Newman News Vol 3 Issue 3 - 13 March 2024
Acknowledgement of Country
From the Principal
MyCE Parent Mobile App
NAPLAN - Year 7 & 9
Stop Drop Go Zone
Year 7 Retreat - Genanzzano
Pastoral Care - Year 8
College Captains and House Leaders
Leader of Liturgy, Spirituality & Faith Formation
First Nation Update
International Women's Day
AI Demo Day at JCU
Arts Department
HASS Department
Sport News
Student Travel Rebates
Cafe News
Uniform Shop
F@N News - President's Report
Acknowledgement of Country

We acknowledge the Yirrganydji and Djabugay peoples, as the traditional owners of this land and pay respect to their elders, past, present, and emerging for they hold the memories, the traditions, the culture and hopes of Aboriginal Australia who educated their children in this area. We show respect for their history, their culture, and our shared future.
We will always remember that under the concrete, steel and asphalt of this College, this land is, was, and always will be traditional Aboriginal land.
JCU Nguma-bada Campus - "Place for tomorrow's Learning Knowledge and Wisdom"
Yirryay (Yirrganydgi landuage, coastal dialect of Djabugay.
Dear Lord Jesus,
you have known us from the beginning of time,
you have known us in the depths of our dreams and in the darkness of our shame,
you know us as your beloved.
Help us to own that core identity more and more in this season of repentance and mercy.
Give us the rock-solid assurance of your unwavering faith in us
as we seek the same in you.
Saint John Henry Newman, Pray for us.
From the Principal

Dr Lauretta Graham
Dear Families of Newman Catholic College
We are now in the fourth week of Lent and this season of the church is passing very quickly. Over the past week you would have heard about the fundraising efforts for CARITAS and the competition between Houses here at Newman to raise money for this worthy cause. Please support your sons and daughters wherever possible to make this the best lent ever.
CARITAS is one of the longest running Catholic fundraisers for humanitarian aid. It runs each year during Lent. At Newman Catholic College you are asked to join the thousands of schools and communities from across Australia in supporting one of the country's longest running campaigns to create change for all future generations. In the face of adversity - of conflict, of hunger, of disease, of crisis, or natural disaster - people do not lose their capability. They lose their resources, their connections, their voice and their ability to create meaningful, enduring change for themselves. You can be there for these people, standing alongside them in empathy and understanding, putting your compassion into action by helping provide access to what they have lost, helping them build a better future.
You can be a partner in their solution. A partner in compassion. Please support our fundraisers
Living with the Seasons
Choosing to live seasonally is ultimately a point of surrender. It means acknowledging that you are not completely in control. Surrendering to the rhythms of the Church seasons, and the seasons of your family life is actually a huge freedom. It allows us to gain some perspective when times are overwhelming, to hope that the winter will become spring. It gives us permission to revel in the good times, when the sun is bright and the leaves are green.
It allows us to reconnect deeply and thoroughly our daily, messy, earthly lives to the spiritual. After all, this is what Jesus came to show us! He is right there with us in every hardship and in every celebration.

Lent: a Season to Persevere
The word ‘lent’ means spring. At this time of year in the northern hemisphere, the food stores are running low from the dormant winter months and families grow weary of the cold days and long dark nights. As the ground begins to thaw and come back to life, a sense of quiet anticipation pervades.
Lent parallels this natural reality with a spiritual season of limited physical comfort and prayerful penance. More than any other season, Lent calls us to reconnect with our earthy reality through the tangible practices of penance, fasting and almsgiving. Although they are spiritual practices, they are experienced and expressed in and through the body.
“When the children were young, the years stretched out before me as if there were no end. Sleep deprivation does that- robs us of perspective. I was impatient to move forward. Now as they graduate from school it seems like it passed in a nano second. With a twinge of regret, I lament my haste and the lost opportunities of each precious season.”
Virtue Focus: Perseverance
The season of Lent is the opportune time to engage your family in a conscious development of the virtue of perseverance. Perseverance is the ability to persist in the face of difficulties and setback. It helps us to develop strategies for accessing deeper values to stay motivated and encourages a healthy work ethic. Lent is the perfect time to focus on this virtue by adopting a new spiritual discipline. It’s also a great time to develop a family based spiritual discipline. Lent provides a closed time frame which is long enough to establish a habit and is clearly marked with a beginning and an ending. This makes it less threatening to reluctant teenagers who may be reassured by the defined commitment period.

No Time To Rise! Unleavened Bread Recipe
July 6, 2012/Francine Pirola
During the Passover, the Israelites did not have time to wait for their bread to rise as they had to escape from Egypt. Try your hand at making unleavened bread for your Last Supper meal.
- 2 cups of Flour
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- 1 tablespoon of olive oil
- Water
- Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Add just enough water to make a dough.
- Knead the dough on a floured surface and separate it into four portions.
- Roll the dough out into a flat disc about 5 mm thick.
- Cook each disc either in a fry pan or on the hotplate of a BBQ.
This recipe can be used with the Last Supper Meal (Holy Thursday) or any other time of the year.

