2023 Term 2 Week 6 Wednesday 24 May
Acknowledgement of Country

We acknowledge the Yirrganydji and Djabugay peoples, as the traditional owners of this land and pay respect to their elders, past, present, and emerging for they hold the memories, the traditions, the culture and hopes of Aboriginal Australia who educated their children in this area. We show respect for their history, their culture, and our shared future.
We will always remember that under the concrete, steel and asphalt of this College, this land is, was, and always will be traditional Aboriginal land.
JCU Nguma-bada Campus - "Place for tomorrow's Learning Knowledge and Wisdom"
Yirryay (Yirrganydgi landuage, coastal dialect of Djabugay.

Safina Stewart’s Prayer for the Voice
God of wondrous possibility
Take my story and my life
Give me courage to stand for justice
God of dreaming and mystery
Forgive my blind complaining
Give me vision to walk remembering your history
God of truth and love
Take my bruised hands and feet
Give me strength and grace to stand for truth
God of safety and singing
Take my mouth and my voice
Give me words to inspire and encourage
God of knowledge and creativity
Take my whole being
Help me stretch, broaden and deepen
God of goodness and hope
Take my connections and influence
And help me stand for Voice and Justice
This is from https://www.listentotheheart.
Principal's Message

Dr Lauretta Graham
Hats off to the Families at Newman (F@N)
A huge congratulations and thank you to President Mel and her Families @ Newman team for organising an enjoyable Trivia Night. Those present had such a fun night. This has become an annual event and we hope to see it grow year by year. The Mexican costumes and decorations added to the atmosphere. Well done F@N Members.

Please mark this event in your calendar and be sure to come and share some time with our community.
We pray that our college continues to be a vibrant community of faith and community of learners. We have so much to celebrate; in the last week alone, we experienced so many extra events organised for our students by our wonderful teachers. Come to our shared meal and spend some time together and show your gratitude for what we have been given.
Catholic Schools are not private schools. As a Catholic Schools we:
- Build places of authentic evangelisation where faith and life are one.
- Celebrate God’s abundant and abiding presence in all creation.
- Develop communities sustained by life giving relationships.
- Are welcoming to all who seek to share their life.
- Are centres of vital holistic learning.
- Are places of self-renewal and sowers of change.
- Build constructive covenants with all partners.
May God richly bless you as you continue to share in the partnership of building Newman Catholic College and Community.
I would like to thank you in advance for your involvement in the many activities planned for the remainder of this year. Remember Mother Teresa’s quote: “Always do small things with great love”.
The Inheritance
Two old friends bumped into one another on the street one-day. One man looked very sad and discouraged, almost on the verge of tears. His friend asked, “What has the world done to you, my old friend?”
The sad fellow said, “three weeks ago, a rich uncle of mine died. To my surprise, he included me in his will. His lawyers sent me a cheque for $40,000!”
“That’s terrific,” said the friend. “That’s a lot of money.”
“Yes, but two weeks ago, they sent me another cheque – this time for $100,000!”
“Wow, that’s incredible!” said the friend. “You’ve really been blessed!”
“You don’t understand,” the man whined. “Last week I got another cheque in the mail that was larger than the first two. It was for a quarter of a million dollars!”
The friend was getting very confused. “You’re right, I don’t understand. Why then are you so unhappy? Why do you look so glum?”
“Because this week I haven’t received anything.” Came the reply.
Sometimes we are so blessed that we begin to think we’re entitled to all the good things that come our way. Perhaps it’s human nature. If you give a small child a gift, he/she will treasure it. But if you give two gifts, he/she might wonder why he/she didn’t get a third.
None of us deserves the things we have. Most of us live very comfortably while people all over the world suffer in extreme poverty. Often, we take for granted things that other people have never experienced. And sometimes we still feel like we don’t have enough.
That’s why it’s important for us all to practice gratitude. We all need to take time every day to thank God for the blessings he has given us at Newman and in our lives. I suppose when we are thankful for what we have, we will be able to live every day with joy – whether we get more or not.
Lauretta Graham
Identity and Outreach

