Newman News Vol 3 Issue 10 - 22 August 2024
Acknowledgement of Country
Prayer for Together in Faith
From the Principal
Pastoral Care - Year 7
Indigenous Liaison Team
MyCE Parent Mobile App
Science Matters
English Department
Languages Department
HPE & Sport News
Catholic Education Years of Service
Stop Drop and Go Zone
Library News
R U Ok Day
Cafe News
Uniform Shop
F@N News - President's Report
Acknowledgement of Country

We acknowledge the Yirrganydji and Djabugay peoples, as the traditional owners of this land and pay respect to their elders, past, present, and emerging for they hold the memories, the traditions, the culture and hopes of Aboriginal Australia who educated their children in this area. We show respect for their history, their culture, and our shared future.
We will always remember that under the concrete, steel and asphalt of this College, this land is, was, and always will be traditional Aboriginal land.
JCU Nguma-bada Campus - "Place for tomorrow's Learning Knowledge and Wisdom"
Yirryay (Yirrganydgi landuage, coastal dialect of Djabugay.
Prayer for Together in Faith
Jesus, my saviour, I come to you today, to ask for your blessing in prayer. Through the love you give to me, please make me more loving and aware. For people around me, may I be a sign you are near. Should I meet with sorrow, let me be your hand to dry a tear. You are always with me, my hope when others might despair. May the faith you give to me be a gift that I gratefully share. Amen.
Prayer from Heart of the National Catholic Mass
From the Principal

Dr Lauretta Graham
Dear Families of Newman Catholic College
Last week we celebrated the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. On this day, in the Catholic Tradition we contemplate the young girl of Nazareth who, having just received the Angel’s announcement, sets out to visit her cousin Elizabeth. In this way, Mary goes before us on the journey, reminding us all that our life is also a continuous journey towards the horizon of the definitive encounter. During this month of August, let us pray to Our Lady to help us on this journey towards our encounter with Christ.
From the earliest days of Christianity, Mary has been perhaps the principal figure depicted on Icons. The Greek and Russian Orthodox Churches are where most of the Icons had their origin and where they are still venerated. The Icon with which we are most familiar, is that of Our Lady of Perpetual Help which emerged from Crete in the last half of the 15th Century. Dr Margaret Ghosn in her work, “The Iconic Mary”, gives an insight into the significance of the Mary image in Icons, when she writes: “Mary symbolises many images including maternal presence, affection, protector, guide, intercessor, holiness and above all the mother of God.
Mary is called ‘blessed among women’ Luke 11:27 because of her ‘yes’ in faith, ‘let it be done to me according to your word’ Luke 1:38, which brought Jesus into the world. Mary calls to mind the words of St Paul, ‘It is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me’ Gal. 2:20. While Mary is Jesus’s Mother, it is as his faithful disciple that she serves as the primary model of a Christ-centred life. Like Mary, we uncover the secret of who we are on discovering Christ at the centre of our lives.”
Our Blessing and Opening next week will be an occasion to celebrate who we are here at Newman. We extend a warm welcome to you on Wednesday 28th August at 9:30am for this celebration.
With Every Blessing
Lauretta Graham
Pastoral Care - Year 7

