light up the stage!
Dance Academy students are invited to watch the show. Tickets will be provided to Year 8 and 9 students who studied dance in Semester 1 or 2. However, Dance Academy members who have not taken dance as a subject will need to purchase a ticket at approximately $65, including those in Year 7. The show begins at 6:00 pm at CPAC, with an early dinner for parents and students at Hemingway's at 3:00 pm. Don’t miss this spectacular event! More information to come in Week 1, Term 4.
Warm regards
Katherine Fraser
Leader of Arts
Science Matters

Mr Matt Radburnd
Leader of Science
This term has been filled with wonderful learning experiences, keeping our students engaged and inspired. A standout event was National Science Week, where a range of exciting activities sparked curiosity and celebrated the wonders of science. As we close out the term, we’re already planning ahead for an action-packed Term Four.
Our Year 8 and 9 High Potential Learner classes have been hard at work on their experiments for the Wonders of Science competition. Students are currently collecting and analysing data, which they will present to a panel of judges and students from other schools during Week Four of next term at James Cook University. With the dedicated guidance of Mr. Klein and Mr. Ellison, the students have made great progress. We’ve even heard whispers that some of their presentations may feature lasers and dry ice!
A huge congratulations to Mr Ellison, who has successfully secured a Cairns Regional Council Nature-Based Learning grant. His Year 8 Marine Science class has been collaborating with scientists from JCU TropWATER on a seagrass restoration project. The grant will enable the class to conduct a field trip to Green Island next term, where they will survey the local seagrass meadows—an invaluable, hands-on learning opportunity.
We’re also thrilled to announce that Newman Catholic College has been awarded the Queensland Government’s 2024 Engaging Science Grant. This funding will support two fantastic opportunities for our Marine Science students. The first event will involve chartering a vessel to carry out photographic surveys for the Great Reef Census, in collaboration with the Citizens of the Great Barrier Reef and Traditional Owners. Students will explore Yirrganydji Sea Country and survey less-frequented reef locations. Equipped with GoPro cameras purchased with the grant, students will also create a promotional video encouraging other schools and community members to get involved in this important project.
The second event will be a Citizen Science Information Evening, where local experts will present short sessions about their current projects. Community members will learn how to contribute to these projects as citizen scientists. Keep an eye out for the date and time of this exciting event! We are deeply grateful to the Queensland Government for providing the funding to make these enriching experiences possible.
The second round of Year 9 Marine Science students have already commenced their theory component of the internationally recognised PADI Open Water Diver certification. Students will learn about diving equipment, procedures and human physiology and will put their knowledge to use in week seven when they complete their practical training with ProDive Cairns. The course will include three days and two nights at sea, exploring the wonders of the Great Barrier Reef whilst immersed on SCUBA. We look forward to sharing some photos and videos after the event.
As this term comes to a close, we look back with pride at the accomplishments of our students and staff. We are excited for what’s to come and look forward to another term of growth, exploration, and success.
Matt Radburnd
Leader of Science
English Department

Ms Monika Borowiecki
Leader of English
Creative Writing Intergenerational Visit
The Year 7s returned to Kewarra Aged Care at the end of this term to share their memoirs with the residents. Here are some reflections from the students.
Student 1:
What did you learn?
When I went to Kewarra Aged Care, I learned how to interact with elderly people and how their lives unfold in aged care.
What did you enjoy? I enjoyed hearing the stories of the elderly and sharing my stories with people.
What was challenging and why? I found being able to hear some of the people hard, and listening to some of their stories on repeat. One of the people I talked to had an uncomfortable memory which was also quite tricky to manage.
Why was this experience important? This experience was important because it taught us how to speak to elderly people and it opened our eyes to what some people experience towards the end of their lives.
What did you learn? Throughout this experience, I learned that the elderly people have some amazing tips on life and some amazing life stories.
Student 2:
What did you enjoy? I enjoyed talking to the elderly people and explaining my life story and my favourite memories.
What was challenging and why? The challenging part was speaking to the residents, and it put me out of my comfort zone.
Why was this experience important? I am appreciative of my age and my capability.
The term has come to an end which means that the units of work have ended. Next term the following units will be occurring.
- Year 7: Protest poetry and songs
- Year 8: Gothic stories
- Year 9: Twelve Angry Men by Reginald Rose (play study)
Years 7 and 8 students need to ensure that they return their Holes and Trash novels to the library ASAP.
Finally, students need to ensure that they replenish their stationery before the start of the term. They also need to ensure that they have an English book for their classes.
We look forward to welcoming students back for the final term of 2024.
Monika Borowiecki
Leader of English
HASS Department

