Newman News Volume 3 Issue 2 - 14 February 2024
Acknowledgement of Country
Prayer for Lent
From the Principal
Enrol Now for Year 7 2025
Leader of Pedagogy
Pastoral Care - Year 7
MyCE Parent Mobile App
Student Illness and Absences
Religious Education
Liturgy, Spirituality & Faith Formation
High Potential Learners
Science Matters
English Department
HASS Department
Languages Department
Sport News
E-Scooter Rules and Safety
Special Programs and Partnerships
Cafe News
Uniform Shop
F@N News - President's Report
Acknowledgement of Country

We acknowledge the Yirrganydji and Djabugay peoples, as the traditional owners of this land and pay respect to their elders, past, present, and emerging for they hold the memories, the traditions, the culture and hopes of Aboriginal Australia who educated their children in this area. We show respect for their history, their culture, and our shared future.
We will always remember that under the concrete, steel and asphalt of this College, this land is, was, and always will be traditional Aboriginal land.
JCU Nguma-bada Campus - "Place for tomorrow's Learning Knowledge and Wisdom"
Yirryay (Yirrganydgi landuage, coastal dialect of Djabugay.
Prayer for Lent
Grant, O Lord, that we may begin with holy fasting
this campaign of Christian service,
so that, as we take up battle against spiritual evils,
we may be armed with weapons of self-restraint.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Saint John Henry Newman, Pray for us.
From the Principal

Dr Lauretta Graham
Dear Families of Newman Catholic College Community
Sports men and women and musicians, you have to admire them! Practice, training and self-sacrifice are all part of the daily routine. When you develop the good routines and habits it helps to overcome the temptation to opt out when the going gets tough or the temptation to making excuses. Over the years I have noticed that those students who are heavily committed, more often than not, do well in their studies. I suspect it is because they have a higher level of self-discipline, of motivation, of persistence and of personal organisation. They know something about goal setting and putting in the “pain” before they can glory in the “gain”. They know that achievements come for attending to the small things and doing them well each and every day of every term and every year. They certainly don’t make excuses or justify their lack of effort.
Teaching resilience, organisation and persistence is so important for success. As parents and teachers, it is important for us to expect that each and every small thing is done well; forming good routines and habits. The small things that pay dividends include being on time for class with the correct equipment, doing homework and or revision, attending rehearsals, practice sessions and training, turning up to school in the correct uniform, being well mannered and behaving in such a way so as to be ready to work, having a tidy and organised locker, and being attentive and participating in what each class has to offer, to mention a few.
The big prizes come from doing the small things well. “Aspire not to have more, but to be more”… Archbishop Oscar Romero.
This is the first week of Lent, and during Lent, Project Compassion (CARITAS) is one way of reaching out to many people who have as their daily realities: distress; hardship; persecution; famine and violence. Through our contribution to Project Compassion, we can bring dignity and hope to those who are suffering in our world. Project Compassion gives us the opportunity to bring new life to all those who suffer and struggle. Presently, our Learner Mentor classes are beginning their fundraising. Thank you in advance to all students who will make an effort to help those less fortunate. In a Catholic school, CARITAS is our major fundraiser for charity.
Please send your family contributions through to your son/daughter’s Learner Mentor teacher.
We have a busy year ahead and through this busy time we need to nurture and care for each other, maintain our bright and positive outlook, focus on what really matters, and celebrate what we have. All these generate optimism for new projects and participation across our community. We wish the Year 7s and Year 8s all the best for their upcoming retreats and camps.
Wishing you God’s Blessings,
Lauretta Graham

Enrol Now for Year 7 2025
Year 7 Enrolments for 2025
It is now time to ensure that you have lodged an application for your student due to start Year 7 in 2025. If you know someone in your family or the community who is interested in enrolment, please pass on these details to them to lodge their applications now!
Interviews will commence early March and first round offers will be sent mid-May.
To lodge an application:
- Use this link to the Newman Catholic College website for lodging applications
- Once you submit the application you will receive an automatic response letting you know the documents that you need to provide to complete the application - please check your junk box
- Send in the supporting documentation and pay the application fee of $150.00.
For any enquiries on enrolments please contact Yvette Bacic, Executive Assistant to the Principal, 4047 6000 or by email

