Newman News Vol 3 Issue 8 - 20 June 2024
Acknowledgement of Country
Prayer dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
From the Principal
Change of Uniform Days for Term 3
Important Term Dates
Student Absences and Attendance
Leader of Liturgy, Spirituality & Faith Formation
Religious Education
Stop Drop and Go Zone
Arts Department
Science Matters
English Department
Languages Department
Library News
Sport News
Café News
Uniform Shop
F@N News - President's Report
Acknowledgement of Country

We acknowledge the Yirrganydji and Djabugay peoples, as the traditional owners of this land and pay respect to their elders, past, present, and emerging for they hold the memories, the traditions, the culture and hopes of Aboriginal Australia who educated their children in this area. We show respect for their history, their culture, and our shared future.
We will always remember that under the concrete, steel and asphalt of this College, this land is, was, and always will be traditional Aboriginal land.
JCU Nguma-bada Campus - "Place for tomorrow's Learning Knowledge and Wisdom"
Yirryay (Yirrganydgi landuage, coastal dialect of Djabugay.
Prayer dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Lord Jesus
Let my heart never rest until it finds you, who are its centre, its love and its happiness.
By the wound in Your heart pardon the sins that I have committed whether out of malice or out of evil desires.
Place my weak heart in Your own divine Heart, continually under Your protection and guidance, so that I may persevere in doing good in fleeing evil until my last breath.
Saint John Henry Newman, Pray for us.
From the Principal

Dr Lauretta Graham
Dear Members of Newman Catholic College Community,
This past week has been an extraordinarily exciting week where we celebrated the appointment of two very important leaders for our Diocese.
Pope Francis appointed the Very Reverend Joe Caddy AM VG, a priest of the Archdiocese of Melbourne, as the 8th Bishop of Cairns. Diocesan Administrator Fr Kerry Crowley has welcomed the appointment of the Very Reverend Joe Caddy AM VG.
Fr Kerry Crowley stated: “I welcome Bishop Elect, Joe Caddy. His appointment is timely as we have waited and prayed for a ‘prayerful & pastoral Bishop’. Fr Joe’s background has been in grassroots ministry. He comes well-placed to grow the seeds already planted in the Cairns Diocese”.

Very Reverend Joe Caddy
Fr Caddy was ordained to the priesthood in the Archdiocese of Melbourne in 1990 and is currently the Vicar-General of the archdiocese. “I am certain the people, religious, priests and agencies of the diocese will wholeheartedly welcome Bishop-elect Caddy,” Fr Crowley said.
“He brings with him a wealth of experience in pastoral care and is a passionate advocate for social justice, and I am sure will be a great asset for the Diocese.”
Fr Caddy was born and raised in Melbourne. He holds a Bachelor of Theology from the Melbourne College of Divinity and degrees in Social Sciences from the Gregorian University in Rome, where he studied Catholic social teaching, social ethics and economics.
He served as CEO of Catholic Care (Greater Melbourne, Geelong and Gippsland) from 2004 to 2017, and was engaged in Victorian and national policy and program development in the areas of homelessness, juvenile justice, refugee and asylum seekers, disaster response, drug and alcohol treatment and local government.
In June 2018, Fr Joe was recognised in the Queen’s Birthday Honours list when he was appointed a Member of the Order of Australia in the General Division for “significant service to the community through a wide range of social welfare initiatives and policy reforms, the Catholic Church in Australia”.
As Vicar-General in the Archdiocese of Melbourne, he has taken a key role in revitalising the church and building the skills of clergy and lay people in the areas of leadership, pastoral care and administration.
On behalf of Newman Catholic College family, I would like to warmly welcome Bishop Elect Fr Joe Caddy to Newman Catholic College. The episcopal ordination of Bishop Joe Caddy will be a very historic and significant event in the life of our Diocese and for us at Newman Catholic College.
I know everyone at Newman Catholic College is eagerly looking forward to meeting Bishop Joe Caddy and to showing him the many wonderful faith-based educational initiatives happening day in and day out here at Newman Catholic College.
Bishop James Foley retired as Bishop of Cairns in August 2022, having been appointed to the role in July 1992.