Miss Sarah Hill Murray
Acting Leader of HASS
2024 Canberra & Perisher Civics Trip
Hello from Canberra!
We are thrilled to share the incredible experiences our Year 8 students have had so far during their trip to Canberra and Perisher. This journey has been nothing short of spectacular, filled with laughter, learning, and unforgettable memories. I am writing this on the bus, on our second leg of our trip, where we are eagerly approaching our winter wonderland at Perisher. The conditions are looking optimal for our students to get out in the snow and shred some powder!
Our adventure however kicked off back on Sunday with a plane ride from Cairns to Sydney, where our enthusiastic students then embarked on a scenic bus journey to Canberra. In Canberra, our young scholars have spent the first two days immersed in our country’s democratic and civic foundations, with this trip providing them with the unique opportunity to explore the heart of Australia's political and cultural landscape.
Over first two days, students have been to Parliament House, where the students met and spoke with our Member for Leichardt, Mr. Warren Entsch. He was very impressed by the calibre of questions asked by our keen young minds. Our group has visited other iconic landmarks such as:
The Australian War MemorialOne of the highlights for many of our students, they explored the reasons for continued commemoration of the service and sacrifice of Australian servicemen and women. Additionally, they listened to personal stories from a number of different conflicts and operations, as well as investigated the significance of symbols of commemoration, such as the poppy. In our visit, our students developed an understanding of how and why we remember, particularly on Anzac Day and Remembrance Day each year.
National Capital Exhibition Education Centre: ‘The Story of Canberra’
Canberra is unique and innovative in the history of town planning. The built and natural landscapes have equal importance and the shape of suburbs is determined by the surrounding natural features. In this visit, students explored the Story of Canberra as the capital city of Australia. They observed and interacted with displays featuring the people, events, history and design of this unique, modern, planned city, and discovered the people behind the design – Walter Burley Griffin and his wife Marion, before planning their own ideal capital city as well.
National Gallery of AustraliaThe National Gallery’s evolving collection of over 155,000 works of art, created by more than 15,000 artists, includes the world’s largest collection of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander art. Students were able to explore the gallery and connect with the emotional stories communicated through various art installations.
Questacon: A World of Science Exploration
At Questacon, our students engaged with a range of science concepts through hands-on exhibits and interactive displays. This experience sparked their curiosity and deepened their understanding of various scientific principles. It was a day filled with wonder and excitement as they explored the world of science in a fun and engaging way.
The National Museum of Australia: Making A Nation
Students investigated the theme of nationhood by handling objects and exploring the Museum’s galleries. Students explored key events and periods that have shaped Australia, through object handling and gallery exploration.
National Film and Sound Archives: Media and MeFrom journalism to social media to advertising to gaming, students need to learn how to critically analyse media and safely navigate an increasingly digital world. In this visit, students examined storytelling through animation, advertising, gaming, social media, film and music and explored how media has evolved over time in its methods of influencing and persuading viewers.
National Arboretum
The National Arboretum Canberra is a mosaic of living forests and gardens offering breathtaking views and unique experiences. With over 44,000 rare and endangered trees across a 250-hectare site, the Arboretum is a place of beauty, conservation, science research, education, tourism and recreation. Students looked at soil, tree health and how the Arboretum is dealing with pests and diseases, before students took advantage of the wide open spaces at the Arboretum and were challenged in the fun and engaging activity of orienteering.
The Australian Institute of Sport: Meeting Real Athletes
Our visit to The Australian Institute of Sport was a memorable experience for our students. They had the privilege of meeting real athletes who train at the institute and learned about their dedication and commitment to their respective sports. In the Sportex Room, our students had the chance to engage with the equipment and gain insights into the world of elite sports training.
This trip to Canberra was not just an educational tour; it was a journey of discovery, inspiration, and growth for our students. They returned with a deeper appreciation for our nation's history and democracy, a renewed sense of civic responsibility, and a newfound passion for science and sports.
The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit the national capital as part of their Civics and Citizenship education. To assist families in meeting the cost of the excursion the Australian Government has contributed funding of $750 per student under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate program towards the costs. The rebate is paid directly to the school upon completion of the excursion.
We would like to extend our deepest gratitude to the amazing team of teachers who made this trip possible: Mr McMahon, Mr Klein, Mrs Gough, Mr Millward and Ms Seifert. Their dedication, patience, and expertise has ensured that our students have had a memorable adventure so far.
Thank you for entrusting us with your children, and we look forward to more incredible experiences this week as we keenly approach Perisher for three exciting days on the snow!
Warm regards
Sarah Hill Murray
Acting Leader of HASS
Canberra & Perisher Civics Trip