Leader of Pedagogy

Mrs Emma Zell
Leader of Pedagogy
Welcome to NAPLAN 2024
The NAPLAN Tests at Newman Catholic College will be held with the main testing days to be conducted on 13, 14, 18, & 19 March. Catch-up testing will be conducted on 15, 20, 21, & 22 March for any absent student. Please remember this is just a snapshot of how your child is progressing on the day of the tests and is used to guide our strategic directions for literacy and numeracy growth across the College. Please make sure your child gets to bed early and has a good breakfast on each of the testing days.
Make sure your child has;
- Charged Laptop
- Plug-in Headphones * - Yr 7 have these in their book packs
- Pen or Pencil
- Laptop Mouse – if you want to use one, the trackpad is fine
*All Year 9 students must have plug-in headphones for NAPLAN
The schedule is below:
TEST NAME | DATE | LENGTH | Lesson 1 & 2 |
Practice Test | Monday 19 February | 40 minutes | Lesson 5 - 120pm |
Writing | Wednesday 13 March | 42 minutes | 9:00am - 9:42am |
Reading | Thursday 14 March | 65 minutes | 9:00am - 10:05am |
Conventions of Language | Monday 17 March | 45 minutes | 9:00am - 9:45am |
Numeracy | Tuesday 18 March | 65 minutes | 9:00am - 10:05am |
Any questions or concerns contact Emma Zell on
Mrs Emma Zell
Leader of Pedagogy
Pastoral Care - Year 7

Mr Chris Di Lucchio
Leader of Pastoral Care
Year 7
High school is well and truly underway for the Year 7 class of 2024, and I am writing to express my thanks and gratitude to families for their support over the first three weeks of Term 1. This week we had our first year level assembly for the year and I felt it was important that some of the messages I gave the students were delivered transparently to parents.
There have been so many positives but as a whole the group has taken the first step in their Newman Catholic College Journey, and have started to embrace the five NCC values of Truth, Courage, Wisdom, Unity and Compassion. Whilst there have been challenges, I have observed many acts of kindness and friendship in the classroom and the playground which have demonstrated the strong character of the group. Feedback from the classroom teachers has been positive regarding the way students have engaged in a range of different academic subjects. Be mindful that the requirements of Year 7 will continue to increase and the students will require support in managing this transition.
Newman reminders:
If you could please have a conversation with your child about some of the expectation of NCC:
- Mobile phone devices are not permitted at school and phones should always remain in lockers until 3:00pm. This includes Smartwatches.
- Chewing gum is banned from school. If students are found chewing gum at school, they will be given an after-school detention.
- Uniforms have been excellent, reminder HPE - Monday, Formal - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and House - Friday.
- Retreat in Week 6. Students need to provide their room preferences to Mr Di Lucchio by Wednesday Week 4.
- Lunch area needs to be kept to a better standard (Year 7 area).
At our very first gathering as a group I introduced a theme for the year "Get comfortable, being uncomfortable" and it was chosen to encourage the students to venture outside of their comfort zone to try new things and grow. I have observed so many students embrace this, and I look forward to seeing them continue to grow not only this year, but throughout their high school journey.
Mr Chris Di Lucchio
Leader of Pastoral Care Year 7
MyCE Parent Mobile App