Diarmuid O'Riordan
Rev Fr Kerry Crowley appoints our new Executive Director for Catholic Education Diocese of Cairns.
Fr Kerry has announced the appointment of Mr Diarmuid O’Riordan to the position of Executive Director of Catholic Education for the Diocese of Cairns and offered the following information regarding Mr Diarmuid O’Riordan successful career in education.
Fr Kerry stated: “Mr Diarmuid O’Riordan built his career in Catholic Education, with more than 20 years of experience as an education leader. This includes as a Principal in three schools: a P – 10 school, a large coeducational secondary college and an all-boys secondary college. He worked with Cairns Catholic Education during 2014 to 2016, primarily in the role of Deputy Executive Director, where he led the development of a School Improvement Directorate. He was also employed by EREA as Director of Schools in Victoria and Tasmania, having oversight of 9 schools, 2 of which were Special Assistant Schools and a Flexible Learning Centre. His current position is Deputy Executive Director with Brisbane Catholic Education”.
With a Bachelor of Education and Diploma of Teaching, Diarmuid then completed a Master of Educational Leadership at the Australian Catholic University; followed by a Graduate Certificate in Education Law. Continuing professional development has always been important to Diarmuid. He has studied at KU Leuven, QELi and most recently completed the Company Director course with the AICD.
Diarmuid is active in his own parish and committed to his Catholic faith. He is passionate about the mission of the Church and how this is supported through Catholic education.
Newman Catholic College conveys a warm welcome to our new Executive Director for Catholic Education Diocese of Cairns.
Wishing all families a wonderful, restful and enjoyable holiday break.
With Every Blessing
Lauretta Graham
Change of Uniform Days for Term 3
With the commencement of JSS (Junior Secondary Sport) in Term 3, there will be a change to the days the students wear their uniforms.
- Formal Uniform to be worn on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.
- College Sport Uniform (Red Polo and Sports Shorts) to be worn on Wednesdays.
- College House Uniform (House Shirt and Sports Shorts) to be worn on Fridays.

Uniform Guidelines Reminders
Refer to Pages 58 & 59 of Student Diary
Winter Wear
In cooler weather, when choosing to wear a jacket, students must wear the regulation college jacket.
The wearing of ornaments or personal jewellery is as follows only: a watch (not SMART), ear studs/sleepers (one stud/sleeper per ear) and a religious medal on a simple neck chain. Only with written permission from the Principal is a signet ring or other items of historical or sentimental value to the student permitted. No nose rings unless students/families have had a discussion with the College Principal and/or Year Coordinator.
All students must wear the regulation hat when travelling to or from school, participating in any school excursion or function, outdoor sporting activity or any other outdoor activity including recess and lunch breaks. The College formal hat is a compulsory part of the uniform. The sports hat may be worn on sports days and special events. A “no hat, no play” policy is in place.
Hair Policy
Short hair should be neat, clean and tidy. Shoulder length hair should be neatly tied back with a charcoal, gold or red hair tie. Extreme hairstyles and dying of hair to unnatural hair colours are not permitted, eg. green, blue, purple etc. Mullets, Mohawk or similar hair styles are not permitted. Shaven heads or haircuts with shaved lines or symbols, extreme colouration or variations in colour or length will also be considered to be extreme. Fringes must be above the top of the eyebrows.
Students who have begun to shave need to be clean shaven. Sideburns are to be at or above ear level. Moustaches and beards are not permitted. This list is not exhaustive, If there is any doubt, the Principal's judgement is final.
Nail Polish
Only clear nail polish may be worn.
Make Up
No excessive use of Make-up can be worn unless required due to medical reasons. Permission must be sought from the Principal through the Year Level Pastoral Coordinator.
Kind regards
Chris Di Lucchio
Year 7 Coordinator
Important Term Dates
With Term 2 finishing this Friday 21 June, here are the dates for Term 3:
Monday 8 July - Student Free Day
Tuesday 9 July - 1st day for Term 3
Friday 19 July - Cairns Show Public Holiday
Wednesday 28 August - Stage 2 Blessing & Building Opening
Friday 30 August - Student Free Day
Friday 13 September - Last day for Term 3
Monday 30 September - 1st day for Term 4
Kind regards
Dan McMahon
Year 8 Coordinator
Student Absences and Attendance
Student Absences
If your child is absent from school, please log the absence via the MyCE App using the 'Log an Absence' button. This is for any illness or emergency absences for anytime away during the school term.
For planned absences (i.e. Family circumstances, sporting commitments (Peninsula etc), you must complete a Request for Student Absence form. This form is available for download from the MyCE App. The form is located via the My Schools Tab, then click onto Documents, Student forms and then Request for Student Absence form. Please complete and submit to for approval by the Principal in advance.
Student Lateness
If students arrive to school late, they are to present to student reception with their Student ID cards, to sign in and collect their late slip to give to their class teacher. Frequent lateness will result in detention and parents will be contacted.
It is important the every child is on time every day. Attendance matters.
Kind Regards
Sam Hughes
Year 9 Coordinator