Mr Chris Di Lucchio
Leader of Pastoral Care Year 7
Protecting Our Students in the Digital World
In today’s fast-paced digital world, the internet offers incredible opportunities for learning, communication, and creativity. These benefits come with significant challenges, especially for our students who are navigating the complexities of the online environment. At Newman Catholic College, we feel it is our shared responsibility to ensure that our students are safe, respectful, and responsible in their online interactions.
Understanding Cyber Safety
Cyber safety encompasses the knowledge, skills, and behaviours that protect individuals from online dangers. These dangers can include cyberbullying, exposure to inappropriate content, identity theft, and scams. It is essential that our students understand these risks and are equipped with the tools to manage them effectively.
Key Principles of Cyber Safety
- Respect and Responsibility: Our students are taught to treat others with kindness and respect, both in person and online. This principle extends to the way they communicate in digital spaces. Encouraging positive online behaviour and understanding the impact of words and actions on others is critical.
- Privacy Awareness: Students should be aware of the importance of protecting their personal information. This includes using strong, unique passwords, being cautious about sharing personal details, and understanding the implications of their digital footprint. In my conversations with year 7 students, it is concerning how many of them know their friends passwords for social media accounts. It is the responsibility of the owner of that account to ensure that it is secure.
- Reporting and Seeking Help: We encourage students to speak up if they encounter anything online that makes them feel uncomfortable or unsafe. Whether it's cyberbullying, inappropriate content, or suspicious messages, they should know that they can turn to trusted adults for support. The Leaner Mentor Teacher is the students first point of contact as well as the Leader of Pastoral Care. We always encourage students to speak to an adult if they are concerned about online behaviour.
Our Role as a Community
As educators, parents, and guardians, our role is to guide and support our students in developing healthy digital habits. Regular discussions about online behaviour, setting boundaries, and monitoring online activities are all part of creating a safe online environment. By working together as a community, we can empower our students to be responsible digital citizens who use technology in positive, productive, and safe ways. Let’s continue to foster an environment where our students can thrive both online and offline, guided by the teachings of our faith.
Resources for Parents
For more information on how you can support your child’s cyber safety, we recommend visiting the following websites:
Important Dates:
- August 28 Stage 2 Opening and Blessing
- August 30 Student Free Day
- September 10 Year 7 Reflection Day
- September 11 & 12 Parent/ Teacher / Student Led Conferences
- September 14 Term 3 Concludes
Kind regards
Mr Chris Di Lucchio
Leader of Pastoral Care Year 7
Indigenous Liaison Team
Newman Catholic College has recently taken a significant step towards fostering a more inclusive and culturally aware educational environment with the introduction of its new Indigenous Liaison Team. This team consists of two people with hopefully a 3rd to join by the end of the year.
Tobias Corrie who will lead the Indigenous Liaison team is a proud Torres Strait Islander who hails from the most northern part of Australia which is Boigu island, he also has strong connections to the Northern Peninsula Area community of Bamaga. His goal is for the team presence to create a culturally safe environment for all college students and staff which will ensure strong relationships between staff, students and the wider community.
Joining Tobias is Leisa Lindsay also a proud Torres Strait woman whose heritage lies on Thursday Island. Leisa will be working closely with our Indigenous students to ensure they are assimilating into the college environment comfortably, whilst remaining true to their cultural roots. This development represents a crucial move in recognizing, valuing, and integrating Indigenous perspectives and practices into the fabric of the College community.

Tobias Corrie - ILO

Leisa Lindsay - ILO
On Thursday 1st August our school celebrated our National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee (NAIDOC). The origin to this celebration is from the emergence of Aboriginal groups in the 1920′s to seek an increased awareness in the wider community. For us this was a day of celebration which included a liturgy, song and prayer, painting, drawing, boomerang throwing, dance, basket weaving and many sports activities. The day was focused on food and the meal, which was celebrated as one, together with the feeding of about 500 people. The menu consisted of spit roasted pork, baked potatoes and hand made and cooked damper, mostly made by the students. The Theme for NAIDOC day was “fire, burning, blak, loud and proud”. It was important to engage as many of these objectives, into our activity themes.
Having a meal together was of particular significance, like the last supper. Jesus’s last meal with his 12 Apostles was symbolic of many things. In the culture of Jesus’s time meals were much more than a mere means of sustenance; they were pivotal social events that reinforced family bonds and societal relationships. Unlike today, where meals can be rushed or even solitary, sharing a meal was a profound act of hospitality and a sign of peace and right relationships. To sit at table with someone was to acknowledge a bond of friendship or to seek reconciliation. They understood that by eating with various; individuals, Jesus was extending to them the offer of fellowship with God—an offer that included healing, forgiveness, and acceptance.
The College is very grateful for the assistance and resources from the First Nation people of our Diocese, AFL House and schools from Kuranda, who have contributed to make the day a successful memory and experience.
In Matthew and Luke’s words “The son of man did not come to be served but to serve, and to give his life to many”. The meal was an opportunity for many of us to demonstrate our love to serve.
Peter Coulter
Chairman RAP NCC

