Newman News Vol 3 Issue 5 - 24 April 2024
Acknowledgement of Country
Prayer for the Season of Easter
Prayer for ANZAC Day
From the Principal
End of Semester Reporting
A Message from Caritas Australia
Announcement from Fr Kerry Crowley
Pastoral Care - Year 7
MyCE Parent Mobile App
Science News
Arts Department
Dance News
English Department
HASS Department
Languages Department
Sport News
From the Coordinator of Sport
Thank You to Prize Donors for our Silent Auction
Term 2 College Calendar
Safeguarding Policies
Cafe News
Uniform Shop
F@N News - President's Report
Acknowledgement of Country

We acknowledge the Yirrganydji and Djabugay peoples, as the traditional owners of this land and pay respect to their elders, past, present, and emerging for they hold the memories, the traditions, the culture and hopes of Aboriginal Australia who educated their children in this area. We show respect for their history, their culture, and our shared future.
We will always remember that under the concrete, steel and asphalt of this College, this land is, was, and always will be traditional Aboriginal land.
JCU Nguma-bada Campus - "Place for tomorrow's Learning Knowledge and Wisdom"
Yirryay (Yirrganydgi landuage, coastal dialect of Djabugay.
Prayer for the Season of Easter
O God, by your only Son you overcame death and opened the way to eternal life for us. Confirm us by your grace, that we may always walk as your people who have been redeemed from their sins; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Saint John Henry Newman, Pray for us.
(From St John Henry Newman; Litany of the Resurrection)
Prayer for ANZAC Day
Almighty, everlasting God,
who sent your Son
to die that we might live,
grant, we pray, eternal rest
to those who gave themselves
in service and sacrifice for their country.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever.
From the Principal

Dr Lauretta Graham
Dear Members of Newman Catholic College Community
As Catholics and as a Catholic School we believe that we are made in the 'image of God'. Profound, modern and relevant Catholic schools believe in a recontextualised approach (to enhance the full conscious and active participation of everyone) to Religious Education; a place where one's story and experiences are relevant and celebrated. A place where authentic formation opens us up to something so much bigger than ourselves- awakening a deep knowing that our true home is in God's being. Our role as Catholic educators and leaders is bound up in this being. At Newman Catholic College this is our mission; this is authentic, Christian Love. It is exactly what the Missionaries of Charity, an order so academically and theologically revered by Cardinal Newman, petition for every day in prayer;
Dear Jesus,
help me to spread Thy fragrance everywhere I go.
Flood my soul with Thy spirit and life.
Penetrate and possess my whole being so utterly that all my life may only be a radiance of Thine.
Shine through me, and be so in me that every soul I come in contact with may feel Thy presence in my soul.
Let them look up and see no longer me but only Jesus!
In our increasingly secular world, we live face to face with the reality that the influence of the traditional parish is declining and school is becoming the primary place where Christian community is formed and 'Church' is experienced. Our school should be affirmed in this way. We enjoy a wonderful relationship with our Parish and Fr Dariusz who frequents our College often. We are certainly blessed.
There are 4 official Gospels in the Bible. However, consider for a moment that YOU are the 5th Gospel...and consider, for a moment, that you may be the only Gospel that someone (our students) ever reads... so give some energy into what they see and read in you!
Each of us comes with our own stories, each person is the face of God in all our uniqueness. Believe it, know it, and celebrate it. At Newman we need to be people "who walk the talk", always building spiritual 'capital' in a way that is tight enough to stand for something, but loose enough to be respectful of different cultures and contexts. It is this profound dialogue, this commitment to each other, that is encapsulated by Cardinal Newman's famous words "Heart Speaks unto Heart". Help us by participating in the survey when it comes across your desk.
To quote Colossians ... and the attached anecdotal video "Christ lives in you, and he is your hope of sharing in God's Glory".
Have a wonderful week.
With Every Blessing
Lauretta Graham
Enhancing Catholic Schools Identity - Parent Survey
This week you will be receiving an invitation to respond to a survey. The ECSI (Enhancing Catholic Schools Identity) survey, which gives a snapshot of our school's Catholic Identity at this point in time, and the direction we are taking towards the future. This is part of a major international research project involving Catholic schools throughout Australia. As well as providing useful planning data for our school, it will provide interesting data on the state of Catholic Education throughout the country.
All members of the school community – family members, staff and students, are invited to take part in the survey. The information about the survey is in a document attached to this email. We estimate that it will take around 55 minutes for adults to complete, and about 30 minutes for the student version. The greater the number of participants, the greater the breadth of opinion we will be able to consider and analyse.
We look forward to receiving much useful data from the surveys and will report the broad results in due course. This is a great opportunity to have your voice heard and I urge you to take advantage of this.