Mr Wilbur Donovan
Deputy Principal
Have you downloaded the MyCE App Yet!
To ensure easy access to your child's Semester 1 2024 Report Card, be sure to download the CES MyCE app. You will be advised when the reports are ready to download.
Some of the other useful features of the app include:
- School contact and directory information
- Notification of student absences for unplanned and planned absences
- Request for Student Absence form
- Links to Parent Slips and Parent Teacher Online
- Student timetables
- Access to your students’ academic reports - you are only able to access the two previous years reports, so please ensure to download a copy to your device
- The ability to add school calendar events to your personal calendar.
Wilbur Donovan
Deputy Principal - Academic Studies
Leader of Liturgy, Spirituality & Faith Formation

Mr Chris Graham
Leader of Liturgy, Spirituality & Faith Formation
Rite of Christian Initiation - Youth (12-18 years)
Newman Catholic College will be running a Rite of Christian Initiation for Youth program for Northern Beaches Parish students aged 12-18 years.
The program is designed to support young people who wish to explore the Catholic faith in a supportive and welcoming community environment. Whether new to the Church or seeking to deepen faith, the RCI-Youth program is a place where questions can be asked and experiences shared.
The program will be held over six sessions and cover teachings of the Traditions and Sacraments of the Church, and how our lives can be lived out through faith. Young people who have completed the RCI-Y program will be well placed to further pursue the Sacraments within the Catholic Church should they choose. Initially, the sessions will be run during scheduled Religious Education lessons of the student’s timetable. If time allows a session may run between 3:30-4:30pm during the week for parish youth.
For further information or to register for the program, please contact Christopher Graham - Leader of Spirituality, Liturgy and Faith Formation -
Mr Chris Graham
Leader of Liturgy, Spirituality & Faith Formation
Religious Education

Mr Nigel Mitchell
Leader of Religious Education
Australian Catholics
We now have a subscription for all members of the college community to Australian Catholics. Print copies of the magazine will be available for students to bring home, and a wide range of resources are available online to support religious education and personal faith. These include meditation, prayer, bible study, preparation for the Sacraments, and much more.
Access to the online resources is through
Parents can use the login
Students can use the login
For both logins the password is NCC2024a
Please contact me at if you require assistance or any other information.

Ms Celeste Miller
Farewell to Ms Celeste Miller
Newman Catholic College is proud to be fulfilling our mission by offering educational opportunities to a growing number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. These students and their families enrich our community and their presence in the classroom enhances the learning of indigenous and non-indigenous students alike.
During 2023 and 2024 we have been blessed with the support and encouragement of Celeste Miller in the role of Indigenous Liaison Officer. Celeste has been there as a sounding board and support person for our First Nations students, as a support and advisor to teachers when incorporating indigenous themes in the classroom, and as a guide in the formation of our Reconciliation Plan and celebrations of Reconciliation Week and NAIDOC. She has also worked hard to build relationships with local Traditional Owners, cultural and other groups.
Sadly Celeste is moving to a full time position at another school, so she will be leaving the NCC community at the end of this term. We thank her for the wonderful work she has done, and wish her well for all that the future holds.
Mr Nigel Mitchell
Leader of Religious Education
Stop Drop and Go Zone

Stop Drop Go Zone
Kinetic runs the public bus services in Cairns and they travel through the JCU bus interchange regularly throughout the day.
Drivers have reported safety issues as parents are dropping off/picking up children from Newman Catholic College.
The area around the end roundabout is marked with no standing signs however cars are often stopping in this area which impacts on the safe passage of buses. A yellow line has also painted in this area and drivers will be fined by the police for stopping in this no stopping zone.
Parents are also reminded not to queue around the roundabout when accessing the Stop Drop Go Zone.
We are kindly asking families to use the designated Stop Drop Go Zone to ensure the public buses and other road users are not inconvenienced.