Mr Timothy Chapman
Greetings Families
There is much happening at present in the space of Catholic Identity!
We are moving quickly to the end of our Easter season. This past Sunday, the church celebrated the Ascension of the Lord into heaven. In the final verses of Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus commissions his closest followers to “go and make disciples of all nations”. He spent his ministry preaching and showing his followers (and enemies) how to live in relationship with God. After he leaves this earth, he entrusts his disciples with the mission to spread the good news far and wide. We can continue this mission today, not just through our outreach, education, and charitable works, but by ensuring our daily encounters with one another are guided by love and compassion. This Sunday is Pentecost which celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit and the birth of the early church.
We have the opportunity to bring Jesus’ teachings on love, healing, and forgiveness to life as we recognise and celebrate Reconciliation Week. The theme for 2023 is ‘Be a Voice for Generations’, extending an invitation to us all to consider how we can be a voice for reconciliation in tangible ways with our families, friends, communities, and networks. Our students will show their commitment to reconciliation by contributing to a “sea of hands” that will be on display in the College next week.

We also acknowledge Laudato Si week from 21st – 28th May. Laudato Si is a key document from Pope Francis on the care of common home which he address to ‘every person living on this planet’ and urgently appeals ‘for a new dialogue about how we are shaping the future of our planet’. Pope Francis eloquently frames the climate crisis with a grounding in how Catholic teachings implore us to act in the face of this monumental challenge. Issues of sustainability are often viewed through a political lens, but Laudato Si allows us to have these conversations from a perspective of faith and shows our students how our moral framework can be shaped by our religion.
God Bless
Tim Chapman
Deputy Principal - Identity & Outreach
College Captain's Report by Iga Ciolek

Iga Ciolek
College Captain
On Tuesday 9 May, our student leaders had the opportunity to go to the Queensland Parliament. There, they had a session inside the chamber. In the chamber, they witnessed parliament in action. The leaders then had a chance to go through a variety of activities such as acting out each Minister’s role and posing for pictures with some different MPs. They then ended the day by looking at some solutions for parliament-driven commissions (e.g. ways to incorporate solar energy into everyday life) and other things such as the driving simulator made by JCU. The student leaders had a great time learning about how parliament works and definitely want to come back again.

Leader of Pedagogy

Mrs Emma Zell
The importance of being organised!
Newman Catholic College has many amazing experiences for students to be involved in! The core business of all schools however remains to educate students, so they are ready for the next step after school life. A large part of school and the next step is being organised. As Term 2 progresses there will continue to be homework and assessment demands placed on students. If the time is taken to utilise the school diary, then the pressure a student feels can be lowered, allowing them to perform to their potential. How can you help:
- Check your child’s diary on a regular basis.
- There IS Homework, if not written down please check Canvas.
- Make sure all-important dates are filled in, this may be extracurricular activities as well.
- Explicitly model and talk about how you stay organised.
When a systematic approach to organise daily activities is put in place then individuals can strive towards realistic goals. This leads to increased productivity and reduces wasted time and effort and allows free time to be enjoyed for what it is. This organisation will allow students to feel more in control and confident in meeting obligations and performing assessment tasks to their potential.
Emma Zell
Leader of Pedagogy
Leader of the Arts

Mrs Maryanne Challis
Year 7 Music
A number of students who come to Newman Catholic College have not had specialised Music class or instrumental music. Compulsory Music gives students the opportunity to step outside their comfort zone and learn an instrument they may not have been offered or had the choice to do before.
In the classroom we have some budding composers. Students are learning about structure, form, instrumentation, note values and pitch. With the use of an online program, students are composing their own songs with a traditional verse/chorus form.
Once a week, the students use their class time to practice their instrument as an ensemble. Working with the instrumental staff, and the classroom teacher, the students are working towards a semester concert at JCU. This gives the students a goal to work towards but also the opportunity to perform for family and friends and demonstrate all the hard work throughout the semester.

Year 8 Music
Having completed Compulsory Music in Year 7, students have some knowledge of music theory and playing an instrument. This term, students have been exploring Rock music and where the genre has gone over the decades, from Gospel blues music to alternative rock fusion and everything in between.
Students have learnt how to play as a rock ensemble and perform a chosen song. They have also put together a timeline of the progression of rock, presenting a PowerPoint spanning 30 years of rock music.