MyCE Parent Mobile App

Mr Wilbur Donovan
Deputy Principal
NEW MyCE Parent Mobile App
(replacing the current Parent Portal)
MyCE – short for My Catholic Education – is an app developed by Cairns Catholic Education to allow parents, guardians and caregivers to easily and securely access school and student information. It provides an interactive pathway for communication between home and school.
Note: If a caregiver has access to the app, they will not have access to Parent Slips unless they are a legal guardian.
Some of the most useful features include:
- school contact and directory information
- notification of student absences
- links to Parent Slips and Parent Teacher Online
- student timetables
- access to your students’ academic reports
- the ability to add school calendar events to your personal calendar
Wilbur Donovan
Deputy Principal - Academic Studies
Science Matters

Mr Matt Radburnd
Leader of Science
National Science Week
National Science Week is always an exciting time at Newman Catholic College, and this year was no exception! As part of our commitment to fostering a love for science and exploration, our Year 7 Science classes had the opportunity to visit the JCU Herbarium, the Australian Institute of Tropical Health and Medicine (AITHM) and the Mosquito Facility located on JCU Campus with their Science teacher.
Inside JCU Herbarium, students explored the collection of plant specimens and learned about the role of botany in understanding and preserving our natural environment.
Students were introduced to cutting-edge research in tropical health from the Australian Institute of Tropical Health and Medicine (AITHM). The students were shown applications of science in solving global health challenges, particularly those affecting tropical regions.
Inside the Mosquito Facility, also located on the JCU campus, students learned about the significant impact of mosquitoes on public health and the innovative methods being developed to control and study these insects. The students were intrigued by the research being conducted to combat diseases such as malaria and dengue fever, which are transmitted by mosquitoes.
As we reflect on National Science Week, we encourage all our students to stay curious, ask questions, and explore the world of science.
Matt Radburnd
Leader of Science
National Science Week

English Department

Ms Monika Borowiecki
Leader of English
Creative Writing Intergenerational Visit
For the past year and a half, Newman Catholic College has been privileged to be working closely with Kewarra Aged Care and allowing our students to connect with their residents.
One of the ways we are doing this is through our creative writing class, where students focus on writing memoirs about their lives. Once students create their memoirs, they will share these with the residents; however, this week we felt it was important that Year 7 students met with the residents and got to know them. While it's always daunting to begin with, students walked out with smiles, memoires, and stories to share.
Thank you to Mr Alex Starmer (Leader of Special Programs and Partnerships), Miss Monika Borowiecki (Leader of English), for making this partnership with Kewarra Aged Care possible and ongoing.
Extension English – 2025 and beyond
To ensure high achieving English students are being challenged, from next year onwards, extension English classes will align to the Literature syllabus. While the class will reinforce key skills that are taught in English, it will focus on strengthening these skills further. The course will follow an engaging and challenging curriculum that will aim to promote Literature as a subject choice in Years 11 and 12.
Some points about the subject:
- Students will be invited by their English teacher by the end of Term 3.
- Students must be on a B or higher in English.
- Students will also be considered based on NAPLAN and PAT result.
- Students can opt out of this subject at the end of a semester.
- Students’ progress will be reviewed at the end of each semester.
Please note that if a student is enrolled in extension English, this does not mean that they must choose Literature as a subject in Years 11 and 12. If students or parents have any questions about this, they can contact me
Kind regards,
Monika Borewiecki
Leader of English
Creative Writing visit to Kewarra Aged Care


Mr Brendan Akers
eSports Teacher
All Schools Sport and QUT Rocket League Tournament
Hamish Mead, Brody Interlandi, James Dang and Luca Seeto competed as the Newman Catholic College eSports team in the Rocket League tournament hosted by All School Sports Australia and Queensland University of Technology. Newman competed against schools from around Australia in an online tournament on 22 July and 23 July. The boys finished their first eSports tournament in 10th place, a great effort for our inexperienced team. Newman was able to compete against Woree State High School and was soundly defeated. We are looking to settle the score in the future. Congratulations to our first eSports competitors and hopefully not the last.
Mr Brendan Akers