Arts Department

Mrs Katherine Fraser
Leader of the Arts
Welcome to the final week of Term 2, it has been a big one! Recently we have achieved the following successes:
An Evening with The Arts - A Grand Success!On 6 June 2024, Newman Catholic College hosted "An Evening with The Arts," a spectacular event in Week 8 that showcased the incredible talent and hard work of our students from Semester 1. The evening was a resounding success, bringing together our entire school community to celebrate the achievements of our Performing and Visual Arts groups.
The event featured outstanding performances from a variety of groups, including:
- Voices of Newman
- Newman Symphonics
- Newman Chamber Strings
- Year 7 Concert Band and Year 7 Strings Ensemble (compulsory music classes 07mus01, 07mus02, 07mus03, and 07mus04)
- NCC Dance Academy
- NCC Performance Troupe
- Year 7 – 9 Dance Classes
An Evening with The Arts not only highlighted the artistic abilities of our students but also underscored the importance of Arts education in fostering creativity, confidence, and collaboration. The event was a testament to the dedication of our teachers and the hard work of our students, and it was wonderful to see the community come together to celebrate their achievements. We had over 200 students involved in our event.
A sincere thank you goes to our dedicated staff who made this event possible: Maryanne Challis, Katherine Fraser, Erin Welser, Chris Graham, Leesa Cooke, Ross Pols, Kendra Woods, Tara Sykes, Shawn Brack, Sarah Hill-Murray, Ian Shotton, Greg Milward, Yvette Bacic, Lauretta Graham, Wilbur Donovan, Mark Williams (Pacific Music), Sara Schiavon, and Fiona Pols. Your hard work, passion, and commitment have truly made a difference.
Thank you to everyone who attended and supported our young artists. Your encouragement and appreciation make events like these possible and contribute to the thriving arts culture at Newman Catholic College. We look forward to more inspiring performances and exhibitions in the future!
Week 10 – all Arts groups that are performing in the eisteddfod will be proudly representing our College in the areas of Performing Arts.
Arts Evening - Choir

Arts Evening - Dance

Arts Evening - Instrumental

Arts Evening - Drama

2024 Eisteddfod
Our talented performing arts students will be participating in the 2024 Cairns Junior Eisteddfod at The Cairns Performing Arts Centre. This exciting event will showcase the exceptional talents of the following groups:
- Voices of Newman
- Newman Chamber Strings
- Newman Symphonics
- NCC Dance Academy
- Newman Drama Group
Thank you for your continued support and involvement in our College's Performing Arts program.
Drama Group for the Eisteddfod
This year, our Drama students from Year 7 and 8 will showcase their talent in an original script crafted by our esteemed Drama specialist, Mr Brack titled 'Hamish and Grace' his play promises to captivate both the adjudicator and audiences with its unique storyline and compelling performances. Best of luck!
Compulsory Music – Semester 2
Please check your email by the end of the week for a broadcast about the new Year 7 students completing their Compulsory Music subject. You will receive a form requesting information on instruments played or interest in learning an instrument. According to insights from the TED Talk "How Playing an Instrument Benefits Your Brain," learning an instrument enhances brain function, improves memory, and boosts cognitive skills. We are fortunate to offer this valuable opportunity at Newman Catholic College. Please note that some requests may not be fulfilled due to the availability of instruments at our school.
Continuing Learning Voice or Instrumental Lessons at Newman – Year 7 Compulsory Music and Beyond!
Year 7 Instrumental & Vocal Lessons Enrolment form
If your child has enjoyed learning an instrument in the compulsory music program, and would like to continue, please fill in the form above regarding instrumental or vocal lessons. In addition, if your child would like to learn, please fill in the above form too. Fees will be charged with any Instrumental Music tuition and these fees are extremely reasonable. Students are in small group lessons with up to four students per group. It is expected that students continuing to learn an instrument become involved in the College Ensemble program as appropriate. Instrumental Music fees will be invoiced when the student begins lessons.
- Group Lesson $145 - 30 mins ($18/lesson) 2-4 students together, unless negotiated with Coordinator
- Individual Lesson $290 - 30 mins ($36.25/lesson) 1:1 tuition with a teacher. By approval of Coordinator
- Students sitting external exams should have private lessons above 5th grade, optional in grade 1-4.
Instruments on offer:
Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone (Alto/Tenor), Trumpet, Trombone, Euphonium, Percussion/Drums, Piano, Voice, Violin, Viola & Cello.
PLEASE NOTE: Students learning Piano, or Percussion MUST supply their own instruments for home practice. They have the option of using the College instruments for their lessons.
If you have any questions, please contact the Head of Arts, Mrs Katherine Fraser. Please note: Lessons will not be given until this form is completed and submitted to the Head of Arts.
Please contact me via email or phone 4047 6000 if you have any questions.
Warm regards
Katherine Fraser
Leader of the Arts
Science Matters