Ms Kim Auld
Leader of Technologies
VEX Robotics Scrimmage
On Friday 6 September, four students from Newman Catholic College converged at Cairns School of Distance Education attending the VEX Robotics Scrimmage Day for a day filled with fun, engaging, and hands-on opportunities to explore building and programming robots, furthering their interest in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM).
The event centred around VEX IQ, a snap-together robotics platform using motors, gears, modular construction pieces, sensors, and many more add-ons. Accessible to a range of skill levels, VEX IQ is an excellent tool for exposing students to STEM fundamentals while encouraging creativity and problem-solving.
Through the VEX Robotics Scrimmage, students were immersed in endless possibilities, developing their skills in a competitive yet supportive atmosphere. In addition to advancing their robotics knowledge, they honed essential skills such as teamwork, leadership, communication, and troubleshooting.
Throughout the day, the students eagerly took ownership of their learning, diving into the tasks that awaited them. Beginning with the basics, they quickly advanced to understanding the components of VEX robotics and why this platform offers so much potential for creative control. Collaboration and knowledge-sharing made the day an enjoyable and rewarding experience for everyone involved.
Kim Auld
Leader of Technologies

Languages Department

Shixang Chen
Leader of Languages
A Canadian singer entertained the French classes of Years 7 and 8 on Friday 6 September. Along with the singer, the students performed the French national anthem, Vent frais, vent du matin, and discovered two of Edith Piaf's well-known songs. She also performed well-known Leonard Cohen tunes from Canada.
Following this brief performance, the Year 7 students composed a French and English Portrait d'Andrea from a short interview done at the start of the performance.
She is blonde and has long hair. Elle a les cheveux blonds et longs.
She is Canadian. Elle est Canadienne.
She has blue eyes. Elle a les yeux bleus.
She speaks French and English. Elle parle français et anglais.
She is kind and happy. Elle est gentille et heureuse.
She loves singing. Elle aime chanter.
We loved having her. Nous avons aimé avoir Andrea avec nous.
It was another beautiful day at Newman Catholic College.
Shixang Chen
Leader of Languages