End of Semester Reporting
Dear Families
We would like to bring to your attention some important updates regarding end of semester reporting.
What are reporting requirements?
The Australian Government requires all schools to provide parents with feedback on their child’s academic progress and achievement twice per year using a five point scale.
What is our current practice?
Newman Catholic College provides end of semester reports, using a five point scale ( A – E) to indicate achievement and a general pastoral care comment from Learner Mentor Teachers. Comments for each subject however will be omitted.
At Newman Catholic College we practise an evidence-based method of reporting known as progressive reporting. Through our Learning Management System, Canvas, parents have real time access to results and feedback for individual assessment items as they become available. This has the advantage of parents being able to better monitor their child’s progress and implement any necessary interventions prior to formal reporting periods.
How do I access more information regarding my child’s learning?
Newman Catholic College continues to provide feedback on students’ learning throughout the term via CANVAS. To complement this information, Student Led | Parent-Teacher interviews are also held twice per year. If you would like more information regarding your child’s progress, please contact the school to make an appointment with your child’s LMG or subject teacher.
We are committed to enhancing the overall reporting experience and providing you with clear and meaningful insights into your child's academic journey. We appreciate working with you in partnership in your child's education and will continue to keep you updated on these important developments. Please direct any questions to Mr Wilbur Donovan Deputy Principal on Wilbur Donovan
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Yours sincerely
Lauretta Graham
A Message from Caritas Australia

More than 1700 schools and 1200 parishes across Australia helped make Caritas Australia's annual Lenten fundraiser Project Compassion a success.
Kirsty Robertson, CEO of Caritas Australia said, “We are always amazed by the way schools and parishes come together to raise funds for Project Compassion – whether its donning aprons to cook traditional Shrove Tuesday pancakes or hitting the pavement for Caritas Ks.”
Ms Robertson extended a heartfelt 'thank you' to the community in Australia, all the schools and parishes that held an event or fundraiser, and to all the individuals that donated or engaged with Caritas Australia's stories this year.
Anyone still wishing to donate to Project Compassion can do so by visiting the website at
Michele Frankeni
Australian Catholics editor
Announcement from Fr Kerry Crowley

Please see the letter below from Fr Kerry Crowley, Diocesan Administrator, Catholic Diocese of Cairns, regarding the retirement of the Executive Director of Catholic Education Services, Mr William Dixon.
Pastoral Care - Year 7

Mr Chris Di Lucchio
Leader of Pastoral Care Year 7
Term 2 is traditionally very disrupted with the number of public holiday and student free days at the start of the term. Maintaining consistent routines and structure to study is suggested for students during this time to support their success.
A couple of reminders:
- Students are to wear sports/HPE uniform on Monday and house uniform on Friday
- Formal uniform on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.
- Anzac Day public holiday 25/04/2024
- Student Free day 26/04/2024
- Reef excursion Wednesday or Friday Week 6
Please remember that the student diary is the preferred method of communication for day-to-day activities in the school.
Mr Chris Di Lucchio
Year 7 Coordinator
MyCE Parent Mobile App

Mr Wilbur Donovan
Deputy Principal
NEW MyCE Parent Mobile App
(replacing the current Parent Portal)
MyCE – short for My Catholic Education – is an app developed by Cairns Catholic Education to allow parents, guardians and caregivers to easily and securely access school and student information. It provides an interactive pathway for communication between home and school.
Note: If a caregiver has access to the app, they will not have access to Parent Slips unless they are a legal guardian.
Some of the most useful features include:
- school contact and directory information
- notification of student absences
- links to Parent Slips and Parent Teacher Online
- student timetables
- access to your students’ academic reports
- the ability to add school calendar events to your personal calendar
Wilbur Donovan
Deputy Principal - Academic Studies
Science News

Matt Radburnd
Leader of Science
Welcome back to another school term. We have some exciting learning opportunities coming up this term and welcome our new staff member Maria McGinnity who joins us this term. Let’s take a brief look at what each year group will be doing…
This term the students will be studying classification and ecology, with content focused around a central, cross-curricular theme – ‘Protecting our reefs’. Students will learn about the important relationships that exist in nature and how organisms interact with each other and abiotic factors in their environments. This knowledge will be built upon through a hands-on experience during the great barrier reef excursion. Marine biologists and traditional owners will share their knowledge on reef management practices with our students and hopefully inspire our students to become stewards of the reef. Keep an eye out also for the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority’s new advertising campaign titled ‘The reef is in great hands.’ It shares stories from some of our staff and students and the efforts they are taking to become guardians of the reef for future generations.
The year 8’s will be exploring physics and focusing on energy transfers and transformations. They will be engaging in some exciting scenarios and activities including a skate park physics investigation and STEM investigations based around using solar panels as an alternative source of energy.
Our year 9 students are also studying physics but with a focus on energy transfer in the forms of electrical energy, sound, light and heat. They will have the opportunity to test out some of our new equipment through a series of hands-on experiments using data loggers, light boxes and oscilloscopes. There will also be an opportunity for students to use their creative and critical thinking skills to design an energy efficient home, which could some day help them overcome the ever-increasing domestic power bill problem we face in Cairns.
The focus in Earth and Environmental science this term will be on Geology and geomorphology. Students will be linking geographical features in the Cairns region to the geological history of the area. They will have a field trip to Atika Creek to practice geological field skills they have acquired in class so far this semester.
Watch out Cairns, the next generation of healthcare professionals are on their way to help heal the world. The 7’s are beginning their health science journey learning about basic anatomy and physiology. This knowledge will be put to use very soon when they conduct a chicken wing dissection to compare the various structures to those present in the human body.
The 8’s continue their journey with a series of exciting field trips to James Cook University. They have already embarked on a tour of the dentistry facility and will soon gain exclusive access to the Australian Institute of Tropical Health and Medicine (AITHM) laboratory facilities where they will prepare agar plates for an infectious disease project. Students will take swabs at various locations in the school to test for the presence of pathogens and then test the effectiveness of various cleaning products at combating these pathogens. The series of exciting excursions will be topped off later in the term with a tour of the nursing training facilities at JCU.