Hamish, Luca & James
Languages Department

Shixang Chen
Leader of Languages
Greetings from the Languages Department!
This term has been full of international exchanges. Students from Konodai Girls’ Junior High School and Den-en Chofu School in Japan stayed with us for two weeks each. To build further relationships, students from Den-en Chofu introduced a musical game during lunchtime. In this game, students dance to music until it pauses. When the music stops, each participant finds the nearest person and challenges them to a rock-paper-scissors match. The loser must follow behind the winner like in a conga line. The game continues until there are two long conga lines, and the winner of the final rock-paper-scissors match is deemed the overall winner. Our Newman students showed great camaraderie with the Den-en Chofu students, with many participating enthusiastically. We look forward to returning the favor by teaching an Australian playground game when we visit Japan in October.

After bidding farewell to the visiting students from Konodai Girls’ Junior High School and Den-en Chofu School in Japan, we are excited to welcome two young students from China. Our Year 7 Chinese students can finally stop feeling envious of our Japanese learners!
International exchanges not only broaden students’ understanding and appreciation of global diversity but also help build international relationships and networks. The presence of international students fosters the exchange of ideas and viewpoints, enriching classroom discussions and providing our students with a more global perspective on various subjects, including world events, history, and social issues. I would like to thank all the staff, students, parents, and agents involved in facilitating these exchanges.

We also have some great news from our Italian learners. Congratulations to Sierra, Catherine, and Mahalia for participating in the Cairns Italian Speaking Competition recently!
The event, part of the Cairns Italian Festival, involved students from across the Cairns region who study Italian at school. It was a beautiful day immersed in Italian culture and activities, during which our students delivered speeches in Italian to a jury that included Italian teachers and the Italian Consul, Luna Angelini Marinucci.
Mahalia was awarded Highly Commended. Bravissime ragazze!

For our French learners, Andrea, a Canadian singer speaking French and English is going to perform two French songs with the Years 7 and 8 French classes and the College Choir. Prior to that, the students will ask her a few questions to practise their French. After the event, the French students will write a short report about the artist.
Haut les coeurs! High hearts for the School!
Shixang Chen
Leader of Languages
HPE & Sport News

Mr Zane Dockray
Leader of HPE & Sport
HPE News
Surf Rescue – The Year 9 Outdoor Education students have just finished their First Aid and Surf Rescue unit with two half days with Karen and the team at Surf Education Cairns at Palm Cove. With perfect conditions and a group of very excited students the beach was the place to be to participate in board skills, board races and rescues, tube rescues, patient assessments, beach flags and water flags and even some fun in the sand with a tug of war! Thanks very much to Karen and the team from Surf Education. Newman College are very keen to continue surf education and develop a partnership where our students can gain qualifications and training and contribute to serving the community.
Surf Rescue

Davies Creek Excursion - The Year 8 Outdoor Education students developed their resilience, teamwork and campcraft skills in week 6 when they completed their overnight excursion to Davies Creek. 24 students hiked from Lower Davies creek to Upper Davies creek loaded with their backpacks and equipment. Once at the campsites students set tents, had lunch and got ready for a rock hop exploration and swim through the spectacular creek. Afterwards students tested their culinary skills with the use of Trangia fuel stoves for cooking dinner. Then up at 6am for breakfast, followed by another 8km hike through the Turtle Rock Circuit. After a quick swim and lunch, students cleared the camp, loaded their backpacks and return hiked back to Lower Davies Creek for the bus pickup. A big thank you to our outdoor education staff who make it all possible – Mr Dockray, Mr McMahon, Mr Currie and Miss Spinks.
Davies Creek Excursion