Mr Matt Radburnd
Leader of Science
Year 7 Reef Excursion
During Week 6, our Year 7 students embarked on a magical journey to explore the largest living structure on our planet – The Great Barrier Reef. Over two separate days, students headed out to Gunggandji sea country and explored the Reef Magic Pontoon at Moore Reef, deepening their understanding of biodiversity and marine conservation.
The adventure began when students plunged into the warm water to discover first hand some of the Reef's diverse marine life. Students swam alongside sea creatures such as clownfish, sharks, rays, cods, groupers, and a crowd favourite—Wally, the giant Hump-headed Maori Wrasse. These encounters sparked curiosity and a sense of wonder about the underwater world.
While observing the stunning marine life, students were also contributing to a larger citizen science project, collecting data about 10 key indicator species for an ‘eye on the reef’ survey. The information is used by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority to monitor the health of various reef locations over time and drive important political decisions for the protection of the reef.
The day's activities were designed to engage and educate. Students participated in laboratory activities where they observed some live crown of thorns starfish and learnt about how sudden increases in numbers can have a large impact on the reef ecosystem. These hands-on experiences fostered a sense of responsibility and passion for environmental stewardship.
A glass-bottom boat tour led by knowledgeable Indigenous guides added a cultural dimension to the excursion. Students learned about the rich traditions and stories of the land and sea, deepening their appreciation for the interconnectedness of culture and nature.
This excursion hopefully had positive impacts for our Year 7 students, igniting their passion for marine science and conservation. At Newman Catholic College, we are proud to provide such enriching experiences that inspire a love for the natural world and foster a commitment to its preservation.
We extend our gratitude to the dedicated staff at GBR Biology and the Reef Magic Pontoon. Together, we are nurturing the next generation of environmental champions, ensuring a brighter future for the Great Barrier Reef.
At Newman Catholic College, we adopt a hands-on, inquiry-based approach to learning. We seek out educational journeys that empower our students to explore, discover, and then think globally while acting locally, to make a positive impact on our world.
Matt Radburnd
Leader of Science
Year 7 Reef Excursion

Community Fishing Day at Palm Cove
The Year 8 Marine Science classes have been working diligently this term on their group projects to plan a Community Fishing Day down at Palm Cove Jetty. The students have worked together through processes including the planning of activities, equipment orders, advertising, risk management and submitting an application to the Cairns Regional Council to host the event.
On Friday 7 June, we headed down to Palm Cove for the Main Event. Students gathered by the jetty and set up a number of activities including: a conservation tent, rod casting tutorials, a beach clean-up, rig making and fishing workshops off the jetty.
Some groups also organised a sausage sizzle and bake sales to raise money for the recreational fishing organisation OzFish.
Our students engaged with the public and guided them through a number of skills and activities to help them learn more about recreational fishing. Many members of the public then decided to put these skills to use by fishing from the jetty under the guidance of our students. We had participants from toddlers right up to seniors and students felt a great sense of community spirit.
We would like to thank the Queensland Government for funding our event through a Community Fishing Grant, Brumby’s Clifton Beach for donating the bread for the sausage sizzle, and also thank Bransford’s tackle for supporting us with our equipment orders. It was a great morning out and we hope to run more similar events with our new fishing equipment.
Community Fish Day - Palm Cove

Year 9 Earth and Environmental Science excursion.
In Week 4, students from the Year 9 Earth and Science Elective participated in a one day field lab exploring the geomorphology of Atika Creek and were joined by Professor Michael Bird from the JCU Earth Science department. We explored three locations along the creek, collecting primary data and samples that we then analysed back in the laboratory. Students are examining the relationship between the creek profile and the geology of the area, to determine how surface features such as creeks are shaped by the underlying geology and extreme weather events such as the recent flooding generated by Cyclone Jasper.