Mr Wilbur Donovan
Deputy Principal
NEW MyCE Parent Mobile App
(replacing the current Parent Portal)
MyCE – short for My Catholic Education – is an app developed by Cairns Catholic Education to allow parents, guardians and caregivers to easily and securely access school and student information. It provides an interactive pathway for communication between home and school.
Note: If a caregiver has access to the app, they will not have access to Parent Slips unless they are a legal guardian.
Some of the most useful features include:
- school contact and directory information
- notification of student absences
- links to Parent Slips and Parent Teacher Online
- student timetables
- access to your students’ academic reports
- the ability to add school calendar events to your personal calendar
Wilbur Donovan
Deputy Principal - Academic Studies

Student Illness and Absences

Religious Education

Mr Nigel Mitchell
Leader of Religious Education
By this stage of the term all classes will have begun their work in Religious Education. In Year 7 the main emphasis in Term 1 is on Sacred texts, including the Bible. Students will also be learning about Saint John Henry Newman and our school values. Our aim is to lay a strong foundation for the students’ ongoing Religious Education at Newman over the coming six years.
In Year 8 the students are also revisiting important sacred texts of our Christian tradition, especially in their study of the doctrine of the Trinity. And in Year 9 the students have begun their studies of the fundamental Christian beliefs in the Incarnation, the Resurrection and the Ascension.
All classes will aim to complete these topics by the end of Week 8, so that in the last two weeks of term we can concentrate on preparing for Holy Week and Easter.
We have a dedicated team of excellent teachers in the Religious Education faculty, most of whom also teach in other subjects and assist with integrating Religious Education across the curriculum. If you have any questions about Religious Education please do contact your student’s teacher or email me for more information. You will also be able to follow the course your student is following on Canvas.
We wish you every blessing in this holy season of Lent.
As Saint John Henry Newman said in one of his Lent sermons:
In truth, we must do nothing except with Him in our eye. As He it is, through whom alone we have the power to do any good thing, so unless we do it for Him it is not good. From Him our obedience comes, towards Him it must look. He says, “Without Me you can do nothing.” [John xv. 5.] No work is good without grace and without love.
(from Parochial and Plain Sermons, Vol. 6, No. 1)
Ash Wednesday Liturgy
The College gathered in the hall with Father Dariusz on Wednesday to celebrate a liturgy marking Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. Students and staff contributed to the liturgy with music, readings and prayers, and there was a very reverent and peaceful atmosphere in the service.
Father Dariusz reminded us that Lent is an invitation for us to re-engage with Jesus, and to know his love as a real thing in our lives. He encouraged us to respond to that love by looking out for opportunities to show kindness, to be generous, and to share God’s love with people around us.
Thanks to all who contributed to this liturgy, especially to Mrs Katherine Fraser and her wonderful team of staff and student musicians.
Mr Nigel Mitchell
Leader of Religious Education
Ash Wednesday Liturgy

Liturgy, Spirituality & Faith Formation

Mr Chris Graham
Leader of Liturgy, Spirituality & Faith Formation
Sacramental Program for 2024
The Northern Beaches Parish would like to invite you to an Information Evening on Wednesday 21 February at 6:00pm at Holy Cross Church, Trinity Park to launch the 2024 Sacramental Program.
Please refer to the information flyer for further details regarding this program or contact me via email
Holy Cross Lenten Program
Holy Cross Parish will be conducting a Lenten Program coommencing Wednesday 21 February at 6:00pm at the Holy Cross Church. For more information regarding the Lenten Program, please contact the Parish Office on 4057 6055 or email
Mr Chris Graham
Leader of Liturgy, Spirituality & Faith Formation
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer fermentum sagittis felis eu ullamcorper. Integer lobortis et leo ac molestie. Nunc malesuada tellus eu est commodo semper. Sed tempus placerat dapibus. Curabitur rhoncus convallis nisi, non ultrices mi sodales quis. Aliquam consectetur lectus at rhoncus iaculis.
Holy Cross Parish, Trinity Park - Mass times
- 7:00am -Sacred Heart Church, Freshwater
- 8:30am -Holy Cross Church, Trinity Park
- 10:00am -St Augustine's Church, Stratford
Tuesdays - 5:30pm - Holy Cross Church, Trinity Park
Wednesdays - 9:30am - All Saints' Chapel, Redlynch
Thursdays - 9:00am - St Augustine's Church, Stratford
Fridays - 7:00am - Sacred Heart Church, Freshwater
Saturdays - 6:00pm - Holy Cross Church, Trinity Park
High Potential Learners