Year 8 Drama
Lights! Camera! Action!
Students in Term 1 were working on the elements of Freeze and Mime/body language in Drama. Understanding the power of body language and how it can have an impact on what you say and do and others' perception.
Students have written their own script and incorporated the elements in it. The huge task was to take the words and put physical meaning to them. Blocking, editing, rehearsing until it had meaning, and the audience could understand the story. It’s a difficult skill to accomplish, but once completed, a sense of relief is felt.
Term 2 is all about being a director. Students study scripts and learn how to make it come alive. Stage designs, script cues, sound effects, costume designs and prop designs have been the focus during this unit.
Year 7 Drama
Term 1 had the students exploring the elements of drama with a focus on 'The human context' and 'Tensions'. Using stimulus, students presented their findings through powerpoint presentation which includes video evidence of their own performance. This term, they have been working on script writing for plays and will perform these later in the term.
The students learnt out how to analyse the elements used, identify and explain the roles, situations and relationships that are evident in the stimulus and present their findings as part of the performance and presentation.
Huge task for the year 7’s but we are very proud of what they produced in a very short time.
Instrumental Music
Our instrumental music students were invited to perform at Caravonica Waters Aged Care facility earlier this term. Our visit included items performed by the College Concert Band, String Ensemble, plus many solo artists. Residence of Caravonica Waters were super excited to have our students perform and so too were our students. Many smiling faces upon returning to school.
Our Winter Concert at JCU is coming up on June 22nd. An opportunity for parents and friends to see our students perform as part of the Year 7 compulsory music program or those who participate in our college ensembles. We will also have solo performers showcasing their talents throughout the evening. Information will be sent out soon with specific details.

Performance at Caravonica Waters Aged Care

Performance at Caravoinca Waters Aged Care

Year 8 Dance
This term students have been studying contemporary dance. As a class they have learnt a teacher choreographed piece and in small groups students have participated in choreographic workshops to create their own sections. I have been very impressed with the high standard of student work, in particular how students have manipulated the dance elements and choreographic devices. This performance will be assessed in Week 6 and students also have the opportunity to perform on Assembly in Week 8.
Dance Academy
Dance Academy runs every Wednesday afternoon 3:00pm - 5:00pm. The aims of the class are to prepare dances to be performed at college events, watch performances at CPAC or Munro Martin Parklands and engage with touring dance companies when they offer workshops.
The subject is an opportunity for students to experience a fun and positive dance experience and has three areas of focus:
- To make dance visible within our Newman Community – this includes dance performances at Assemblies, lunch breaks and other College events.
- To have opportunities with touring dance companies such as viewing live performances at CPAC and participating in dance workshops with industry artists.
- A long-term goal. . . to compete at the Cairns Eisteddfod schools section.
Dance Academy

Production Roles
Students have been participating in sound and lighting workshops with industry professional Mark Williams. They will apply these skills to the set up of the dance and music performances on assembly in week 8, along with costume and makeup designs.
Year 7 Art have learnt one and two point perspective. They have sketched the Newman building en plein air and will be doing a resolved version of their drawing in Fauvist style in the coming weeks
The Year 8 Art unit is Dragon Dreams, where they will shortly create their own 3-dimensional tea-cup sized dragon made from polymer clay.
Maryanne Challis,
Acting Leader of the Arts
Production Roles

Mathematics Department

Mr Prasad Nair
ATO Financial Literacy Competition 2023
Tax Super and You!
Dear Students - Unleash your creativity by explaining Tax and Super in a fun and Imaginative way through the ATO's Tax, Super and You competition. You can enter individually or as a part of a team. You will have the chance to win a share of $13,200 in prizes. Start working on your entries from now on, explore Tax and Super and be Creative!
Competition opens from 29/5/23 to 25/8/23. First prize $1000, second prize $700, third prize $500 and people choice award of $1000!!!
Entry Topic for 2023: Junior (7-9)- How do tax and super help me and my community?
To find out more, to https://taxsuperandyou.gov.au/ or see Mr Nair or your Mathematics teacher.
Kind Regards
Mr Prasad Nair
Leader of Mathematics

English Department

Ms Monika Borowiecki
Our two debating teams took part in their first debate last week. While both teams lost, it was very close and both teams were commended on their strong arguments and speaking skills. Both teams are eager to complete in their next debate that will occur in a few weeks, and we hope to come away with a win. Congratulations to Iga, Harriet and James in Year 7, who debated for the first time, and returning debaters, Caitlin, James, and Alicia in Year 8. We wish you all the best on your future debates and know that you will learn so much from the art of debating.
Debating has the following benefits:
- Improved Critical Thinking Skills
- Improved Articulation
- Improved Research Skills
- Quick-Thinking
- Resolution of Conflict
- Greater Empathy.
Year 7 students have nearly completed their first assessment for their Protecting our Ecosystems unit and will move on to their group projects for the rest of the term. Year 8s have a busy week this week completing their exam on Rabbit-Proof Fence. They will also move onto their new unit of work in Week 7.
This is a reminder that students should be reading every day for 30 minutes. We also encourage students to limit their technology use. Implementing these strategies will ensure students’ literacy levels will develop.
Miss Borowiecki
Leader of English