Partner Up Queensland Science of Disasters conference.
On Friday 31 May four Year 9 students from the Earth and Environmental Science elective attended the ‘Science of Disasters - impact, resilience and recovery in Far North Queensland’ STEM event in Cairns. Students heard about a range of initiatives that are underway to mitigate the effects of future climate change in our region and the content matched the work we have been doing studying the impacts of Cyclone Jasper. The event was facilitated through the Partner Up Queensland Regional Science and Innovation Network (PUQ), an initiative of the Queensland Government delivered by the Department of Environment, Science, and Innovation as a joint initiative between the Office of the Queensland Chief Scientist and Advance Queensland.
Mr Carl Johnson
Science Department
English Department

Ms Monika Borowiecki
Leader of English
English News
Term 2 has come to an end very quickly and I would like to recognise a few of the events that occurred within the English Department.
Debating Competition
A huge congratulations to our two debating teams that participated in the annual debating competition this year. These students have worked tirelessly the past two terms and challenged themselves by competing against other schools. Well done to our Year 7 team, Elizabeth Meller, Nyah O’Mahony and Therese Wilmann and to our mixed team consisting of, Iga Ciolek, Chloe Sellwood and Caitlin Wong. Finally, a huge thank you to the staff and volunteers who made this event possible.

Year 7 Debating Team- Elizabeth, Nya, and Therese

Year 8 & 9 Debating team - Caitlin, Iga & Chloe
Creative Writing Excursions
Year 7 Creative Writing students spent the term creating an anthology of memoirs about themselves. They visited Kewarra Aged Care and read these out to the residents. We have been visiting Kewarra Aged Care since last year and enjoy developing our relationship with them. Thank you to Fiona Pols and Alex Starmer for organising this.
Year 8 Creative Writing students have participated in a murder mystery unit all semester. Students read The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time and examined a range of other murder mystery texts. They created a range of murder mystery texts. Students worked with Professor Roger Osborne at James Cook University where they pulled a selection of secret items out of a box and created flash fiction stories. We thank Professor Osborne for working with our students and look forward in developing our engagement with him and the university. Thank you to Fiona Duffy who organised these memorable moments with our students.
Kewarra Aged Care Visit

Professor Roger Osborne with the Year 8 Creative Writing students
Semester 2 Class Changes
Please note that next semester there will be class changes that may mean your child is in a new English class and may have a new teacher. We are trying to minimise disruption to classes; however, this is impossible in some cases. Thank you for your understanding with these changes as our department continues to grow.
We wish our community a restful and blessed June/July break.
Monika Borewiecki
Leader of English
Languages Department

Shixang Chen
Leader of Languages
Greetings from the Language Department!
As we enter assessment week, teachers and students are all busy with their exams and assignments. To help students maintain their enthusiasm for language and cultural learning, the language club is back on and running each Friday during lunchtime. Miss Atsuta prepares different activities each week for the club. Origami and Ayatori are just two examples of many.
There are two international exchange groups from Japan visiting us next term. If you are interested in becoming a homestay family, please contact our agents directly. The details are outlined in the previous school newsletter. Please contact Mr Chen at for more information.

Miss Naoko Atsuta
Farewell Sensai Atsuta
Miss Naoko Atsuta is a great helper in our Language department. She assists with our Japanese school visits, prepares for the Language club, and works as the in-class support officer not only for Japanese classes but also for other languages. She is finishing her contract at the end of this term and will continue her journey exploring the rest of the world. We wish her all the best in her future endeavours.
Shixang Chen
Leader of Languages
Let's say it on a t-shirt in French Class!
Year 8 French has decided to be creative and do an end of the school service activity that will match with the College theme studied in Term 2.
It was about doing some design on t-shirts to encourage all the students not to litter and to use the yellow bin only to recycle all their packaging after their lunch.
Our advice:
- green bin: for normal rubbish
- and yellow bin: for all the packaging
You will hopefully see some staff members and students wearing this t-shirt during our breaks.
So let's be green and do the right thing for the environment!
Ms Agnes Damay
French Teacher