With Every Blessing
Lauretta Graham

MyCE Parent Mobile App

Mr Wilbur Donovan
Deputy Principal
NEW MyCE Parent Mobile App
(replacing the current Parent Portal)
MyCE – short for My Catholic Education – is an app developed by Cairns Catholic Education to allow parents, guardians and caregivers to easily and securely access school and student information. It provides an interactive pathway for communication between home and school.
Note: If a caregiver has access to the app, they will not have access to Parent Slips unless they are a legal guardian.
Some of the most useful features include:
- school contact and directory information
- notification of student absences
- links to Parent Slips and Parent Teacher Online
- student timetables
- access to your students’ academic reports
- the ability to add school calendar events to your personal calendar
Wilbur Donovan
Deputy Principal - Academic Studies
NAPLAN - Year 7 & 9

Mrs Emma Zell
Leader of Pedagogy
Welcome to NAPLAN 2024 Test week
The NAPLAN Tests at Newman Catholic College will be held with the main testing days to be conducted on 13, 14, 18, 19 March. Students in Year 9 will sit the tests in lessons 1 & 2 and students in Year 7 will sit the tests in lessons 3 & 4. If you could avoid your student being absent or late during this timeframe it would be appreciated. Make sure your child gets to bed early and has a good breakfast on each of the testing days.
Make sure your child has:
- Charged Laptop
- Plug-in Headphones * - Yr 7 have these in their book packs
- Pen or Pencil
- Laptop Mouse – if you don't want to use one, the trackpad is fine
*All Year 9 students must have plug-in headphones for NAPLAN
The schedule is below;
Practice Test | Monday 19 February | 40 minutes |
Writing | Wednesday 13 March | 42 minutes |
Reading | Thursday 14 March | 65 minutes |
Conventions of Language | Monday 17 March | 45 mins |
Numeracy | Tuesday 18 March | 65 mins |
Remember the NAPLAN Tests are only a snapshot at a point in time and used with other data sources to support your child’s learning.
Any questions or concerns contact Emma Zell on
Mrs Emma Zell
Leader of Pedagogy
Stop Drop Go Zone

Stop Drop Go Zone
Kinetic runs the public bus services in Cairns and they travel through the JCU bus interchange regularly throughout the day.
Drivers have reported safety issues as parents are dropping off/picking up children from Newman Catholic College.
The area around the end roundabout is marked with no standing signs however cars are often stopping in this area which impacts on the safe passage of buses.
Parents are also reminded not to queue around the roundabout when accessing the Stop Drop Go Zone.
We are kindly asking the families to use the designated Stop Drop Go Zone to ensure the public buses and other road uses are not inconvenienced.

Year 7 Retreat - Genanzzano

Mr Chris Di Lucchio
Leader of Pastoral Care Year 7
Year 7 Retreat - Genanzzano
During Week 6, Year 7 students from Newman Catholic College embarked on a unique journey to Genazzano, immersing themselves in diverse faith and formation activities.
Guided by a rich itinerary, students explored various activities guided by Mr Graham, fostering understanding and respect. The theme of the retreat “What’s your Story” allowed the students to explore their own personal journey. They also delved into personal growth discussions, embracing their uniqueness and social responsibilities for NCC students.
It was enjoyable to see the students interacting with peers, exchanging stories, and forging lasting bonds. This experience left a profound impact, instilling in students a deeper appreciation for our cohort. As staff we could not be prouder of the students who participated and engaged in the retreat, and we feel they all left Genazzano having built memories they can carry with them for their time here at Newman Catholic College and beyond. As they return, these young minds carry with them not only memories but also a newfound commitment to inclusivity and empathy, shaping a brighter future for all.
I would like to thank Dr Graham and Mr Graham for their organisation of the activities that enriched the students experiences. To Mr Bassano, Mr Clark, Mrs Pols, Mrs Austrai-Ombiga, Mrs Cuskelly, Mrs Gough, Ms Hill-Murray, Mr Brack, Mr Chen, Mrs Auld, Mrs Jakubiszyn, Mrs Bird, Mrs Bacic, Mrs Coulter, Mr Mitchell and Drr Graham thank you for giving up your time to enrich the experiences of the students during this week.
Kind regards
Mr Chris Di Lucchio
Year 7 Coordinator
Year 7 Retreat