Year 7 Outdoor Education: Mountain Biking
This term, our Year 7 Outdoor Education classes have been learning mountain bike skills through the trails at Smithfield Mountain Bike Park. With a focus on fundamental mountain biking skills, students have been exploring the park's green and blue trails, building confidence and technique with every ride.
The students have embraced the challenges presented by these trails, with some classes even taking on the steep climb of the Pipeline trail. Through these experiences, they have not only improved their biking abilities but also developed resilience and a deeper appreciation for the outdoors.
In addition to their time on the trails, our Year 7 students took part in a meaningful community project, assisting in painting the Smithfield Mountain Bike Park clubhouse. Working alongside council artist Sharon Wedel, they contributed to a vibrant and welcoming space that reflects the spirit of our community. This project has been a wonderful opportunity for the students to give back and take pride in a place that has provided them with so much learning and enjoyment.
Well done to all our students for their hard work, enthusiasm, and community spirit!
Year 7 Outdoor Ed. Mountain Biking

Duke of Edinburgh – We have a number of students who signed up to complete their Bridge Award last year and congratulations to the students who have completed their Level 1 Award. For all those students who still to have to finish the Award, please attend see Mr Dockray and attend the meetings to stay up to date with the scheduled Adventurous Journeys.
The Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award participants have an Adventurous Journey to Davies Creek scheduled for Monday and Tuesday week 10 this term. For more information email
Mr Dockray
Leader of HPE and Sport
Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.
Hebrews 12:1

Mrs Linda Gough
Sports Coordinator
TCN Athletics – NCC Student Achievements
Students recently competed at the TCN Athletics which was held at Barlow Park. All the students who attended the day performed amazingly and some achieved PB's. I also need to mention the wonderful unity and courage demonstrated by our students both on the track and off the track. Our students cheered for other schools, encouraged students from other schools not to give up at their events.
A fabulous demonstration of sportsmanship across the 2 days.
Students mentioned have competed at the recent Peninsula trials: Sunday 18 August and Monday 19 August 2024.
- Max Gabbert: 3rd 100m / 2nd HJ (1.37m)
- Emma Baker: 4th LJ
- Talon Freitag: 2nd LJ
- Bo Fridolf: 1st SP (12.83m) / 2nd Discus (32m)
- Sachin Griffin: 4th TJ / 3rd 800m / 2nd 200m / 1st 100m / 1st 400m
- Asher Colman: 1st 200m / 1st LJ / 2nd 200m / 5th 400m
- Jessica Easterbrook: 2nd 200m / 2nd LJ / 1st 100m
- Kalani Gough: 4th 400m
- Ivy Fenwick: 4th Triple Jump
- Gemma Tarrant: 1st Discus / 1st HJ
- Evie Morgan: 1st SP / 2nd TJ / 4th Discus
- Montana Moll: 3rd 400m
- Riley Honorato: 3rd SP / 4th Javelin
- Talytha Slattery: 4th 100m / 4th 400m
- Oisin Breheny: 1st LJ / 1st 200m / 2nd HJ (1.60m) / 2nd SP / 1st 100m / 1st 400m
- Patrick Dennis: 4th 400m
- Evie Titmarsh: 1st 1500m
13 YEAR RELAY 4 X 100M – TCN RECORD: 56.12
- Sachin Griffin
- Asher Colman
- Gemma Tarrant
- Jessica Easterbrook
These students were also TCN Age Champions:
TCN Age Champions – Athletics
The following students will be awarded with Age Champion Awards:
12 years
- Max Gabbert – 3rd place Age Champion
13 years
- Jessica Easterbrook – 2nd place Age Champion
- Sachin Griffin – 1st place Age Champion
- Asher Colman – 3rd place Age Champion
14 years
- Evangeline Morgan – 4th place Age Champion
- Riley Honorato – 5th place Age Champion
15 years
- Oisin Breheny – 1st place Age Champion
TCN Sporting Trials
The following students have been selected to represent TCN across the following sports
- Futsal – Riley Honorato (13 – 14 years)
- Cricket – Khobi Arthurson and Oliver Parsons (13 – 15 years)
JSS Sporting Updates
Game: NCC vs St Monica's
FEMALE | Result | For | Against |
Basketball | L | 30 | 61 |
Netball | W | 34 | 14 |
Soccer | L | 1 | 8 |
Touch | L | 1 | 4 |
Volleyball | L | 0 | 2 |
Game: NCC vs St Augustine’s
MALE | Result | For | Against |
Aussie Rules | L | 15 | 47 |
Basketball | L | 35 | 41 |
Soccer | L | 1 | 3 |
Touch | L | 0 | 18 |
Volleyball | W | 2 | 1 |
Other Sporting Updates
Charley Davies: Represented QLD: playing in 2024 Australian Football 12 Years and Under Girls
Swimming Information
Marlin Coast Swim Club had 45 swimmers participating, with a total of 383 races, including relays. The Club won 'Short Course Champion Club' for the third successive season.
Marlin Coast Swim Club NCC Students: Short Course Championship
- Chloe O’Neile (13yrs) - raced 10 individual races and 4 relays. She made 4 PB’s (personal best times) in her races.
- Darragh Dempsey (13yrs) - raced 6 individual races and 1 relay, achieving 2 PB times.
- Raiden De Carlo (13yrs) - raced 13 individual races and 5 relays, achieving 12 PB’s. He was awarded ‘13yrs Male Age Champion’, as well as ‘Male 14&U yrs Distance Champion’. He was also named ‘Runner Up Breaststroke Swimmer of the Year’ for the 2023-2024 season.
- Arabella Lulham (14rs) swam 8 individual races and 4 relays, achieving 6 PBs. She smashed 18 seconds off her 1500Free and qualified for this race, and 2 others, at the upcoming State Champs. She was awarded ‘Female 14&U yrs Distance Champion’.
QLD SC States – Swimming: Brisbane
- Arabella Lulham qualified for 9 events at the Qld SC Swimming Championships (SC States). She won silver in 1500m free; 3 x Top 10 ribbons for 200fly (8th), 400m free (8th) and 800m free (8th) 1 x 11th in 200m free
- Raiden De Carlo: Qualified for 8 races. He placed 3rd in three events - the 50, 100 and the 200 Breaststroke. He also placed 10th in the 400 IM (Individual Medley).
Qld Swimming Championships