The 9’s are continuing their projects from last term, selecting an allied health professional role, and diving deeper into the prerequisites and responsibilities for this role. They will also be increasing their knowledge about disease transmission and control, allowing them to make informed medical decisions throughout their lives.
Our new intake of year 7 students has started learning about the physical properties of the ocean. They will then be progressing through each group of organisms from tiny phytoplankton right up to large cetaceans, studying the structures and functions unique to each group. Their project this term will be to plan, film and edit a 2-minute documentary to education the public on a human impact that is currently affecting our oceans.
The year 8’s are studying boating and navigation and will be learning various practical skills that they can use when working on or around water. The skills will give students a head start if they enrol in a marine boat license course in coming years. Students have also started planning their group projects which will come together on Friday 7 June when they host a community fishing day down at Palm Cove Jetty. One group is taking on the role of the communications team so be on the lookout for some announcements inviting families and members of the wider community to come down and learn some new skills from our students and have some fun.
The 9’s have now started their PADI Open Water Diver certification training. They have learnt about the various items of equipment required for a safe SCUBA dive and taken turns to practice setting up the SCUBA unit. They will work their way through the theory this term and in week 10 will be completing the practical training for their certification. This will conclude with a 3-day, 2-night liveaboard charter to the reef with Pro Dive Cairns where they will complete open water training dives, have the option to engage in a night dive and then explore the wonders of the Great Barrier Reef from well below the surface.
Matt Radburnd
Leader of Science

Arts Department

Katherine Fraser
Leader of the Arts
Welcome back to term 2, and it’ll be a big one! We have some exciting events, please place these dates in your calendar.
- Week 6 –Music Camp - 19-21/05/24 (Eisteddfod rehearsals for Newman Symphonics, The Voices of Newman, NCC Chamber Strings an the Year 7 Concert Band/Strings) – more information will be sent out this week regarding the day camp
- Week 8 – An Evening with The Arts – 06/06/24 – all Arts groups (performing and visual arts) will be showcasing their work from semester 1 - Week 10 – all Arts groups that are performing in the eisteddfod will be proudly representing our college in the areas of performing arts. Further information will be broadcast to families by the end of the week.
Musical Theatre Holiday Workshop
Over the term 1 school holidays, Anise McBride van Gemert (year 8) participated in the Griffith University Cairns Musical Theatre Workshop. Please read the review written by our NCC future musical theatre star, Anise.
Exciting Holiday Theatre Workshop!
Over the Easter Holidays I was privileged to participate in the Queensland Academy of Excellence in Musical Theatre (QAEMT) Cairns workshop at Bulmba-ja theatre. It was a three day course that covered the requirements of musical theatre (acting, singing and dance). The workshop was aimed at somewhat experienced performers as the facilitators demanded high standards and strong commitment. Participants were aged 12 to 18 and came from Townsville, the Tablelands, Mossman and Cairns. We were split into age level groups and taught accordingly. Senior students were given the option to develop their Academy auditions for submission in August. I particularly enjoyed when the whole ensemble sang in five-part harmony. I am looking forward to next year’s workshop where I will reconnect with the other young theatre enthusiasts and continue to grow my skills.
-Anise McBride van Gemert.
Reopening of the G.22 and G. 24
The Arts department received the long-awaited refurbishment of G.22 and G.24 last Tuesday, and the new space has been greatly appreciated. Dance and music classes, instrumental and vocal groups, as well as the Dance Academy, have enjoyed utilising the new facilities. In the coming weeks, the operable wall will be installed. We extend a big thank you to The Leadership team for their support in ensuring that we have an amazing facility for our students. We would also like to express our appreciation to CES, all tradespeople, and TPG Architects for their vision and work.

Over the weekend, five of our students participated in Gondwana Choirs 2024 concert titled “Songfest”. Songfest brought together young people from the Cairns region for some fun and inspirational days of choral singing. This year, renowned Australian Conductor Paul Holley (OAM) conducted the Songfest choir.
Conductor Paul Holley
Paul Holley is the Artistic Director of Voices of Birralee and a graduate of the Queensland Conservatorium of Music, where he studied choral conducting with Dr. John Nickson. With over 25 years of teaching experience in secondary schools and a passion for choral music, Paul brings a wealth of knowledge and inspiration.
The combined choir presented three choral works that ranged from jazz, spiritual and Australian styles.
- Bells Birds (W. Brown)
- Away we go (A. Jorgesen)
- Blue Skies (I Berlin, arr. R. Emerson)
Our students that were involved were:
- Anise McBride van Gemert (year 8)
- Javvy Soenario (year 8)
- Therese Wilmann (year 7)
- Nadia Ouzaid (year 7)
- Vida Windridge (year 7)