Pastoral Care - Year 8

Mr Dan McMahon
leader of Pastoral Care Year 8
Year 8 Camp - Camp Paterson Mareeba
The Year 8 Camp was a fantastic success at Camp Paterson this year. I want to make another special call out to students in the Odd LMG’s (Camp 2) who were commended by Scott (owner of Camp Paterson) as the best group he has had in 12 years of operation.
The camp was a fantastic opportunity for the students to develop stronger friendships with those in their Learner Mentor Groups by participating in activities such as Archery, Canoeing, Water Wipeout, Plugga and Bridge Building to name a few. We had an opportunity to have a liturgy around the fire where we were able to focus on the concept of Gratitude.
Whilst there were times that it was either pouring with rain or uncomfortably hot and being bamboozled by flies, most of the students were able to push on without complaining (too much) and make the most of the time and amazing facilities. The food was amazing and there was plenty of it.
I would like to take this opportunity to express my extreme gratitude to all the staff who gave up their time to support the camp by providing supervision. Without this sacrifice, the camp is not possible. An extra special thanks to Mrs Duffy, Mr Currie and Ms Schiavon who were supporting me for the whole week.
Mr Dan McMahon
Year 8 Coordinator
Year 8 Camp - Camp Paterson Mareeba

College Captains and House Leaders

Leader of Liturgy, Spirituality & Faith Formation

Mr Chris Graham
Leader of Liturgy, Spirituality & Faith Formation
Mass of the Oils
Every year during the week before Holy Week, the priests, deacons and laity of the Diocese, gather at St Monica’s Cathedral for the Chrism Mass or sometimes known as the Mass of the Oils. During this Mass, the Oil of the Catechumens and the Oil of the Sick will be blessed, and the Oil of Chrism consecrated. These three oils will be used in the administration of sacraments throughout the Diocese of Cairns for the coming year:
- the Oil of Catechumens - used in the sacrament of baptism
- the Oil of the Sick - used in the sacrament of the anointing of the sick
- Holy Chrism - used for anointing in the sacraments of baptism, confirmation and holy orders.
This year, in the absence of our own Bishop, these holy oils will be blessed by the Archbishop Mark Coleridge from Brisbane.
These holy oils will then be given to the parishes for use during the year.
During the Mass, the priests renew their commitment to priestly service. Everyone is welcome to attend. This is a wonderful occasion to support our Parish Priest Fr Dariusz and show our gratitude and respect for him and what he does for us at Newman Catholic College. Please bring your whole family.
You are invited to this Diocesan Mass of the Oils celebration to be held at St Monica’s Cathedral Cairns next Wednesday 20 March at 7:00pm.
Remember this is an extraordinary mass where all the priests from across the Diocese of Cairns celebrate together.
A bus will leave the College at 6:00pm for the Cathedral for those who do not have family transport on the evening and this bus will return to the College after the service at approximately 9:00pm. Pizza will be available for all students attending from 5:30pm and full school uniform is required for the occasion. Our staff are committed to attending so please join them at the Cathedral. We will sit together on the right hand side of the Cathedral. You will spot the uniforms. Please join us.
Mr Chris Graham
Leader of Liturgy, Spirituality & Faith Formation

First Nation Update

Celeste Miller
Indigenous Liaison Officer
As the end of term approaches, it has been a great start to the new year with many connections made and friendships established amongst the students. I am proud to share an achievement of one of our first nation students, being nominated on the leadership team as House Leader, Summa Appleby. This is pivotal for Newman Catholic College as it paves the way for future first nation students, to be encouraged and inspired by their older peers to engage and participate in upcoming leadership opportunities. Another milestone achievement is the growth in numbers of our first nation students, from 9 to 25 this year. I look forward to continually supporting our future generation of indigenous students on their journey to success and achieving their dreams.
Celeste Miller
Indigenous Liaison Officer
RAP (Reconciliation Action Plan)
Calling for parent involvment in our RAP (Reconciliation Action Plan).
Please contact Peter Coulter (RAP Chair) via email
International Women's Day

Ms Julia Seifert
Celebrating International Women's Day at James Cook University
This International Women's Day, eight Year 9 students had the privilege of attending a fantastic event hosted by James Cook University. The occasion was not only educational but also deeply inspiring for our young learners.
The event offered our students a platform to celebrate the achievements of women globally while reflecting on the progress yet to be made in achieving gender equality. Attendees were fortunate to hear from a diverse array of speakers, each sharing their unique perspectives and experiences.
Our students were captivated by the insightful discussions and impassioned talks delivered throughout the afternoon. From hearing about groundbreaking research to personal anecdotes of triumph and perseverance, the event left a lasting impression on all who attended. Furthermore, our students had the opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations and networking with fellow attendees, fostering a sense of community and empowerment.
We extend our gratitude to James Cook University for organising this enriching event and providing our students with a platform to learn, grow, and celebrate International Women's Day. Here is to inspiring the leaders of tomorrow and continuing the journey towards gender equality.
Ms Julia Seifert