Mr Ian Shotton
Leader of High Potential Learning
At Newman Catholic College our High Potential Learner program is designed using research-based practices to provide the best learning environment and experience we can. If your child is a High-Potential Learner (top 10% of their cohort) please see below for some ways that you can support your child at home as well.
- provide explorative activities in your child’s areas of interest
- engage in discussions and conversations about the world around them
- encourage questioning, exploration, and curiosity
- place value on learning
- monitor play activities to ensure a healthy balance, particularly when younger
- discuss how learning is about making mistakes, struggling at times, and not always about being the best at everything all the time. Try using role model examples in their area of interest, so they understand that life doesn’t always give them what they expect
- praise and celebrate effort – working together to understand that effort and achieving one’s personal best are important in maintaining a healthy perspective. Try discussing characters from the books they are reading to highlight the types of behaviours that return positive outcomes
- champion your child’s successes and coach them through their setbacks – point out that mistakes are evidence of learning and experiencing struggle often encourages resilience, persistence, and eventual success. Try discussing the great inventions we experience in life today, which are thanks to those who paved the way in making mistakes and yet persisting despite initial failures
- work on areas of strength without ignoring those areas which also need support
If you would like more information feel free to get in touch with the Leader for High Potential Learners at the College.
Ian Shotton
Leader of High Potential Learners
Science Matters

Mr Matt Radburnd
Leader of Science
Our Science classes are off to a flying start this term with students engaging in many exciting hands-on activities. Here are some brief highlights of our classes so far…
The Year 7’s have now familiarised themselves with the science labs and specialised equipment they will be using for the next few years. Many had the opportunity to laugh at their teachers demonstrating how to use a safety shower while wearing a raincoat. The students put their newfound knowledge to use during their first student experiment – Elephant’s Toothpaste.
Early in the school year we were approached by YEPS – Young Elephant Protection Society. After the recent floods they have been inundated with elephants in need of help at their shelter. Many don’t know, but Cairns has a small population of a rare species of elephant – Elaphantitis fictitious which are endemic to our region. The shelter is running low on basic supplies such as toothpaste, so we offered to help out. Students donned their safety goggles and gloves and prepared toothpaste by combining some common household chemicals. The experiment not only supported our local elephant shelter, but helped students to build their scientific inquiry skills in a fun environment.
Our Year 9’s experienced a slippery situation when they participated in a brain dissection last week. Students have been learning about the central nervous system and how various parts of the brain control different parts of the body. They consolidated their knowledge by dissecting a sheep’s brain and identifying the various parts. Students were amazed just how soft and fragile the brain really is and will now hopefully always wear a helmet when riding their scooters under close parent supervision. The year 8’s are still studying rocks and will be carrying out a number of activities in the lab that simulate the formation of the 3 main types of rocks – igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary.
In Health Science students have started exploring the wonderful world of biomolecules. They are learning how molecules contained in the foods we eat, build and fuel our amazing human bodies. They are currently building their creative and critical thinking skills which they will use for this semester’s project-based learning around healthcare systems and health professionals. Part of this project will involve an excursion to the Cairns hospital where they will experience hands-on activities under the guidance of healthcare professionals in our community.
Our Year 7 and 9 Marine Science students are being treated to a series of lessons as part of the Reef Cooperative Education Program. Deryn Thaiday and Tarquin Singleton from the Reef Cooperative, alongside Marie Taylor from Seacountry education, joined us last week to deliver the first session about Yirrganydji culture and connections to sea country. Over coming weeks, they will deliver more lessons and hands-on activities, including topics such as reef interventions and management and pathways into reef management. This will provide a great opportunity for students to learn about how traditional owners, scientists and government agencies are taking a collaborative approach to managing our greatest natural asset.
Ten lucky Marine Science students will be taking a giant stride (diver pun) toward international stardom this term when they join a team of marine biologists from the Citizens of the Great Barrier Reef to help shoot a new CNN documentary. Students will be heading out to two different reef sites onboard the Dreamtime Dive and Snorkel vessel to shoot some footage of them participating in the Great Reef Census. This is a world-first citizen science effort to gather information on many unsurveyed parts of our 2300km long reef. During this project every boat, and every citizen can contribute to a large-scale effort to collect and analyse scientific data that shapes management decisions for the future of our reef. I look forward to providing some pictures from our day out next newsletter. The documentary should air globally around the middle of the year.
Matt Radburnd
Leader of Science
Science Photos