Music Camp - Cairns Junior Eisteddfod Preparation
Students involved in the Voices of Newman, The Newman Chamber Strings, and The Newman Symphonics and the year 7 concert band/strings are preparing up for the upcoming Arts Evening and The Cairns Junior Eisteddfod.
Sunday 19 May 2024:
1:00 pm – 3:30 pm: The Voices of Newman at Newman Catholic College
Monday 20 May 2024:
8:30 am – 11:00 am: The Voices of Newman at Newman Catholic College
8:30 am – 11:00 am: The Newman Symphonics at Newman Catholic College
11:30 am – 12:40 pm: The Voices of Newman at Newman Catholic College
11:30 am – 12:40 pm: The Newman Symphonics at Newman Catholic College
1:20 pm – 3:00 pm: Year 7 Concert Band Group Sectionals
Group A: Woodwind with Mrs Challis
Group B: Brass with Mr Graham
Group C: Strings with Ms Welser
Group D: Percussion with Mrs Fraser
Tuesday 21 May 2024:
8:30 am – 10:30 am: Group Rehearsal for Year 7 Concert Band (Fraser, Challis, and
Graham/Cooke) and Year 7 String Ensemble (Welser and Cooke/Graham)
11:20 am – 1:20 pm: The Newman Chamber Strings
1:45 pm – 3:00 pm: To Be Announced (TBA) Group that needs another rehearsal
Please ensure that your child is prepared and punctual for these rehearsals and performances. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact us.
2024 Eisteddfod
Our talented performing arts students will be participating in the 2024 Cairns Junior Eisteddfod at The Cairns Performing Arts Centre. This exciting event will showcase the exceptional talents of the following groups:
- The Voices of Newman
- The Newman Chamber Strings
- The Newman Symphonics
- NCC Dance Academy
- The Newman Drama Group
Please take note of the schedule for each group:
Tuesday 19 June 2024 – The Voices of Newman
Attire: Formal Uniform
What to Bring: Snack and a water bottle – lunch provided
Departure from NCC: 10:30 am
Performance at CPAC: TBA
Departure from CPAC: Roughly 3pm TBA – Parents are kindly requested to pick up their children from the venue.
Wednesday 20 June 2024 – The Newman Symphonics and The Newman Chamber Strings
Attire: Formal Uniform
What to Bring: Instrument, music, and a water bottle
Performance at CPAC: TBA
Students are required to make their own arrangements for transportation to and from the venue.
Thursday 21 June 2024 – The Newman Drama Group
Attire: Drama Costume
What to Bring: TBA footwear, water bottle
Performance at CPAC: TBA
Students are required to make their own arrangements for transportation to and from the venue.
Friday 22 June 2024 – NCC Dance Academy
Attire: NCC 2024 Dance Academy Costume
What to Bring: TBA footwear, water bottle
Performance at CPAC: TBA
Students are required to make their own arrangements for transportation to and from the venue.
We want to assure you that participation in the Cairns Junior Eisteddfod will not incur any costs for students as our aim is to provide opportunities for our students. We encourage all parents and caregivers to support our performers by attending their respective performances. Tickets can be purchased at the box office at the theatre. Your presence and encouragement mean the world to our students.
Thank you for your continued support and involvement in our college's performing arts program.
Drama Group for the Eisteddfod
This year, our drama students from Year 7 and 8 will showcase their talent in an original script crafted by our esteemed drama specialist, Mr Brack - titled 'Hamish and Grace'. His play promises to captivate both the adjudicator and audiences with its unique storyline and compelling performances. Best of luck!
Warm regards
Katherine Fraser
Leader of Arts
Dance News

Alicia Matthews
Dance Teacher
Queensland Ballet
In week 8 of Term 1, students in our NCC Dance Academy participated in two workshops 'Ballet History and Technique' and 'Dance the Painting' facilitated by the Queensland Ballet. Students also had the opportunity to view the company's performance of 'Three Preludes' at Cairns Performing Arts Centre. The College was also gifted a pair of pointe shoes from one of the company dancers, this beautiful gesture will be proudly displayed in our new Dance studio!
Performance Troupe
Congratulations to the following students who successfully auditioned for a place in the NCC 2024 Performance Troupe. This dance team will compete at the Cairns Eisteddfod at the end of Term Two.
Year 7 | Year 8 | Year 9 |
Amelia Phillips | Helena Erard | Ally Pringle |
Athena Billing | Leila Blackman | Ava Russell |
Bertie Hard | Caitlin Royle | |
Felicity Pols | Liv White | |
Janessa Jimenez | Maddy Jones | |
Luca Salmond | Milla Bowen | |
Miranda Tarabaras | Summa Appleby | |
Re-L Tesolin | ||
Scarlett James |
English Department

Ms Monika Borowiecki
Leader of English
Term 2 has come around very quickly and we look forward to engaging with new units of work in our English classes. The outline for Term 2 assessment is as follows:
Year 7 | Year 8 | Year 9 |
Week 9 - Debate about an environmental issue | Week 9 - Persuasive speech about teenage misrepresentations in the media | Week 8 - Novel and firm analysis exam (It will occur in students' double English lesson) |
It is important that students are at school when assessment is occurring. If students are absent, their absence must be explained and/or they must provide a medical certificate. Also, as per the English syllabus, students are expected to present their speeches to an audience. Students have always been provided the option to pre-record their speeches; therefore, if they know that they lack the confidence to
present to the class, they are encouraged to be proactive and use this approach.
A huge congratulations to our debating students who participated in the first round of debating last term. The next debate occurs on Tuesday 7 May at 5 pm at Level 2 at our school. Again, it would be greatly appreciated if members of the school community would assist me with hosting this event. Please email me if you can help in any way – Thank you to the helpers from last
term and our dedicated teachers who assisted me.
Finally, as a faculty we would love to promote reading with our students. When students read there are many benefits. Mrs Chapman, our College Library Assistant, will always go out of her way to find students an engaging book to read, so we encourage students to read more as it will improve their learning and mental health.
Monika Borewiecki
Leader of English