AI Demo Day at JCU

Mr Brendan Akers
Leader of eLearning
James Cook University IMPACT10X AI Showcase
Newman Catholic College Digital Technology and STEM students were invited by James Cook University to attend the IMAPCT 10X Showcase held on Thursday 29 February 2024. Cara Kelly, Alexander Farrally, Rocco Sanderson, Jack Ariel and Aiden Croke interacted and experienced new developments in Artificial Intelligence from the IMAPCT10X AI simulator Internship participants.
During the showcase, Teleportal presented to the students a new business that develops solar powered underwater bots that students can drive in real time through a web browser. Rocco was the pilot during the demonstration, and they explored the reef using a bot close to Green Island.
The second presentation was with Orthovision, a device that applied computer vision and machine learning for injury diagnostics. The students were very curious about the device and asked excellent questions including prototyping and moving into production of Orthovision for the remote use.
The third presentation used artificial intelligence to identify street signs for visual impaired drivers. The technology is currently in development for Australian roads.
The final area was a demonstration of the JCU Computer Assisted Virtual Environment or CAVE. Here the students learnt about the digital twins for training in different environments such as a factory floor, nursing station and outback Australia. Alex was very excited to try the motion capture technology and had some hilarious results.
We are very keen to return to JCU in the future with our own virtual worlds to test and run in partnership with CAVE.
Brendan Akers
Leader of eLearning
AI Demo Day JCU

Arts Department

Mrs Katherine Fraser
Leader of the Arts
Compulsory Music (Year 7) and Vocal/Instrumental Lessons
All students have had 6-7 weeks of group/individual lessons for the Compulsory Music program and in vocal and instrumental lessons.
Lessons alternate on a rotating basis across the week. For clarification, the following teachers teach on the below day within their specialisation:
- Voice and Piano – Mrs Katherine Fraser - Monday
- Flute and saxophone – Mrs Challis – Monday, Wednesday and Thursday
- Clarinet and percussion – Ms Leesa Cooke – Tuesday
- Strings – Ms Erin Welser – Tuesday and Thursday
- Brass – Mr Christopher Graham – Monday and Tuesday
Lesson times are communicated with students through the Level 1 notice board, emails, college notices and Google calendar invites. Please encourage your children to check their emails and remind them to bring their instruments to their double period classroom lessons.
In the previous newsletter, I wrote to you about the Year 7 Music Program:
The Year 7 Music Program is an integral part of the College's culture. Students will engage in classroom/theory lessons, receive instrumental lessons from specialist teachers, and participate in group/ensemble rehearsals. The program will culminate in a concert, at the conclusion of the semester, depending on your child's timetable for music in 2024. If you have not completed the Parent Slip for hire, please complete the form as soon as possible.
Benefits of Studying Music:
Studying voice and instruments offer an emotionally rewarding and educational experience. Music education enriches children's learning across various domains, providing a platform for the expression of emotions and eliciting neurological benefits for the brain. If you would like your child to learn an instrument at Newman, please complete the form link below. There have been a number of emails about what instruments we offer at Newman.
The only instruments are:
- Strings – violin, viola and cello
- Woodwind – flute, clarinet, alto saxophone and tenor saxophone
- Brass – trumpet, trombone and euphonium
- Voice – group and individual singing lessons
- Piano - group and individual singing lessons
- Percussion – tuned and untuned percussion
Students who are participating in paid lessons, are expected to attend and perform in the ensembles offered at the college.
Consider signing up for Term 2. There is limited availability!
What to Expect:
Your child will have the opportunity to showcase their musical talent at school events and the Performing Arts Showcase in Term 2, with performances happening every term or semester.
- Week 8 – 35 bar composition using the Hook Theory composition software
- Term 2 – Winter Concert performance (towards the end of the term) – the Year 7’s will showcase their talents performing a piece titled 'Ancient Hunters' to the school community, parents and other esteemed invited guests
Ensemble Opportunities
- Choir (The Voices of Newman) -Monday 2nd lunch with some allocation in school time – the ability to match pitch is essential
- Newman Symphonics - Friday - 2nd lunch with some allocation in school time – the ability to play a concert band instrument is essential
- Newman Chamber Strings - Thursday - 2nd lunch – the ability to play a stringed instrument is essential
Communication and Rehearsals
In the event of a rehearsal cancellation, information will be communicated via the Parents Slips Broadcast or email. Additional lunchtime rehearsals may be scheduled as we approach performances, and attendance is mandatory.
Upcoming Assessment Tasks for The Arts
- Year 7 – listed above
- Year 8 – Week 8 – The Aussie Beat – performance
- Year 8 - Week 6 – DJ Techniques 1 – multi-modal presentation
- Year 9 – Week 7 – The Global Collective – performance
- Year 9 - Week 10 – The Global Collective - composition
- Year 7 – Week 6 – multi-modal presentation
- Year 8 – Week 8 - performance
- Year 9 – Week 8 – play building (project)
- Year 7 – Week 8 - performance
- Year 8 – Week 8 - performance
- Year 9 - Week 8 - performance
Visual Arts
- Year 7 – Submission of portfolio drawing – Week 8
- Year 8 – Portfolio of projects – Week 8
- Year 9 - Portfolio of projects – Week 8
Media Arts
- TG Week 8
Eisteddfod 2024
The Arts at Newman Catholic College will be represented in the upcoming Cairns Junior Eisteddfod for Music, Drama, and Dance in June 2024.
Extra rehearsals and upcoming performances in preparation will be notified in the next newsletter instalment.
Teacher Shout Out! ABODA Conducting Courses – Mrs Fraser and Mrs Challis
Over the past 3 weeks, our staff Mrs Katherine Fraser and Mrs Maryanne Challis have been 'conducting' in some professional development. At the start of the term, Mrs Fraser attended the ABODA QLD conducting course with Robert McWilliams, and she participated in the podium sessions of Level 1 Instrumental Conducting. Members from Cairns formed an ensemble and willingly gave up their time to provide beautiful music for participants to practice their skills. Over the weekend, Mrs Challis travelled to Sydney and took part in the Level 1 Conducting course. She was fortunate to conduct alongside the NSW Police Band and skilled conductor Steve Williams. Our teachers improved their techniques of conducting and rehearsal techniques. Well done!
Warm regards
Katherine Fraser
Leader of Arts