English Department

Ms Monika Borowiecki
Leader of English
Debating Competitions
Well done to the 26 students who have signed up to participate in debating in some shape and form this year. Students are aware that they can use Mondays and Fridays at recess to prepare for debating at Room 2.17. Currently students are preparing for their audition that needs to occur by the end of Week 5. The topics are below.
- Year 7: That sport is the best form of exercise.
- Year 8: That more modern home technology saves time.
- Year 9: That imagination is more important than knowledge.
As stated in the previous newsletter, the Catholic Diocese Schools’ Debating Competition is occurring at our school this year. It will begin on Tuesdays, Week 10 this term.
Monika Borewiecki
Leader of English

HASS Department

Miss Sarah Hill Murray
Acting Leader of HASS
Welcome to another year at Newman Catholic College. I have been so excited to come on board and experience everything that this wonderful academic institution is able to offer in our HASS learning area. There have been a few changes to how HASS is running this year which you may or may not be aware of, due to v9 of the Australian Curriculum rolling out.
Firstly, in Years 8 and 9, only History is required as a core subject, and so our students will be studying this in a semester-run class. Geography, Economics & Business and Civics have all branched off into electives now, also semester-based in these years. Year 7 still studies all strands in HASS with the Civics unit moved to the elective line, which is a term based elective. However, Civics components are still interwoven throughout the year, particularly in the 7 History units.
This term in Year 7, we are studying our Economics & Business unit 'Successful Business'. In this unit, we would really like to encourage parents of our students who own or operate businesses to please get in contact with your child's teacher, as we would love to be able to link the concepts and skills taught in this unit with real-life, tangible experiences and learning.
In Year 8, our students are studying 'Medieval Europe', a unit that always excites and engages our students with the past. In Year 9, students are exploring the impact of the Industrial Revolution and its impact across Europe and Australia.
Assignments for classes are beginning to be released across the HASS classes, so keep an eye out for checkpoints and due dates. We appreciate your support in working alongside your children to engage in these tasks.
If you have any questions about this information, please feel free to contact me at
Sarah Hill-Murray
Acting Leader of HASS