Iga, Harriet and James

Alicia, Caitlin and James
Science Matters

Mr Matt Radburnd
Year 7 and 8 General Science
This term, the Year 7 students have been learning about ecosystems and are now gearing up for an exciting excursion to the Moore Reef pontoon on the Great Barrier Reef. The excursion coincides with Laudato Si week (or perhaps ‘Laudato Sea’ for our 7’s) and will provide students with an opportunity to actively participate in citizen science activities, contributing to real-world research on coral health and reef conservation. Through these activities, the students will gain valuable insights into the delicate balance of our oceans and the importance of preserving these ecosystems for future generations. In preparation for the excursion, some students recently refined their snorkel skills in the pool through our after-school snorkel sessions. Stay tuned for the next newsletter when we report on the amazing discoveries made by these students and the roles they have played in caring for our common home.
The Year 8’s have been diving deeper into the realm of energy transformations and transfers. Armed with computer simulation software, they recently set out to investigate the energy dynamics that unfold at the skate park. Through virtual experimentation, they observed and analyzed the intricate interplay of potential and kinetic energy, friction, and more.
The students then participated in a hands-on experience with energy transfers and transformations by creating pizza box ovens. Thanks to the generous donation of pizza boxes from Dominos Pizza at Campus Village Smithfield, the students were able to explore concepts of heat absorption and reflection, and solar energy.
Year 7 and 8 Science

Marine Science
The Year 7 Marine Science students are now busy working on a short persuasive documentary to raise awareness about impacts that humans are having on marine ecosystems. Students will be conducting interviews with marine biologists and indigenous rangers during the reef excursion and will learn how to edit their footage upon return to school.
Students in the Year 8 Marine classes have been learning about boating, navigation and safety at sea. They have been participating in practical exercises in which they have created model IALA Bouyage markers and created courses for other students to navigate safely with toy boats. The content they are learning this term will provide the fundamental skills and knowledge to obtain their marine drivers license in the future.
Matt Radburnd
Leader of Science
World Turtle Day
To celebrate some of our Year 7 students joined other schools from around Australia in a special interactive webinar presented by the Great Barrier Reef marine park authority. Thanks to Craig and the team for providing us with some amazing turtle facts before we head out to the reef on Wednesday and Thursday this week and hopefully swim with some sea turtles.
World Turtle Day Webinar

HPE & Sport News

Mr Zane Dockray
Athletics Carnival
Our Athletics Carnival is scheduled for Wednesday 21 June in Week 10 at Barlow Park. It is a compulsory college event and all students can either arrange their own transport or a bus will be provided to and from the event. Please complete the parent slip which will be emailed this week and indicate your transport requirements. Also, parent support with timing and measuring events is needed on the day so if you are available please email zdockray@cns.catholic.edu.au with your time availability. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Students have already held time trials for the 100m heats with the top 4 from each House to go through to the finals. If students were absent, they can still get their times recorded by seeing Mr Dockray and arranging a race.
Upcoming Athletic Events:
Javelin – Week 7 Tuesday 30 May - Morning Tea: Girls, Lunch: Boys
1500m – Week 7 Wednesday 31 May
800m – Week 8 Wednesday 8 June
Newman Soccer Academy
Our NCC Soccer Academy have been kicking goals this term in more ways than one.
We had two teams (Year 7 & Year 8) represent our college at the recent Soccer Super 6's Gala Day held at Smithfield State High School (SSHS). Both teams were undefeated before meeting each other in a quarter final. The Year 7 Young Guns beat the Year 8 team in a courageous effort. A special thanks to coach Mr Millward who has been working hard training and inspiring our young players.
In the finals the Year 7 team came 2nd to Bentley Park with the Year 8 team winning against SSHS to claim 3rd place overall. Thanks Mr Ellison for also coaching on the day.
A big congratulations to Jay, one of the NCC Soccer Academy players, who attended trials after the gala day and was selected for the TCN U12 Football team.
What a great day of competition! Thank you to all that participated, you have made Newman Catholic College proud.
Good luck to our Bill Turner Trophy Girls team this week at their Gala Day at Stratford and also our Bill Turner Cup Boys team who play St Augustine’s in a knock out game in Week 7 on Wednesday at Edge Hill Soccer fields.