Mrs Kendra Woods
Visual Arts Teacher
Visual Art
It is with great excitement that we welcome our kiln area with a brand new kiln, and as soon as it has been handed over we will start exploring and making ceramic pieces with the Year 9s.
Art Club will be commencing after Week 5 on Mondays at first break. It is open to all Visual Art students.
This term, our Year 7s are building their foundation Visual Art skills, exploring a range of 2 dimensional media and responding to artworks.
Year 8 students are exploring colour, texture and the meanings of dragons and are working on a coloured pencil drawing of a dragon’s eye. I look forward to exhibiting them in the Art room soon! Students will then move on to creating a small polymer dragon sculpture that will communicate who they are.
In Year 9, students are considering “What is Art?” while exploring the 1960s American Pop Art movement. They are currently working on their analysis skills and will then move on to screen printing images of Australian mass-produced foods and creating a ceramic sculpture which will continue into Term 2.
Media Arts
Media Arts students have already commenced their explorations in animation, photography and Australian television production. In Year 7, Media Arts students are learning about camera angles and how to produce a short video clip from the Australian TV series “Little Lunch”. Working in groups allows students to foster friendships and reinforce learning.
Year 8 Media Art students are developing their knowledge on technologies and film languages through the mode of animation. They will work towards analysing and producing a short stop motion animation.
Our Media Arts students in Year 9 are exploring themes and representations of Australian identity through the television show 'The Unlisted'. They will experiment with photography to create a poster in the thriller genre and show off their analytical skills with an open book exam.
All Arts students are encouraged to develop their skills outside of the classroom to get the most out of their subject. If Visual Arts students would like to borrow resources to complete tasks, Ms Sykes and Mrs Woods are happy to discuss this and make what arrangements we can.
We are looking forward to seeing what our talented students create this term!
Kendra Woods
Visual Arts Teacher