Ms Kim Auld
Leader of Technologies
As we embark on another exciting term at Newman Catholic College, it's time to acknowledge the remarkable achievements and endeavours of our students across various subjects. From the captivating world of Digital Technology to the intricate realms of Design and Technologies, here's a glimpse into the accomplishments and ongoing projects across our curriculum:
Year 7 Digital Technology:
In Digital Technology, our Year 7 students are immersing themselves in the art of game design. After mastering the fundamentals of mechanics and components, they're now gearing up to translate their ideas into reality using GDevelop gaming software.
Year 7 students are delving into the realm of coding using block code, with a focus on sequences and variables in Scratch. Meanwhile, their counterparts in Year 8 Robotics are gearing up for the VEX robotic competition, Full Volume, as they prepare to construct their Hero Robot for an upcoming class competition.
Exploring the skies, Year 7 Aerospace students have delved into aviation history and aircraft types, while Year 8 counterparts have ventured into investigating various aviation career pathways.
Year 9 Aerospace and Robotics:
Year 9 students are navigating the intricate world of aircraft mechanics and components before transitioning into the realm of coding with Arduino.
Food Technology:
All students have completed On-Guard Training, emphasising safe practices in our Food Studio. With a focus on healthy food choices, students are engaged in producing prototypes and mastering culinary techniques, accompanied by process journals and practical cooking tests.
Year 7 and 8 students are creatively utilising recycled materials to craft wearable garments and sewn items. Both levels are tasked with completing pillowcases, with Year 8 incorporating patchwork into their designs.
From capturing environmental data to building load-bearing structures, students across different levels are immersed in integrated STEM learning. Year 9 students are exploring architectural design processes and utilising generative AI to enhance creativity.
Design and Technologies:
Students across year levels are engaged in hands-on projects, from designing timber dragsters to constructing Lollie Dispensers and mastering CAD software for 3D printing. Year 9 students are delving into industry-used AutoCAD for designing gliders.
Extra Curricular:
In addition to academic pursuits, students have the opportunity to participate in ESports on Nintendo Switch during lunchtime with Mr. Akers.
As we celebrate these achievements and ongoing endeavours, we commend our students for their dedication, creativity, and passion across a diverse range of subjects. Here's to another term filled with exploration, innovation, and growth at Newman Catholic College!
Mrs Kim Auld
Leader of Technologies

Languages Department

Shixang Chen
Leader of Languages
Dear Language Enthusiasts
We hope this newsletter finds you well and filled with excitement for all the upcoming activities and events in the Languages Department. As always, we are dedicated to providing engaging and enriching experiences for our students, and we have some exciting updates to share with you all.
Language Club in the Electronics Lab
Our Language Club continues to thrive during the first break in the Electronics Lab. This vibrant space is where language lovers come together to explore and immerse themselves in the beauty of Chinese, Japanese, French, Italian, and Spanish. From discussing music and pop culture to delving into captivating films and stories, there's always something fascinating happening in our language club.
2024 Lunar New Year Celebration
As we embrace the spirit of the Lunar New Year, the Asian languages team has organised special activities to celebrate this auspicious occasion. Join us for a variety of engaging activities, including:
Lucky Dip: Test your luck and uncover exciting surprises with our lucky dip! Prizes await those who participate, so don't miss out on this chance to add some extra joy to your day. Please see Mr. Akers for details.
Drawing Couplets and Decorations: Get creative and celebrate the Lunar New Year by participating in our drawing activity. Design your own couplets and decorations, infusing them with the symbolism and traditions of this special holiday. Please see Mr. Chen for details.
We invite all students to join us in commemorating the Lunar New Year and experiencing the rich cultural heritage of Asia.
Upcoming Events
Stay tuned for more exciting events and activities planned by the Languages Department. Whether you're passionate about language, culture, or both, there's something for everyone to enjoy.
We would like to extend our gratitude to all the students who actively participate in our language club and events. Your enthusiasm and dedication contribute to the vibrant language-learning community we strive to foster.
If you have any questions or suggestions for future events, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We value your feedback and are always eager to hear from you.
Wishing you all a prosperous Lunar New Year filled with happiness, good fortune, and success!
Shixiang Chen
Leader of Languages