Sport News

Mr Zane Dockray
Leader of HPE & Sport
Lifesavers Surf League Competition - Well done to Hamish Mead, Elizabeth Meller and Lani Kelliher who recently competed in the Secondary Surf League school competition in week 8. This is the first time Newman have entered this competition and students had a great day. Events included Sprints, Flags, Board Race, Surf Race, Ironman and the Cameron Relay (Board, Swim and Run). Well done Hamish. Lizzie and Lani for your excellent effort and representing Newman CC.
TCN Swimming Carnival - Expressions of Interest are being taken for any competitive swimmers interested in the first TCN Swimming Carnival to be held on Friday October 4 in week 1 of Term 4 at the Smithfield Pool. Events include the 100m and 50m Freestyle and 50m Breaststroke, Backstroke and Butterfly.
Any students interested please email Mr Dockray -
Newman 7's - In Term 4 we will be hosting our annual Newman Rugby 7's competition. This will include age groups consisting of: 12 Years Mixed (Primary/Secondary School Competition) to be held on Tuesday October 8 in week 2. Then the U13 and U15 Boys and Girls (Secondary School) competition to be held on Thursday 17 October in Week 3. This is a rugby union format 7 a side game just like the recent Olympic Games format. We look forward to welcoming schools to our Newman 7's event.
Newman Swimming Carnival - Save the Date - Friday November 8 Week 6.
Mr Dockray
Leader of HPE and Sport
JSS Results
Game: NCC vs St Andrew's Catholic College
FEMALE | Result | NCC | SACC |
Basketball | W | 55 | 28 |
Netball | W | 34 | 15 |
Soccer | L | 0 | 1 |
Touch | D | 2 | 2 |
Volleyball | L | 0 | 2 |
Game: NCC vs St Andrew's Catholic College
MALE | Result | NCC | SACC |
Aussie Rules | W | 50 | 20 |
Basketball | W | 44 | 24 |
Soccer | L | 1 | 5 |
Touch | L | 0 | 8 |
Volleyball | W | 0 | 2 |

Mrs Emma Zell
Netball Coach
Fowlers Cup Netball
Last week, our school was proudly represented by two netball teams - Year 7 & a combined Year 8/9 team at the annual Fowler’s Cup Netball Carnival, and both teams demonstrated outstanding teamwork, skill, and sportsmanship.
The Year 7 Team played with enthusiasm and resilience, winning all but one of their pool matches and showing significant improvement throughout the tournament. Although they didn’t make it to the finals, the girls gave it their all and should be incredibly proud of their efforts. Their dedication and positivity shone on the court, and we are excited to see them continue to grow as a team.
Our Year 8/9 Team had a thrilling run, making it all the way to the grand final. The girls fought hard in a tense and closely contested match, keeping the score tight throughout. Unfortunately, they were narrowly defeated by just two points in the final minutes, with a final score of 18-16. Despite the loss, the team displayed incredible determination and heart, showing true sportsmanship in the face of adversity.
A huge congratulations to both teams for their hard work, commitment, and for representing our school with such pride. We look forward to seeing their continued success on the court next season!
Mrs Emma Zell
Netball Coach
Fowlers Cup Netball

Oktoberfest - Saturday 26 October

Mrs Linda Gough
Coordinator of Sport
Oktoberfest - An 18+ event
Get ready to celebrate Oktoberfest at Newman Catholic College!
On Saturday 26th October from 5:00pm to 9:00pm, join us for an evening filled with festive drinks, music bingo, delicious food, and live music!
For just $30 per person, your entry includes one beer or spirit, a lucky door ticket, a bingo sheet, and live entertainment. Plus, each table of 10 will enjoy two platters of assorted meats and cheese. Come dressed in your best Oktoberfest or cultural outfit, and grab your friends for a night of fun!
This is a limited-seating event for those aged 18+, so book your table by Friday 11 October. Dinner will also be available for purchase, and there will be plenty of beer, spirits, and soft drinks on offer.
Don’t miss out on the raffle prizes and the festive atmosphere!
Email Linda at to secure your spot. Prost!
Linda Gough
Coordinator of Sport