Alisha Matthews
Dance Teacher
Term 1 Dance at Newman Catholic College has been nothing short of amazing! The subject is going from strength to strength with healthy numbers and positive experiences. Well done to all dance classes for their participation and effort throughout Term 1 Dance at Newman. Ms Matthews is very proud for all classes to showcase their skills on Week 9 Assembly, Thursday 21 March, parents, friends, and family are of course welcome to attend.
Dance T-shirts
Dance T-shirts will be available for purchase next term. Ms Matthews has designed some logos and there will be two styles to choose from. . . we can’t wait to see you wearing them!
Year 8 Dance
Pauline Lampton is the Artistic Director of the First Nations ‘Miriki’ Performing Arts company based in Cairns. She has performed around the world and Year 8 Dance students were lucky enough to experience her brilliance in two choreographic workshops. Both Year 8 Dance classes will combine to perform the contemporary based piece at the Week 9 Assembly. The style is a fusion of contemporary dance technique with grounded aboriginal traditional movements and a dramatic soundscape. These workshops enhanced students learning of contemporary dance and their study of ‘Terrain’ by Sydney based company - Bangarra Dance Theatre.
Year 9 Dance
Saskia Turner is the owner and studio director of Bodies in Motion Dance School based in Mossman. Saskia choreographs hard hitting and upbeat Hip Hop, and the Year 9 Dance class learnt a highly energetic routine to perform at Week 9 Assembly. With sharp tutting actions, eye-catching canons, and strong attitude - this performance is one not to be missed and will have the crowd highly entertained by its infectious energy.
Year 7 Dance
Year 7 Dance are working hard to bring the magic of the musical ‘Aladdin’ to life. Ms Matthews has choreographed a 4-minute synopsis of the most memorable scenes, featuring characters such as Aladdin, Princess Jasmine, the Genie and Abu. Complete with a flying magic carpet!
Dance Academy
As per the broadcast sent to Dance Academy families, the group is currently working on a Jazz piece to be performed at the Cairns Eisteddfod at the end of Term 2. Auditions for this competition performance troupe will be held in usual Dance Academy time in Week 10, Wednesday 27 March. The panel will include Mrs Fraser Leader of The Arts, Mr Shotton Leader of High Potential Learners, and Ms Matthews Dance Teacher. All successful applicants will be advertised via the Level 1, noticeboard near the Drama room.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Email:
Happy dancing,
Ms Alisha Matthews
Dance Teacher
Dance Academy
Queensland Ballet Regional Tour
Dance Academy are anticipating the opportunity to participate in two workshops with the Queensland Ballet when the company visits Cairns on their regional tour. These workshops will take place at The Boat Shed location at James Cook University on Friday 22 March (T1 Week 9). Students will also have the opportunity to view their touring performance 'Three Preludes' at the Cairns Performing Arts Centre that evening.
Just for further information:
Dance Academy Details:
- Dance Academy is on every Wednesday afternoon, 3:15pm - 5:00pm
- Level 3, room 3.07 (above the hall)
- Students are required to change into sport uniform; a Dance Academy uniform will be available for purchase later in the year.
- Parents are responsible for picking up their child promptly at 5:00pm, as there is no supervision beyond this time.
Communication and Rehearsals:
If a Dance Academy lesson needs to be cancelled (e.g. Term 1, Week 6 due to Year 7 and 8 camps), this information will be communicated via the Parents Slips Broadcast or email for those involved. To make up for this lost time and, as we approach performances, additional lunchtime rehearsals will be scheduled, and attendance is mandatory.
Attendance Procedures:
- If a student is going to be absent from Dance Academy, the procedure is to notify Ms Matthews via email or the front office before the class starts.
- Please ensure students can attend the whole lesson until 5:00pm; if for an extenuating reason a student needs to leave early, this also needs to be communicated via email. Without prior notification from a parent or guardian, students will not be permitted to leave. Please schedule any appointments outside of Dance Academy time.
Teacher Information:
The Dance Academy will be led by Alisha Matthews, who can be contacted at
Ms Alisha Matthews
Dance Teacher
Dance Academy

HASS Department

Miss Sarah Hill Murray
Acting Leader of HASS
It’s been a very busy term in HASS, and we are right in the middle of the assessment period of the term. Please keep encouraging your children to take the time to process teacher feedback in drafts, to allow for the best possible responses to task requirements.
If you have questions about any feedback, please contact the class teacher as soon as possible.
Year 7 HASS students have shown a lot of excitement in the Business assessment this term and have created some amazing business and product ideas. We’re talking solar-powered charging banks, recycled plastic wakeboards and sporting boots and many more, all amazing and innovative ideas.
These ideas have the potential to be developed further in future Group Projects and Years 8 and 9 Business & Economics classes, so watch out for these future entrepreneurs in the making.

Competition Alert!
The Queensland Parliament invites students from Years 4 to 12 to unleash their creativity in Minecraft Education and construct a lifelike parliamentary playground.
The winning model will provide a valuable addition to our suite of educational resources, enabling students all over the state to engage with the functions of the parliament and learn how our democracy works in fun and innovative ways.
Teams of up to five students are invited to complete the mission: craft a scale model of Parliament's green chamber in Minecraft Education. We have fantastic prizes on offer including merchandise for students and resource vouchers for schools.
Key 2024 Dates:
- Monday 18 March (Week 9, Term 1): Team registrations open.
- Friday 19 April (Week 1, Term 2): Team registration closes.
- From Monday 15 April (Week 1, Term 2): Resources and Assets Pack supplied to registered schools.
- Wednesday 15 May (Week 5, Term 2): Competition entries due.
- Wednesday 29 May (Week 7, Term 2): Winners announced.
If you would like to register for this competition, please register your interest with me at
Warm regards
Sarah Hill-Murray
Acting Leader of Learning - HASS
Sport News