HASS Department

Miss Sarah Hill Murray
Acting Leader of HASS
Our students have begun this term with two very short weeks. In this time, they have entered their classes with renewed vigor and enthusiasm, in addition to creating dozens of poppies which were used in our 2024 ANZAC Commemorative Liturgy.
Students will be studying the following units across HASS classes this term:
7HASS Water and Liveability:
This unit combines two key units of the Australian Curriculum: Water in the World and Place and Liveability. In this unit, students will develop their understanding of the importance of water in sustaining life on earth and explore how it shapes the natural environment and human settlement patterns. Students will apply this knowledge to life in Cairns and the Northern Beaches to investigate the ways water connects the community and the impact of water-related hazards within FNQ. Finally, they will explore the factors that contribute to creating liveable communities, how they are enhanced and how sustainability is managed and the impact of water availability in Cairns and FNQ.
7CIVICS - Australia's Democracy:
Students will explore the diverse nature of Australian society and the values that promote social cohesion. They will learn to develop research questions, gather information from various sources, and analyse different perspectives on political, legal, and civic issues. The unit emphasises civic participation and action, teaching students methods and strategies to engage in their communities.
8HIS - Shogunate Japan:
Students will explore the historical significance of the periods between the ancient and modern past. They will describe the causes and effects of events and developments in societies connected to the Asia-Pacific world. Students will analyse the social, religious, cultural, economic, environmental, and political aspects of Japan during the Shogunate period and examine the role of significant individuals, groups, and institutions in shaping historical events.
8ECBUS - Our Role in Politics:
Students will explore Australian democracy and citizenship. They will learn how Australians are informed about, and participate in, their democracy, describe the roles of political parties and elected representatives, and understand the characteristics, making, and types of laws in Australia. Students will examine how Australians express different aspects of their identity and gain insights into perspectives on Australia's national identity. Through inquiry and research, they will investigate political and legal systems and contemporary civic issues, analysing information and identifying challenges and perspectives. The unit will also focus on methods and strategies related to civic participation and action.
9HIS - World War 1:
Students will embark on a journey through the First World War, delving into its causes, consequences, and lasting impact on Australian society. They will uncover why Australians enlisted, the significant places where they fought (Gallipoli, Western Front, Middle East), and the diverse experiences they encountered. The unit will explore pivotal events such as the Battle of the Somme and the Armistice, offering insights into the nature of warfare. Students will also investigate how the war reshaped Australian society, impacting women's roles, conscription debates, and the relationship with the British Empire.
9CIV - Legal Evolution in Australia:
Students will explore the rights of individuals accused of a crime, including the presumption of innocence and fair trial rights. Students will also examine the rights of victims in criminal proceedings and the support services available to them. Students will explore the influence of media, including social media, in shaping identity and attitudes to diversity in criminal proceedings.
9ECBUS - Future Anything – Social Enterprise: This term, we are partnering with Future Anything to deliver an exciting Social Entrepreneurship unit:
Activate is Future Anything’s flagship in-curriculum program. Delivered over a term or a semester by classroom teachers, young people take an enterprising approach to their learning; ideating, prototyping and pitching their own innovative solutions to the problems in their world. Using entrepreneurship as a vehicle, Future Anything programs build the 21st Century Skills required for young people to thrive in the future.
9GEO - Geographies of Interconnections:
Focuses on how people, through their choices and actions, are connected to places throughout the world in a wide variety of ways, and how these connections help to make and change places and their environments. Students examine the nature of these connections between people and places through the products people buy and the effects of their production on the places that make them. Students consider the management of the impacts of tourism and trade on places.
ANZAC Commemorative Liturgy
This morning, our College community gathered to hold a solemn ANZAC Commemorative Liturgy, marking the enduring spirit and sacrifice of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps who served during the wars. It was not only a tribute to those who gave their lives in past conflicts but also a reaffirmation of our commitment to uphold the values they fought for: courage, mateship, and perseverance.
We were blessed to have with us our special guests Deacon Tony Moore who presided over the Liturgy, and ex-Chief Petty Officer Ray Rosendale (CSM).
Ex-CPO Rosendale joined the Australian Navy in 1991, and retired in 2017 following a lengthy and decorated career. In January 2013 then Chief of Navy, Vice Admiral Griggs, appointed Chief Petty Officer Rosendale to his current position as the Navy Strategic Advisor on Indigenous Cultural Affairs. This appointment was the first opportunity for an Indigenous serving member to hold a permanent position directly related to Indigenous affairs within the Australian Defence Force.
Today, ex-CPO Rosendale is a passionate advocate for encouraging Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders to consider a life in Defence.
The event was particularly moving when students and representatives of our community laid wreaths.
As the ceremony concluded, the sense of community and shared history was palpable. Attendees, young and old, left with a renewed sense of connection to ANZAC's legacy — an enduring reminder of the courage and comradeship that defines our nations.
The famous fourth stanza of Laurence Binyon's poem "For the Fallen," also known as the Ode of Remembrance:
"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them."
We will remember them.
Lest We Forget.
Warm regards
Sarah Hill-Murray
Acting Leader of Learning - HASS