Library News

Mrs Karen Chapman
Library & Information Services Officer
The end of this term has been a busy time in the library. Many students have been using the space to catch up on schoolwork and study for their upcoming assessments and exams.
It is lovely to see our students enjoying our communal space together and interacting across all year levels.
This term we have recognized National Reconciliation week (27May – 3 June). This is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.
The theme this year was “Now more than ever”.
Term 3 will be exciting as we celebrate Book week from 17th to 23rd August. The theme this year is “Reading is Magic”.
There will be fun activities based around reading for all students to participate in.
All our students are allowed, and encouraged, to borrow books to read over the holidays. If they prefer eBooks, please remember Sora offers 100’s of 1000’s of eBooks, magazines and audiobooks - ALL FREE.
Have a wonderful holiday and see you in Term 3.
Karen Chapman
Library and Information Services Officer

Sport News

Mr Zane Dockray
Leader of HPE & Sport
College Athletics Carnival - Friday 14 June
We were blessed with perfect blue skies and sunshine for our Athletics Carnival held last Friday 14 June. Each House showed a fantastic display of competitive spirit as they participated in a multitude of events over the course of the day.
It was great to see the students joining in with so much enthusiasm in both the competitive and participation events. So much passion, determination and sportsmanship displayed throughout the whole day.
Thanks to all the staff and parents who assisted on the day, helping, supporting and encouraging our students. Thanks to the staff who came in early to set up and pack up at the end of the day. It was a truly rewarding and successful day.
Students who finished in the Top 3 of each event and have met the qualifying standard, will be nominated to represent the College at the TCN Athletics Carnival on Thursday 8 and Friday 9 August at Barlow Park. Parental permission for the selected students to attend the TCN Athletics Carnival will be sent via Parent Slips early in Term 3.
Congratulations to the following students who were Age Champions and to the Green House being awarded House Champion and Blue House for Newman Spirit.
Kind Regards
Zane Dockray
Leader of HPE & Sport
Athletics Age Champions
12 Years - Girls
- 1st Charley Davies
- 2nd Codie Cottew
- 3rd Janessa Jimenez
12 Year - Boys
- 1st Max Gabbert
- 2nd Sonny White
- 3rd Talon Freitag
13 Years - Girls
- Jessica Easterbrook
- Izobella Brix
- Kalani Gough
13 Years - Boys
- 1st Satchin Griffin
- 2nd Jacob Campbell Taylor
- 3rd Mason Kloprogge
14 Years - Girls
- 1st Mia Todd
- 2nd Talytha Slattery
- 3rd Evangeline Morgan
14 Years - Boys
- 1st Riley Honorato
- 2nd Joah Adam
- 3rd Kobe Duncan
15 years - Girls
- 1st Gemma Brooks
- 2nd Isabella Whyte
- 3rd Tilly Zajaz
15 Years - Boys
- 1st Oisin Breheny
- 2nd Richie Edmonds
- 3rd James Dobson
Athletics Age Champions

Newman Spirit Award - Blue House

House Champions - Green House
House War Cries

Year 8 Outdoor Education Camp
Outdoor Education @ NCC Our Year 8 Outdoor Ed class had an amazing 3-day expedition at Lake Tinaroo Camp Barrabadeen. From setting up camp and orienteering to canoeing, cooking, and hiking, our students tackled it all. Despite windy and rainy conditions on the water, they showed great teamwork. Day two blessed them with clear skies and stunning views from the Torpedo Bay trail hike. Students also learned valuable conflict resolution skills, working through disagreements just like in real life. Outdoor adventures teach us crucial life lessons beyond the classroom. A highlight? Freshly baked bread in the camp ovens, thanks to our talented dough makers! Huge thanks to Ms Atsuta for making these adventures possible.
Mr Dockray
Leader of HPE and Sport
Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.
Hebrews 12:1
Year 8 Outdoor Ed Camp

Trivia by the Stars - Saturday 27 July
The Newman Hearts Cheerleading team will be hosting "Trivia By The Stars" on Saturday 27th July. We are raising money to attend the Nationals Cheer and Dance Championships - which are held on the Gold Coast in December.
We would appreciate your support in coming along to the fantastic event!
Please see the poster for all the event information and prize list.
Please lock your tables in by Friday 12th July!
On behalf of the Newman Hearts Cheerleading Team, we thank you for your amazing support.
Mrs Linda Gough
Coordinator of Sport