Mr Zane Dockray
Leader of HPE and Outdoor Education
The HPE, Sport and Outdoor Education department have had a very busy Term 1! With many students involved in TCN trials, extracurricular activities including Newman Pacers, the Volleyball, Soccer and Basketball Academies, Outdoor Education camps and the Duke of Edinburgh Bridge Awardees. Great work to all the staff and students who are supporting these excellent initiatives.
Outdoor Education Camps
In Year 9 Outdoor Education students completed an overnight navigation expedition to Camp Barrabadeen at Lake Tinaroo. Students participated in canoeing activities and completed a navigation course on foot and in canoes in and around Camp Barrabadeen. A highlight of the camp was the Torpedo Bay Circuit hike looking over the scenic views of the dam wall at Lake Tinaroo. Students worked together as a group to complete the gruelling hike and were rewarded with stunning views.
Year 9 Outdoor Education Camp

In Year 8 Outdoor Education students completed an overnight lightweight hiking and camping expedition at Upper Davies Creek, Mareeba. Students were dropped off by the bus and had to hike with their backpacks and camping gear up to the Davies Creek waterfall lookout and through to campsite 3 and 4. After setting up their campsite students rockhopped up and down the creek exploring the amazing watering holes that Davies Creek offers. Students also identified areas of risk and hazards to avoid potential dangerous locations. The following morning students hiked up the Turtle Rock Circuit, a difficult 8km route with amazing views of the Tablelands. Well done to those students who demonstrated determination and resilience to complete the hiking and activities over the two days.
Year 8 Outdoor Education Camp

The Duke of Edinburgh Award and the Duke of Edinburgh Bridge Award
The Duke of Edinburgh Award (Year 9) and Bridge Award (Year 7 & 8) will be running again this year and I hope to see many of our enrolled students working to complete their Award level and also welcome any students who wish to start the program. This is a self-development program that empowers students to find purpose and passion in their lives.
Congratulations to the following students who have completed their Duke of Edinburgh Level 1 Bridge Award:
- Caylem Tavan
- Finley Prowse
- Ruby Doak
To find out more about the Duke of Edinburgh program, email Mr Dockray
Kind regards
Zane Dockray
Leader of HPE and Outdoor Education
6.2 Timothy 4:7 – Fight the Good Fight
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.

Caylem Tavan

Finley Prowse

Ruby Doak

Mrs Linda Gough
Coordinator of Sport
Newman Cross Country Carnival: The first College carnival for 2024 is approaching fast. The Newman Cross Country Carnival will be held on Wednesday 27 March 2024. More information will be provided at the end of Week 8.
- Students 11 turning 12 years will run 3km
- Students 12 turning 13 years will run 3km
- Students 13 turning 14 years will run 4km
- Students 14 turning 15 years will run 4km
Newman Hearts Cheerleading: Newman Hearts Cheerleading team will commence in Term 2 on Monday afternoons 3:00pm – 4:30pm. The team will consist of the following styles: Cheerleading, Pom, Hip hop and Jazz. Please complete the sign up form – this was emailed to Students and Parents. If you did not receive the sign up form, please contact Mrs Gough via email:
Year 7 Rugby League: Year 7 Rugby League training will commence this Tuesday 12 March 3:20pm – 4:30pm on Oval. If you would like more information, please contact Mr Chris Di Lucchio via email:
TCN Sporting Trials: TCN Sporting Trials will be running throughout Term 2. These are after school trials which require own transport to and from the trial. Please ensure that for each trial your child/ren attends, they are required to complete the Peninsula book paperwork. These forms are to be completed and signed by the Principal and taken with you on the day of the trial.
Newman Students representing TCN for Term 1: A massive congratulations to the following students for representing TCN in Term 1.
Rugby League: Mia Lees, Lucas Ross.
AFL: Sonny White, Mason Kloprogge, Brady Kreeck, Liam Duffy, Oliver Parsons, Satchin Taranto, Lucas Ross, Jonathan Barrile, Indiana Schwarz, Evangeline Morgan, Saffryn Turner, Summa Appleby, Savannah Bell.
Baseball: Hayden Eager.
Basketball: Evangeline Morgan, Saffryn Turner.
Netball: Jack Noonan, Talon Fretiag, Ella Rogers, Mia Todd, Liv White, Zahra Bailey.
Hockey: Patrrick Dennis, Aiden Kuhnel, Sullivan Madgwick, Dylan Prins, Summer Starr.
Soccer: Marshall Millward, Riley Honorato, Joel Sage, Dylan Bird, Evie Titmarsh.
Swimming: Raiden De Carlo.
Student Travel Rebates
Applications for Student Travel Rebates for Semester 1, 2024
Bus Fare Assistance
- Does your child attend a non-state school outside the Brisbane City Council boundary?
- Does your family spend more than $35/week* on bus/ferry fares to and from school (*$25/week if you hold a concession card)?
- Does your child travel on a publicly available service not owned or chartered by the school?
Students With Disability
- Was your child included on the latest Commonwealth Census as a student with a disability requiring supplementary, substantial or extensive adjustments?
- Does your child’s Personalised Learning Plan confirm their transport needs are demonstrably different to those of their same aged peers by reason of their disability?
- Does your child have a travel capability rating of ‘semi-independent’ or more dependent?
Visit our website to see if you qualify for our financial assistance to help with the cost of transport and apply at during May.
Late applications cannot be accepted after 31st May.
Cafe News