Ms Kim Auld
Leader of Technologies
Food Technology
In Food Technology this term students continue to practice food preparation and production skills in the practical lessons.
In our first week back from holidays, students were straight back in to preparing and producing edible spinach and fetta pinwheels.
Skills used: pastry rolling, filling with spinach and a combination of three cheeses, cutting and baking.
Students reviewed food safety practices, such as proper hand washing and sanitizing surfaces, to ensure the food they create is safe for consumption. They also learned about the importance of following recipes accurately and measuring ingredients properly to achieve the desired results.
In the coming weeks, students will be exploring different cooking methods, such as baking, grilling, and frying, to expand their culinary skills. They will also be learning about food presentation and garnishing techniques to make their dishes look as appealing as they taste.
Overall, students are excited to continue developing their food preparation and cooking skills this term and are looking forward to creating new and delicious dishes in the coming weeks.

Year 8 Stem - Exploring the Cosmos: Students Engage in STEM Project on Planetary Distances
In Year 8 STEM classes, students are embarking on a fascinating exploration of the solar system. Through an interdisciplinary project that integrates science, mathematics, and creativity, they're unravelling the mysteries of planetary distances and scaling down the vastness of space to fit within the confines of their classroom.
The journey begins with a profound realisation of the immense scale of our celestial neighbourhood. Guided by passionate educators, students delve into the concept of astronomical units (AU) and grasp the mind-boggling distances between planets and the Sun. Through captivating discussions and hands-on activities, they develop a deep appreciation for the wonders of the cosmos.
Armed with curiosity and a thirst for knowledge, students embark on a quest for planetary data. With the wealth of resources available from esteemed institutions like NASA, they meticulously gather information on the distances of planets from the Sun. Armed with reliable data, they're ready to embark on the next phase of their cosmic journey.
With mathematical precision, students set out to scale down the solar system to a manageable size. Armed with rulers, calculators, and a dash of creativity, they calculate ratios and proportions to create a scaled-down representation of the cosmos. Whether it's converting astronomical units into centimetres or meters, they're determined to bring the vastness of space within reach.

Exploring Aerospace Engineering: Students' Experience at SKYTEK
Last term, a select group of students from our school embarked on an unforgettable journey into the world of aerospace engineering. As part of an exclusive excursion organised by the Business Liaison Association, we had the privilege of visiting SKYTEK Pty Ltd's workshop.
Our day began with an insightful presentation about SKYTEK's history and the range of services they provide. With over 20 years of engineering experience across Australia, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Myanmar, SKYTEK is renowned for its expertise in aviation-engineering services.
We learnt about their specialisation in logistics, supply chain management, and heavy maintenance, including aircraft modification capabilities for both fixed and rotary-wing aircraft. It was fascinating to discover how SKYTEK supports aircraft operators across diverse cultural and regulatory environments.
Following the presentation, we were treated to live demonstrations of the latest manufacturing processes. From precision machining to aircraft component overhaul, we witnessed firsthand the innovative techniques employed by SKYTEK's skilled engineers.
One highlight of the excursion was touring the workshop floor and seeing the aircraft maintenance in action. We marvelled at the expertise of the NDT, non-destructive testing, to find cracks in airplane plates, the mechanical workshop where all mechanical repairs take place and magnitude of parts and the structure and composite department where structural plane repairs take place.
Throughout the day, we had the opportunity to engage with SKYTEK's team and ask questions about their work. We learnt about the qualifications required for a career in aerospace engineering, salary progression, and the daily responsibilities of aircraft maintenance engineers.
As the excursion came to a close, we left SKYTEK feeling inspired and informed. Our visit had provided valuable insights into the world of aerospace engineering and sparked our curiosity about potential career paths in the industry.

Introducing Our New Robotics Club: Igniting Innovation and Creativity
We're thrilled to announce the launch of our Robotics Club this term! With a vision to inspire and empower young minds in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), our club is set to embark on an exciting journey of discovery and innovation.
At the heart of our club's activities lies the VEX IQ Robotics Competition, presented by the Robotics Education & Competition Foundation. This competition provides high school students a dynamic platform to explore robotics and engage in research projects that challenge their intellect and creativity. Through hands-on, student-centered learning, participants delve into open-ended challenges that not only hone their technical skills but also foster critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration.
As we gear up for the season ahead, our club members are eagerly looking forward to the release of this year’s competition in May. With tournaments held year-round at regional, state, and national levels, culminating in the prestigious VEX Robotics World Championship each April, there's no shortage of excitement and opportunity.
Ms Kim Auld
Leader of Technologies