F@N News - President's Report

Mr Ray Cowan
F@N President
Welcome to the end of Term 3, 2024.
I am sure all the students & parents are looking forward to a well-earned break.
Term 3 has been hectic.
F@N assisted Linda Gough and her cheerleading team with the Trivia night. Congratulations to Linda and Cheerleading team for a successful night full of fun and laughs. There were 243 people in attendance and approx. $7,500 was raised.
To finish off term 3, F@N will be assisting & providing a sausage sizzle breakfast for R U OK day, Thursday 12th September. Alex Starmer and Chris Di Lucchio have organised activities which will start from 6:30am. We hope to see you there.
Upcoming F@N Events for term 4.
- Keep an eye out for Oktoberfest (26 October) with F@N assisting. This is a fundraising event where funds raised will be directed to school projects. This is an Adults only event - No students or children allowed
- Christmas on the Green/Santa, Pot Luck Dinner to be held later in Term 4, late November.
Families @ Newman are always looking forward to meeting more families and connect with the wider NCC community.
Please keep an eye on your emails/NCC Facebook for upcoming events. We hope to see you then.
As always, if you can volunteer your time to assist with any of the events, please send us an email to As they say, ‘many hands make light work’.
Stay safe and God bless.
Ray Cowan
President - F@N Committee

MyCE Parent Mobile App

Mr Wilbur Donovan
Deputy Principal
NEW MyCE Parent Mobile App
(replacing the current Parent Portal)
MyCE – short for My Catholic Education – is an app developed by Cairns Catholic Education to allow parents, guardians and caregivers to easily and securely access school and student information. It provides an interactive pathway for communication between home and school.
Note: If a caregiver has access to the app, they will not have access to Parent Slips unless they are a legal guardian.
Some of the most useful features include:
- school contact and directory information
- notification of student absences
- links to Parent Slips and Parent Teacher Online
- student timetables
- access to your students’ academic reports
- the ability to add school calendar events to your personal calendar
Wilbur Donovan
Deputy Principal - Academic Studies
Stop Drop and Go Zone

Stop Drop Go Zone
Kinetic runs the public bus services in Cairns and they travel through the JCU bus interchange regularly throughout the day.
Drivers have reported safety issues as parents are dropping off/picking up children from Newman Catholic College.
The area around the end roundabout is marked with no standing signs however cars are often stopping in this area which impacts on the safe passage of buses.
Parents are also reminded not to queue around the roundabout when accessing the Stop Drop Go Zone.
We are kindly asking the families to use the designated Stop Drop Go Zone to ensure the public buses and other road uses are not inconvenienced.

Cafe News

Flexischools New Cut-Off time - 7:45am each school day.
All orders for the Cafe are to be placed by 7:45am. Parents are asked to note the new cut-off time of 7:45am. A reminder if you have more than one child you are ordering for, please place each child's order seperately. Orders are to be collected by students at 1st Recess at 10:20am.
Student IDs can be used for over the counter purchases
Students can now make over the counter cafe purchases with their student card. Parents can prepay funds into their Fleixschools parent wallet and link their child's existing Student ID card. Refer to the image below for information on how to link the card.
Reminder that students making purchases at the Cafe must use a card, cash or their preloaded student ID to make purchases. Students are NOT to use their mobile phones or smart watches for payment.
Thank you for your assistance.
Mrs Julie Davies
Cafe Supervisor

Uniform Shop

Uniform Shop Open Hours
Monday to Friday - 1st Recess 10:20am - 11:00am
Tuesday and Thursday afternoons 2:30pm - 3:30pm
When ordering through Flexischools, if the order is placed before 5:00pm it is available for collection the next working day at 1st Recess (10:20am).
College Uniforms
If you require new uniforms for 2024, please use the link through Flexischools to purchase. If you have not used Flexischools before, below are instructions on how to set up your account. If your child has any outgrown uniforms you wish to donate, we would love to assist and help families in need.
Please bring your secondhand uniforms into the College Office.
Reminders regarding Uniforms
Please ensure to label all items:
- Uniforms are to be worn as a complete set - no mixing between formal and sports uniforms
- Tracksuit jackets are able to be worn with both formal and sports uniforms
- Tracksuit pants are only be to be worn for sporting excursions or camps/retreats
- The jacket and pants are not compulsory, however, no other jackets can be worn.
Students are required to wear completely black leather lace-up shoes when wearing their formal uniform. No colour trim is allowed. Below are examples of acceptable and non-acceptable