Flexischools New Cut-Off time - 7:45am each school day.
All orders for the Cafe are to be placed by 7:45am each day. Parents are asked to note the new cut-off time of 7:45am. A reminder if you have more than one child you are ordering for, please place each child's order seperately. Orders are to be collected by students at 1st Recess at 10:20am.
Student IDs can be used for over the counter purchases
Students can now make over the counter cafe purchases with their student card. Parents can prepay funds into their Fleixschools parent wallet and links their child's existing Student ID card. Refer to the image below for information on how to link the card.
Reminder that students making purchases at the Cafe must use a card, cash or their preloaded student ID to make purchases. Students are NOT to use their mobile phones or smart watches for payment.
Thank you for your assistance.
Mrs Julie Davies
Cafe Supervisor

Uniform Shop

Uniform Shop Open Hours
Monday to Friday - 1st Recess 10:20am - 11:00am
Tuesday and Thursday afternoons 2:30pm - 3:30pm
When ordering through Flexischools, if the order is placed before 5:00pm it is available for collection the next working day at 1st Recess (10:20am).
College Uniforms
If you require new uniforms for 2024, please use the link through Flexischools to purchase. If you have not used Flexischools before, below are instructions on how to set up your account. If your child has any outgrown uniforms you wish to donate, we would love to assist and help families in need.
Please bring your secondhand uniforms into the College Office.
Reminders regarding Uniforms
Please ensure to label all items:
- Uniforms are to be worn as a complete set - no mixing between formal and sports uniforms
- Tracksuit jackets are able to be worn with both formal and sports uniforms
- Tracksuit pants are only be to be worn for sporting excursions or camps/retreats
- The jacket and pants are not compulsory, however, no other jackets can be worn.
Students are required to wear completely black leather lace-up shoes when wearing their formal uniform. No colour trim is allowed. Below are examples of acceptable and non-acceptable

F@N News - President's Report

Mr Ray Cowan
F@N President
As we approach the end of Term 1, 2024; what an interesting term we have had! I want to express my gratitude for the enthusiasm and participation shown by families. Let's finish this term on a high note and look forward to the exciting journey that the remainder of the academic year holds.
At Newman Catholic College we believe in fostering a strong sense of community and collaboration. Our commitment to these values is evident in the various events and activities that have unfolded over this term.
I would like to take a moment to reflect on some of the wonderful events that have shaped Term 1.
Shrove Tuesday - Tuesday 13 February: Our team worked tirelessly to flip and serve a whopping 450 pancakes. It was a delightful and delicious celebration for the student to start the day and the first day of Lent.
Family Fun Night & Potluck Dinner - Saturday 24 February: The air was filled with laughter and joy as families gathered for a delightful evening of shared meal and games. The potluck dinner showcased the diverse culinary talents within our community and the games got families interacting and getting to know each other, creating lasting memories for all who attended.
Canvas Presentation by Brendan Akers (Leader of eLearning) - Monday 11 March: This event was a testament to our commitment to education. Brendan Akers and Wilbur Donovan presented on how to effectively use Canvas and addressed any questions parents had. This was an insightful evening.
As we look forward to the upcoming events for the remainder of the year, I would like to share these dates with you so you can note them in your diary. We look forward to meeting you all at these events.
Upcoming Events:
Term 2 – Mother’s Day Stall: Stay tuned for the date of our Mother’s Day stall. It's a wonderful opportunity for students to express their appreciation for the special women in their lives.
Term 2 – Student Disco/Parent Coffee Night: Mark your calendars for Friday 17 May 2024. Details will follow but anticipate a night of fun for the students and a chance for parents to connect over coffee.
Term 3 – Barefoot Bowls: Save the date for Saturday 10 August 2024, as we take a casual and enjoyable approach to community bonding over a game or two of barefoot bowls.
Term 4 – Christmas on the Green: As the year winds down, we will come together for a festive celebration on Thursday 28 November 2024, with Christmas on the Green. It's a joyful way to conclude the year and usher in the holiday season.
As always, if you can volunteer your time to assist with any of these events, please send us an email to As they say, ‘many hands make light work’.
Stay safe and God bless.
Ray Cowan
President - F@N Committee