Languages Department

Shixiang Chen
Leader of Languages
Welcome back to Term 2! We have some exciting language and cultural events lined up for this term. On Friday of Week 4, we will be hosting a visit from students and teachers from Shizuoka Eiwa Jyogakun in Japan for a single-day cultural visit. They have planned various Japanese cultural activities specifically tailored for our Japanese language learners here at Newman Catholic College. This presents a wonderful opportunity for our students not only to enhance their Japanese language proficiency but also to broaden their global perspective as responsible citizens of the world.
Additionally, on the same day, our French students will have the chance to attend the French Films Festival at Events Cinema. This will be a fantastic experience for them to immerse themselves in French culture through the excursion.
We look forward to these enriching experiences and the growth they will bring to our students' language skills and cultural understanding.
Shixiang Chen
Leader of Languages
Sport News

Mr Zane Dockray
Leader of HPE & Sport
The HPE, Sport and Outdoor Education department are looking forward to a great Term 2 packed with sport, fitness and outdoor adventures for students to get into! Every week of this term has opportunities for students to engage in sporting opportunities - TCN trials, interschool friendlies and competitions for cricket, netball, volleyball, soccer. Newman also offers extracurricular activities including Cheerleading, Fitbox, Golf, Newman Pacers, Volleyball, Soccer and Basketball Academies and Outdoor Education camps. Great work to all the staff and students who are supporting these excellent initiatives.
HPE Curriculum
This term our focus in HPE practical lessons will be Track and Field events. We have the Newman Athletics Carnival in week 9 and students in HPE classes will learn all about techniques for the events. This year the carnival will be held on our oval and we are finalising the preparation for a new sandpit for Long Jump and Triple Jump which will also be utilised as a Beach Volleyball Court. Special thanks to local business Dig n’Dump for taking this project on. The 400m running track will also be marked out and we look forward to training and competing on our oval this term.
Outdoor Education
Year 7 – The Term focus will be on Mountain Biking with Mr Starmer. We have world class mountain bike tracks and trails surrounding our college and students are fortunate to have an elective like this to learn skills and safety required for effective mountain biking on the Smithfield Trails.
Year 8 – Students are currently learning advanced Trangia (fuel stove) skills in preparation for their 3 day expedition. Recently, students learnt how to prepare and cook pancakes on a Trangia, a skill which takes patience and care! They were successful with their cooking and no pans or pancakes were overly burnt! Students will also learn about shelters including erecting large camp tarps with ridge rails, camp fires and camp oven cooking .
Year 9 – In Year 9 students are participating in a unit involving First Aid, Surf Rescue and Surf Sports. In collaboration with Royal Surf Life Saving Education we will be going to Palm Cove Beach where students will learn Surf Rescue skills on boards and tubes as well as surf events including sprints and flags.

Representative Sports
Arabella Lulham - Well Done to Year 9 student Arabella who participated in the Nationals Australian Age Championships on the Gold Coast recently. Arabella qualified for her specialist event the 14 Years 50m and 200m Butterfly. In the 50m Butterfly she won her heat and came in the top 50 for this event. In the 200m Butterfly Arabella came in the top 25. Unfortunately for Arabella she was quite sick in her final 200m Butterfly. She would have liked to perform her best but narrowly missed her personal best time. Arabella trains multiple times a week and shows amazing determination and resilience to pursue her goals.
Good luck to Arabella for her next competition in May where she will be competing in the North Queensland Games.
Raiden De Carlo - Peninsula 13 – 19 Years Swimming, Raiden represented Peninsula 13 – 19 years Swimming in Brisbane. Raiden did extremely well and placed:
1. Silver – 100m Breaststroke: PB 1:12:31
2. Bronze – 50m Breaststroke: PB 33:03
Congratulations Raiden! An amazing achievement!!!
Under 16s Girls Basketball State Championships - Evangeline and Saffryn were selected to represent Cairns Basketball in the school holidays at the QLD Basketball State Championships.

Duke of Edinburgh Award
The Duke of Edinburgh Award and the Duke of Edinburgh Bridge Award
The Duke of Edinburgh Award (Year 9) and Bridge Award (Year 7 & 8) will be running again this year and I hope to see many of our enrolled students working to complete their Award level and also welcome any students who wish to start the program. This is a self-development program that empowers students to find purpose and passion in their lives.
To find out more about the Duke OF Ed, email Mr Dockray
Mr Dockray
Leader of HPE and Sport
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
2 Timothy 4:7 – Fight the Good Fight
From the Coordinator of Sport

Linda Gough
Coordinator of Sport
Welcome to Term 2!
There are several sporting opportunities occurring this term for sport!
Upcoming events for Sport at NCC:
Newman Hearts Cheerleading:
- Commenced Monday 22 April 3pm – 4.30pm. Meeting in the hall.
- Monday 29 April: Parent Cheerleading Information Evening: 5.30pm – 6.30pm.
- If you are interested in Cheerleading, please email Mrs Gough to send you some information:
We had an amazing response to this activity with 50 students attending the first session. Student displayed excellent unity, courage and compassion throughout!
Fitness and Boxing sessions commencing Monday 22 nd April. 7am – 7.45am in the hall. If you are interested in FitBox, please email Mrs Gough to send you some information:

NCC Cricket has started. Mrs Gough has organised Trish from QLD Cricket to come out and run some training sessions prior to the matches.
Training sessions:
- Tuesday 23 April: Lunch time training: 12.40pm – 1.15pm
- Tuesday 30 April: Afternoon training: 3pm – 5pm on the NCC Oval
Match 1: Thursday 2 May - 12.40pm till 4pm. Interschool Friendly Match vs St Andrews at St Andrews (Students to be transported on bus)
Match 2: Friday 10 May - 8am – 2.30pm. StreetSmart Cricket Gala Day: Venue TBA (Walker Rd or Endeavour Park). Students will be transported by bus.
RFDS/Head space/Reconciliation Day: Friday 31 May - 8.30am – 2pm. Cricket skills and drills with presentations with RFDS, Head Space and Reconciliation. If you would like some more information about Cricket, please email Mrs Gough:
Soccer Academy:
- Total Football Academy: Thursday afternoons on the NCC Oval. 3.15pm – 4.15pm. If your child/ren are interested, please email Mr Starmer for more information:
- Total Football Academy: Thursday mornings on the NCC Oval. 7am – 8am. If your child/ren are interested, please email Mr Starmer for more information:
TCN Cross Country:
TCN Cross Country is at St Andrews College on Friday 3 May. Permission slips will be sent out shortly. Students are to wear full College HPE uniform and school hat. A bus has been organised to transport students to and from St Andrews. If you would like some more information, please
email Mrs Gough:
AFL Gala Days:
Girls AFL Day: Tuesday 30 April at Watsons Oval
Boys AFL Day: Tuesday 14 May at Watsons Oval
FNQ Volleyball
Girls Gala Day: Thursday 2 nd May at Smithfield State High School
Newman Catholic College Athletics Carnival:
Friday 14 th June on the NCC Oval
Kuranda NAIDOC Touch Football:
Wednesday 19 June at Kuranda District State College
Linda Gough
Cooordinator of Sport
Thank You to Prize Donors for our Silent Auction
We would like to sincerely thank all the businesses who have donated prizes to our Silent Auction - our Staff Fundraising event for Caritas.

Term 2 College Calendar
Have you had a chance to read the Term 2 College Calendar? It has been distributed via our Parent Slip system. You can also view the calendar:
- click on the link at the top of the newsletter and it will take you to the calendar on the parent portal
- on the parent portal calendar view
- on the parent portal documents - via the link below
Safeguarding Policies
Catholic Education Diocese of Cairns is actively committed to fostering communities of safeguarding that recognise and uphold the dignity and rights of all children. We encourage open communication whereby families and communities are informed of relevant issues and participate in decisions about the safety of children.
To find out more information or read the policies, please click on the link below.
Cafe News

Flexischools New Cut-Off time - 7:45am each school day.
All orders for the Cafe are to be placed by 7:45am. Parents are asked to note the new cut-off time of 7:45am. A reminder if you have more than one child you are ordering for, please place each child's order seperately. Orders are to be collected by students at 1st Recess at 10:20am.
Student IDs can be used for over the counter purchases
Students can now make over the counter cafe purchases with their student card. Parents can prepay funds into their Fleixschools parent wallet and links their child's existing Student ID card. Refer to the image below for information on how to link the card.
Reminder that students making purchases at the Cafe must use a card, cash or their preloaded student ID to make purchases. Students NOT use to thier mobile phones or smart watches for payment.
Thank you for your assistance.
Mrs Julie Davies
Cafe Supervisor

Uniform Shop

Uniform Shop Open Hours
Monday to Friday - 1st Recess 10:20am - 11:00am
Tuesday and Thursday afternoons 2:30pm - 3:30pm
When ordering through Flexischools, if the order is placed before 5:00pm it is available for collection the next working day at 1st Recess (10:20am).
College Uniforms
If you require new uniforms for 2024, please use the link through Flexischools to purchase. If you have not used Flexischools before, below are instructions on how to set up your account. If your child has any outgrown uniforms you wish to donate, we would love to assist and help families in need.
Please bring your secondhand uniforms into the College Office.
Reminders regarding Uniforms
Please ensure to label all items:
- Uniforms are to be worn as a complete set - no mixing between formal and sports uniforms
- Tracksuit jackets are able to be worn with both formal and sports uniforms
- Tracksuit pants are only be to be worn for sporting excursions or camps/retreats
- The jacket and pants are not compulsory, however, no other jackets can be worn.
Students are required to wear completely black leather lace-up shoes when wearing their formal uniform. No colour trim is allowed. Below are examples of acceptable and non-acceptable

F@N News - President's Report

Mr Ray Cowan
F@N President
Welcome to Term 2, 2024.
Canvas Presentation by Wilbur Donovan Brendan Akers - 11 March:
A big thank you to Wilbur and Brendan for delivering an informative night on how to navigate Canvas. This event was well attended by parents.
Tea and coffee were served afterwards and provided an opportunity for further connection between parents and Newman College staff.
Upcoming F@N Event
Mark your calendars for Friday 17 May 2024 when F@N put on a fun night for the whole family!
NCC Student Disco and Parent Coffee Night
Students get your dancing shoes ready as you are in for a fun night of dancing and games. While the students are having fun upstairs, parents are welcome to have their own fun downstairs at the
F@N Parent Coffee night. If you don’t have other plans, please come and join us as we look to meet more
families and connect with the wider NCC community.
Please keep an eye on your emails as an invitation will be sent out shortly. We hope to see you then.
As always, if you can volunteer your time to assist with any of the events, please send us an email to As they say, ‘many hands make light work’.
Stay safe and God bless.
Ray Cowan
President - F@N Committee