Calling Volleyball FANATICS!
Sharks Camp September registrations are now open!
Join us and our team of talented coaches for a four-day volleyball camp designed to cater to athletes of all skill levels. The camp includes opportunities for new players to find a love for the sport and pathways for elite development for experienced players looking to get into club and state-level teams.
Camp Details
The Dates: 24th Sept | 25th Sept | 26th Sept | 27th Sept
- Brisbane - Mansfield, 4122
- Gold Coast - Southport, 4215
- Sunshine Coast - Little Mountain, 4551
Age Group: Grade 4 - 12 students
Time: 9:00am to 4:30pm!
What's included: You get an exclusive Camp T-shirt and water bottle and are trained by state and national level representatives!
Check out our website for more information!
Sharks Volleyball
Tailored Coaching Solutions.
Catholic Education Years of Service

Dianne Jakubiszyn
25 Years Service
to Catholic Education
As I reflect on my 25 years of service within Catholic education, I am filled with a profound sense of gratitude and accomplishment. My journey has taken me through several esteemed institutions, each contributing uniquely to my growth as an educator and individual.
My foundation in Catholic education began at Sacred Heart College, where I first experienced the nurturing and supportive environment that would later inspire my teaching career. The sense of community, the commitment to academic excellence, and the emphasis on values and character development at Sacred Heart left a lasting impression on me. It was here that I realised the profound impact that dedicated teachers can have on their students' lives, sparking my passion for education.
I began my teaching career at St Joseph's in Atherton, where I embraced the challenge of nurturing young minds with enthusiasm and dedication. The close-knit community and the supportive environment provided the perfect foundation for my teaching journey. Here, I learned the importance of building strong relationships with students and parents, fostering a sense of trust and mutual respect.
From Atherton, I moved to St Thomas's in Mareeba. This experience was pivotal in shaping my teaching philosophy. The diversity of the student body and the dynamic school environment taught me to be adaptable and innovative in my teaching methods. It was at St Thomas's that I first encountered the profound impact that tailored, student-centred approaches could have on learning outcomes. The relationships formed with students and colleagues here were particularly enriching, and they solidified my commitment to making a difference in the lives of those I taught.
The majority of my teaching career was spent at St Joseph's Parramatta Park, where I dedicated many years to fostering a love for learning in my students. This school became my second home, and the experiences I gained here are etched deeply into my professional and personal identity. I experienced numerous highs, including witnessing students achieve academic excellence, grow in confidence, and develop a lifelong love for learning. However, there were also challenges. Navigating the complexities of different learning needs, managing classroom dynamics, and staying abreast of evolving educational practices required resilience and continuous professional development. Despite these challenges, the joy of seeing students thrive and the lasting bonds formed with colleagues made every moment worthwhile.
In a significant career move, I transitioned from primary to high school education. This jump was both exciting and daunting, and it came with the encouragement and support of my colleagues and mentors. Their faith in my abilities and their encouragement led me to take on a new role at St Monica's.
Currently, in my 25th year, I find myself at Newman Catholic College. This milestone year has been a time of reflection and renewed passion for education. At Newman, I have been privileged to work with a dedicated team of educators and support an inspiring cohort of students. The focus on holistic education and the commitment to nurturing both academic and spiritual growth resonate deeply with my own values. The dynamic and forward-thinking environment at Newman has reignited my enthusiasm for teaching and learning, reminding me of the importance of innovation and continuous improvement in education.