Soccer Friendly Game

U15 Bill Turner Football Team

Soccer Super 6's Gala Day

Jay Woodley - TCN U12 Soccer Team
2023 StreetSmarts AFLQ Schools Cup
Well done to our AFL boys representing NCC for the first time in the AFLQ Schools Cup.
The boys battled hard, showing great sportsmanship throughout the day. Mr Hughes and Mrs Duffy are very proud of the respect and resilience they showed during the carnival.
Well done to our AFL Boys and Girls representing Newman Catholic College for the first time in the AFLQ Schools Cup.
Both our NCC teams battled hard, showing great sportsmanship throughout the day. The boys struggled against the older and more experienced teams. Well done to Jet Schwartz for kicking a pair of goals. Mr Hughes and Mrs Duffy are very proud of the resilience the boys showed throughout the day.
The girls played 6 games across their draw against schools from all over the Cairns region.
It was great to see their confidence and skills develop throughout the day, as many of these girls had never played AFL before.
To each and every one of our students who participated, you are to be congratulated on your effort, respect for others, and wonderful behaviour throughout the day.
Thanks very much to our coaches Mrs Duffy and Mr Hughes who trained, coached, and supported the teams.

U15 AFL Girls Team
Rugby League Academy
Thanks to Brothers Rugby League and coach Jordan for bringing George Burgess out to Newman College for a visit and training with our students. George is a former England international who played in the NRL for South Sydney and St George. The students were excited to play against and alongside George in our HPE lessons.
Thanks again to Brothers Rugby League for their continued support of Rugby League at Newman.
Yours in Sport
Zane Dockray
Leader of HPE & Sport
I can do all this through him who gives me strength. – Philippians 4:13

Vicki Wilson Netball Shield Championship
We had an awesome day at the Vicki Wilson Shield Championship for 2023.
The Netball Carnival was intense and highly competitive. All teams, especially the NCC girls displayed exceptional skills and determination throughout the day. The players demonstrated excellent teamwork, passing the ball swiftly and strategically to create scoring opportunities. The shooters showcased their accuracy, with impressive shots being made from various positions within the shooting circle. The defenders were relentless in their efforts to intercept passes and disrupt the opposition's attacking plays. The midcourt players exhibited excellent agility and speed, effectively manoeuvring the ball down the court and transitioning between defense and attack. Overall, the netball carnival was a resounding success, bringing together passionate players and support to celebrate the sport.
Newman finished 3rd on the ladder after 4 wins and 2 close losses. They accepted all decisions in the spirit of what was best for the team, not themselves individually and always kept their head up high and positive.
Our Newman girls represented the college by displaying all the college values exceptionally.
Thank you Mrs Zell for being a super coach and writing this article!
Vicki Wilson Netball

Families at Newman (F@N)
Uniform Shop

The College has a partnership with Flexischools to provide a 24/7 cashless solution for the ordering and purchasing of Cafe lunches and College Uniform items. The system benefits both families and the College.
To start using this service please access via this link:
Once the app is downloaded you will find our College by searching for Newman Catholic College Smithfield.
For assistance setting up the app, please enquire at College Admin office.
Parents are able to place orders for uniforms online through Flexischools. Orders are available for collection from the Admin office during the 1st Recess break on the following day the order has been placed.
College Jackets are currently out of stock. New stock will be arriving approx 23 June. Students who are unable to purchase a jacket at this time are allowed to wear alternative jackets until the stock arrives in June. Mrs Graham as advised that students can wear an alternative jacket which is to be charcoal in colour, with no logos and no hoods.

Date Claimers
Thursday 1 June - Interschool Chees Tournament at Trinity Anglican School White Rock
Thursday 8 June - Annual Community Lawn Gathering 5.30pm
Thursday 8 June to Friday 9 June - Year 8 Outdoor Ed Overnight Camp and Hike
Monday 12 June - F@N AGM and Cybersaftey Presentation by Qld Police Service
Tuesday 13 June to 16 June - Year 8 Camp
Wednesday 21 June - College Inerhouse Athletics Carnival - Compulsory for all students
Thursday 22 June - Music Department Winter Concert at JCU
Friday 23 June - End of Term 2
Monday 10 July - Student Free Day
Tuesday 11 July - Classes commence for all students.
Please refer to the College Calendar on the side bar of this newsletter for a link to the full College calendar.