Sport News

Mrs Linda Gough
Coordinator of Sport
There is plenty happening in Sport at Newman.
Newman Cross Country date change: The Newman Cross Country will now be in Week 10 – Wednesday 27th March. More information about the Cross Country will come out shortly.
TCN trials this week:
- 13 – 15 years Girls AFL at Smithfield SHS – Wednesday 14th Feb
- 13 – 15 years Boys AFL at Smithfield SHS – Wednesday 14th Feb
- 13 – 15 years Boys/Girls Volleyball at Smithfield SHS – Thursday 15th Feb
Congratulations to our students who went to TCN trials last week. Newman displayed excellent sportsmanship on the fields and some students made TCN teams. These students will be notified and sent paperwork to attend the Peninsuala trials. Well done!
Soccer - Evie Titmarsh and Dylan Bird
Basketball - Saffryn Turner and Evie Morgan
Netball - Mia Todd, Liv White, Zahra Bailey and Ella Rogers
Rugby League - Mia Lees and Lucas Ross
AFL - Liam Duffy, Brady Kreeck, Sachin Taranto, Jonathon Barille, Daniel Cook, Summa Appleby, Savannah Bell, Evie Morgan, Saffryn Turner,Indiana Schwarz, Mia Lees.
TCN trials. Each school can send between 5 – 10 boys and 5 – 10 girls per age grouping as per TCN calendar. If there are more than 10 students, students are required to attend a trial at school during lunch times. From these lunch time trials, students will be selected and notified to attend the TCN trial.
Peninsula paperwork must be completed and signed by Parents/Carers as well as Principal Graham prior to attending the trial. No paperwork = no trial.
If you would like any further information about sport at school – please send me an email
Mrs Linda Gough
Coordinator of Sport
TCN Representatives

E-Scooter Rules and Safety
From the Desk of Officer Marshall
Welcome to the 2024 School Year. I hope you all had a safe and happy festive season creating beautiful memories with your families and loved ones.
I am the School Based Police Officer based in Cairns.
I have been approached by several Schools with concerns around E-Scooters, (personal mobility devices (PMD) there use, safety and the rules.
Here is an easy-to-understand dot point of the rules and links to Streetsmarts Qld to support riders and everyone they interact with.
E-scooter rules
Rules for riders of e-scooters, e-skateboards (PMD).
- The Speed limits for PMDs is 12km/h on footpaths and shared paths, and 25km/h max elsewhere unless signed otherwise.
- Fine for using a mobile phone whilst riding.
- It is Mandatory to wear a helmet (either bicycle or motorcycle).
- Devices with handlebars require bells.
- Age limits:
- Only those aged 16+ can ride e-scooters and e-skateboards.
- 12–15-year-olds can only ride with adult supervision. (Adult supervisors must have close direct oversight of the juvenile PMD rider at all times to provide direction, guidance and potential intervention.)
- Primary school aged children, under 12 years, shouldn't be riding e-scooters or e-skateboards.
- No passengers – one person only at a time per scooter.
- Where to ride:
- Paths – footpaths, shared paths, separated paths and bike paths.
- Local streets (speed limit of 50km/h or less, no dividing centre line)
- On-road bike lanes (where the road speed limit is 50km/h or less, or where the lane is physically separated from the road).

Visit for more details visit
Below are a list of helpful numbers and links for contacting Police.
If you are in danger call Ph: 000
- Hoonline Ph: 134666 (13HOON) to report hooning or traffic complaints.
- School watch Ph: 131788 Look out for and report any after hours crime in our schools.
- Police Link Ph: 131 444 Non-emergency Police reporting 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- Crime stoppers Ph:1800333000 Anonymously report.
- Cairns Police Station Ph: 40307000
For regular police updates please opt to follow us on social media:
- MyPolice Greater Cairns Facebook Page for further community and crime updates
- MyPolice Far North NEWS website:
- MyPolice Tablelands
- MyPolice Cassowary Coast
- MyPolice Cape York
MyPolice Torres Strait Islands and NPA
Follow us on Twitter:
Like us on Facebook:
Watch us on YouTube:
Until next time, keep safe out there.
Officer Natasha Marshall
Senior Constable
School Based Police Officer
Far North District Domestic & Family Violence & Vulnerable Person Unit
Special Programs and Partnerships