Throughout my career, the highs have far outweighed the lows. The satisfaction of seeing students succeed, the joy of lifelong friendships with colleagues, and the fulfillment of contributing to the Catholic education community have been immeasurable. However, it is important to acknowledge the challenges—balancing administrative duties with classroom teaching, addressing diverse student needs, and maintaining work-life balance. These challenges, though daunting at times, have been instrumental in shaping me into a more resilient, empathetic, and effective educator.
As I look back on these 25 years, I am immensely proud of the journey. Each school, each student, and each experience have contributed to a rich tapestry of memories and lessons learned. I am grateful for the opportunities I have had to impact lives and be part of a community dedicated to excellence in education. Moving forward, I remain committed to nurturing young minds, fostering a love for learning, and upholding the values of Catholic education.
Thank you to all who have been part of this incredible journey. Here’s to many more years of inspiring and being inspired in the world of education.
Ms Di Jakubiszyn

Mitzi Bird
20 Years Service
to Catholic Education
This month of August marks 20 years of service with Catholic Education.
I'm filled with a sense of gratitude and reflection. My journey began in 2004 at St Thomas primary school, Mareeba, where I had the privilege of working with students from Prep to Year 6. It was there that I discovered my true passion: helping young minds grow, thrive, and develop a love for learning.
Over the years, I have dedicated myself to learning support - a role that has allowed me to witness firsthand the power of education. The privilege of being part of my student's journey, supporting them as they unlock their potential, has been one of the greatest gifts of my career.
Fast forward to 2023, I found myself at a crossroads. I applied to Newman Catholic College, feeling a mix of excitement and skepticism about moving from primary education to secondary. Would I connect with older students? Would I thrive in this new environment? I can confidently say that taking that leap of faith was one of the best decisions. It had challenged me in ways I never anticipated and had ignited a new passion within me for learning support.
Not a day goes by that I'm not moved by the students I work with. Their highs, their lows, hopes and struggles. It is these interactions- moments of joy and breakthroughs, joys, that truly define what makes my job so special. I cherish all of this and celebrate their achievements big or small.
I have had the pleasure of working with some truly incredible teachers, dedicated principals, compassionate staff. Throughout my journey I have felt guided by a higher purpose, a sense that heart truly speaks to heart when we engage with our students.
As I continue this journey with Newman Catholic College, I look forward to new challenges and experiences that awaits.
20 years of service with Catholic Education has been a blessing and privilege.
Mitzi Bird
Stop Drop and Go Zone

Stop Drop Go Zone
Kinetic runs the public bus services in Cairns and they travel through the JCU bus interchange regularly throughout the day.
Drivers have reported safety issues as parents are dropping off/picking up children from Newman Catholic College.
The area around the end roundabout is marked with no standing signs however cars are often stopping in this area which impacts on the safe passage of buses.
Parents are also reminded not to queue around the roundabout when accessing the Stop Drop Go Zone.
We are kindly asking the families to use the designated Stop Drop Go Zone to ensure the public buses and other road uses are not inconvenienced.