Cairns Running Festival - Sunday 14 July
Newman Catholic College would like to remind all our students, parents, and staff of the upcoming Cairns Running Festival taking place on Sunday 14 July 2024. Currently we have 25 staff, students and family members signed up to team Newman College. Unfortunately, the individual 10km and 5km races are sold out, but there are still options for you to complete the 2km, 21km or 42km. You could also join a 2-person or 4-person team to complete the marathon (42km).
By signing up with Team Newman CC, you will receive an exclusive 10% discount on your entry fee.
Joining Team Newman CC is easy:
- Visit the Cairns Marathon 2024 website at click "ENTER NOW."
- Select your desired race distance.
- When completing the registration, click on ‘Join a team’ and select Newman Catholic College to automatically receive a 10% discount.
We hope to see many of you out on the course - running and cheering each other on.
Kind regards
Alex Starmer
Leader of Special Programs & Partnerships
Café News

Flexischools New Cut-Off time - 7:45am each school day.
All orders for the Café are to be placed by 7:45am. Parents are asked to note the new cut-off time of 7:45am. A reminder if you have more than one child you are ordering for, please place each child's order separately. Orders are to be collected by students at 1st Recess at 10:20am.
Student IDs can be used for over the counter purchases
Students can now make over the counter café purchases with their student card. Parents can prepay funds into their Fleixschools parent wallet and link their child's existing Student ID card. Refer to the image below for information on how to link the card.
Reminder that students making purchases at the Café must use a card, cash or their preloaded student ID to make purchases. Students are NOT to use their mobile phones or smart watches for payment.
Café Menu for Term 3
There are new items added to the Café Menu for Term 3. Please refer to the flyer below for the updated menu.
Thank you for your assistance.
Mrs Julie Davies
Cafe Supervisor

Uniform Shop

Uniform Shop Open Hours
Monday to Friday - 1st Recess 10:20am - 11:00am
Tuesday and Thursday afternoons 2:30pm - 3:30pm
When ordering through Flexischools, if the order is placed before 5:00pm it is available for collection the next working day at 1st Recess (10:20am).
College Uniforms
If you require new uniforms, please use the link through Flexischools to purchase. If you have not used Flexischools before, below are instructions on how to set up your account. If your child has any outgrown uniforms you wish to donate, we would love to assist and help families in need.
Please bring your secondhand uniforms into the College Office.
Reminders regarding Uniforms
Please ensure to label all items:
- Uniforms are to be worn as a complete set - no mixing between formal and sports uniforms
- Tracksuit jackets are able to be worn with both formal and sports uniforms
- Tracksuit pants are only be to be worn for sporting excursions or camps/retreats
- The jacket and pants are not compulsory, however, no other jackets can be worn.
Students are required to wear completely black leather lace-up shoes when wearing their formal uniform. No colour trim is allowed. Below are examples of acceptable and non-acceptable

F@N News - President's Report

Mr Ray Cowan
F@N President
Student Disco and Parent Coffee Night
The College Disco was held on the Friday 17 May with Redlynch DJ’s rocking the hall with dance games. The students had a fantastic night, with several dressed in group themes that added extra sparkle to the evening.
Families at Newman served pizzas, drinks, Zooper Doopers, and glow sticks, creating a festive and energetic atmosphere. Students came from Mossman and Port Douglas to attend, and the event was a great success.
A big thank you goes out to the F@N committee, parents & teachers for their support and assistance on the night.
While the students were dancing the night away, the F@N hosted a coffee night for parents to relax and meet downstairs. Nibbles were provided along with a coffee van. Parents were serenaded by two musicians, mingled with others, and played games. It was a delightful evening that allowed parents to unwind and connect while their children raged on upstairs.
F@N Annual General Meeting - Monday 8 July
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be conducted on Monday 8 July at 6:30pm in the College Staff Lunch Room. Parents are invited and are very welcome to attend to lend your support in voting for the new F@N Committee. If you would like further information or would like to nominate for a position on the committee, please email for a nomination form. We look forward to seeing you there.
Upcoming F@N Event - Newman Hearts Trivia Night
In Term 3 on Saturday 27 July, F@N will be supporting the Newman Hearts Trivia Night (Refer to the flyer in Sports News) to help raise funds for their trip to the National titles on the Gold Coast in December. This promises to be an exciting event, and we look forward to everyone's participation and support.
As always, if you can volunteer your time to assist with any of the events, please send us an email to As they say, ‘many hands make light work’.
Stay safe and God bless.
Ray Cowan
President - F@N Committee