After School Wakeboarding Classes 👍
Our Advanced Training Program provides the coaching and direction children need to stay on track and focussed while learning every aspect of wakeboarding in a safe and fun environment‼
✔ Sessions are school term based and provide wakeboarding & wakeskate training that has every rider learn the basic and not so basic skills required to progress in the sport.
✔ Our classes are after school from 3:30pm - 5:30pm on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday.
✔ Choose your day to train and sign up for a 10-week term. 1 class per week will teach skills to work on while free riding throughout the rest of the week.
✔ All children that participate in the sessions show continuous improvements in their technique and skills and improve every week.
✔ Get in touch to find out how to get your children involved. Call 4038 1304 or email us at
Mr Alex Starmer
Leader of Special Programs & Partnerships
Cafe News

Flexischools New Cut-Off time - 7:45am each school day.
All orders for the Cafe are to be placed by 7:45am. Parents are asked to note the new cut-off time of 7:45am. A reminder if you have more than one child you are ordering for, please place each child's order seperately. Orders are to be collected by students at 1st Recess at 10:20am.
Thank you for your assistance.
Mrs Julie Davies
Cafe Supervisor

Uniform Shop

Uniform Shop Open Hours
Monday to Friday - 1st Recess 10:20am - 11:00am
Tuesday and Thursday afternoons 2:30pm - 3:30pm
When ordering through Flexischools, if the order is placed before 5:00pm it is available for collection the next working day at 1st Recess (10:20am).
College Uniforms
If you require new uniforms for 2024, please use the link through Flexischools to purchase. If you have not used Flexischools before, below are instructions on how to set up your account. If your child has any outgrown uniforms you wish to donate, we would love to assist and help families in need.
Please bring your secondhand uniforms into the College Office.
Reminders regarding Uniforms
Please ensure to label all items:
- Uniforms are to be worn as a complete set - no mixing between formal and sports uniforms
- Tracksuit jackets are able to be worn with both formal and sports uniforms
- Tracksuit pants are only be to be worn for sporting excursions or camps/retreats
- The jacket and pants are not compulsory, however, no other jackets can be worn.
Students are required to wear completely black leather lace-up shoes when wearing their formal uniform. No colour trim is allowed. Below are examples of acceptable and non-acceptable

F@N News - President's Report

Mr Ray Cowan
F@N President
A Heartfelt Welcome to the 2024 College Year
My name is Ray Cowan, and I am the President of Families@Newman. I am delighted to extend a warm and enthusiastic welcome to all new and existing families as we embark on the exciting journey of the 2024 college year. Your presence enriches the fabric of our community, and we are thrilled to have you as part of our extended family.
At Newman Catholic College, we believe in fostering a sense of community and collaboration, and what better way to strengthen these bonds than through our monthly meetings? Join us every 2nd Monday of the month as we come together at 6:30pm to discuss important matters, share ideas, and build connections that make our College experience truly special with our families.
We invite you to become an integral part of our friendly team by either joining as a committee member or volunteering for all or 1 of our upcoming events. Your participation not only enhances the sense of community but also contributes to the success of the vibrant programs we have planned for this academic year.
Upcoming Events:
Term 1 - Family Fun Night & Potluck Dinner
- Date: Saturday, 24 February 2024
Time: 5:30pm - 8:00pm An evening filled with fun, laughter, and a shared potluck dinner. Come together with your fellow families for an unforgettable night. - 11 March next F@N meeting 6:30pm plus Canvas presentation by Wilbur Donovan followed by tea & coffee
Term 2 – Student Disco/Parent Coffee Night
Date: Friday 17 May 2024. Stay tuned for more details!
Term 3 – Barefoot Bowls
Date: Saturday 10 August 2024
Term 4 - Christmas on the Green
Date: Thursday 28 November 2024
As we embark on this new academic year, let's celebrate the spirit of togetherness, friendship, and shared experiences. Newman College is more than just a place of learning; it's a community where everyone has a role to play and a voice to be heard.
Looking forward to meeting each one of you at our events and monthly meetings. Together, let's make 2024 a memorable and enriching experience for all.
Warm regards,
Ray Cowan
President - F@N Committee