Library News
As we celebrate the opening of Stage Two at the College, you are invited to purchase any of the books on display in the gallery for our Library. These books will add to our College Heritage Collection.
A label will be placed in the book to acknowledge your kind donation. This display has been personally selected and arranged by our Library Officer. This collection features some wonderful books for our students to enjoy now and into the future.

Barry the Vegetarian Croc
My name is Nyah O’Mahony and with my brother Lincoln we wrote a fun and informative children’s book called “Barry the Vegetarian Croc”. We submitted our work to various publishing agencies and had an amazing response and published with Pegasus Publishing in the UK.
“Barry the Vegetarian Croc” features some of FNQ’s awesome wildlife and the mighty Barron River. The story follows brother and sister saltwater crocodiles on an adventure to find something delicious to eat.
Barry the Vegetarian Croc is now available for presale at Pegasus Publishing, The Nile Online Bookshop and Amazon and will launch worldwide on 29 of August 2024 at all good bookstores.
To all my fellow creative writers out there, remember to always put your ideas into print!
I hope you get the chance to enjoy our book.
Thank you
Nyah O'Mahony
Year 7 Student

R U Ok Day
Newman Catholic College is proud to support R U OK? Day, a national initiative dedicated to suicide prevention and encouraging meaningful conversations that can make a real difference in people’s lives. This year, we are hosting a community event to mental well-being, and remind everyone of the importance of staying connected.
Event Details:
- Date: Thursday, 12 September
- Time: 6:30am to 7:30am
- Location: Newman Catholic College grounds
We invite all students, staff, families, and community members to join us for a ‘Run and Row’. It’s a great opportunity to engage in healthy activity while reinforcing the message that it’s okay to ask, “Are you okay?”
Following the Run and Row, we’ll gather for a BBQ sausage sizzle and coffee.
Why R U OK? Day Matters: R U OK? Day is about more than just one day of action; it’s about fostering a culture of care and support every day. By taking the time to check in on others, we can help those who might be struggling to feel supported and connected.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Alex Starmer

Cafe News

Flexischools New Cut-Off time - 7:45am each school day.
All orders for the Cafe are to be placed by 7:45am. Parents are asked to note the new cut-off time of 7:45am. A reminder if you have more than one child you are ordering for, please place each child's order seperately. Orders are to be collected by students at 1st Recess at 10:20am.
Student IDs can be used for over the counter purchases
Students can now make over the counter cafe purchases with their student card. Parents can prepay funds into their Fleixschools parent wallet and link their child's existing Student ID card. Refer to the image below for information on how to link the card.
Reminder that students making purchases at the Cafe must use a card, cash or their preloaded student ID to make purchases. Students are NOT to use their mobile phones or smart watches for payment.
Thank you for your assistance.
Mrs Julie Davies
Cafe Supervisor

Uniform Shop

Uniform Shop Open Hours
Monday to Friday - 1st Recess 10:20am - 11:00am
Tuesday and Thursday afternoons 2:30pm - 3:30pm
When ordering through Flexischools, if the order is placed before 5:00pm it is available for collection the next working day at 1st Recess (10:20am).
College Uniforms
If you require new uniforms, please use the link through Flexischools to purchase. If you have not used Flexischools before, below are instructions on how to set up your account. If your child has any outgrown uniforms you wish to donate, we would love to assist and help families in need.
Please bring your secondhand uniforms into the College Office.
Reminders regarding Uniforms
Please ensure to label all items:
- Uniforms are to be worn as a complete set - no mixing between formal and sports uniforms
- Tracksuit jackets are able to be worn with both formal and sports uniforms
- Tracksuit pants are only be to be worn for sporting excursions or camps/retreats
- The jacket and pants are not compulsory, however, no other jackets can be worn.
Students are required to wear completely black leather lace-up shoes when wearing their formal uniform. No colour trim is allowed. Below are examples of acceptable and non-acceptable

F@N News - President's Report